The quadratic effect of extraversion was significant in comorbidity models, demonstrating increased risk as one progresses from slight extraversion to extreme introversion, independent of neuroticism. Interpersonal support significantly predicted UMD, AD, and comorbid diagnoses in an approximately linear fashion. Specificity tests indicated that these effects remained when including the other diagnosis in each model. Findings suggest the value of attending to extraverted traits and encouraging social connection regardless of risk status in prevention and treatment approaches. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).The majority of research on children with incarcerated parents has focused on documenting main effects and adjustment problems among children and families. Although the focus on problems has been crucial in mobilizing support for this population, the field is now at a critical turning point where researchers are calling for more attention to resilience. We argue here that a family resilience perspective is useful in considering child and family level processes that may mitigate the harmful impact of parental incarceration. In contributing to a family resilience agenda, we first review evidence that points to parental incarceration as a risk to children. We then examine research that highlights children's competence in the face of adversity as well as adaptive family processes, such as parenting and contact with the incarcerated parent, that contribute to children's well-being. We offer recommendations for methodological innovation aimed at assessing competence, evaluating interventions, and incorporating multimethod approaches that capture dynamic processes and developmental change. We conclude with practice and policy implications and emphasize how a family resilience agenda suggests the need to contextualize developmental and family strengths within broader systems of discrimination and oppression. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).While recent survey findings suggest graduate programs in health service psychology (HSP) are allocating the same or increased time to education and training in psychological assessment over the last two decades, there is a lack of clear guidance for programs to implement practices associated with quality education and training. These Guidelines (found in full at https// were developed to address this critical need. Developed by a task force of the American Psychological Association Board of Educational Affairs in 2018 and 2019, the Guidelines serve to inform faculty/supervisors, students, and the public as to quality practices associated with graduate education and training in psychological assessment. They are organized around seven domains theory; psychological assessment process; psychometrics; tests and methods; ethics, legal issues, and professionalism; diversity; and supervision. These domains are drawn from a review of the scholarly literature on psychological assessment, as well as graduate psychology education and training. The domains and their associated Guidelines are interdependent, and, while some overlap exists among them, they should be considered in their entirety. While a summary of each section is provided in the present article, the full explanation of each domain is presented in the actual Guidelines document. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).Despite good faith attempts by countless citizens, civil society, governments, and the international community, living in a sustainably peaceful community continues to be an elusive dream in much of our world. Among the challenges to sustaining peace is the fact that few scholars have studied enduringly peaceful societies, or have examined only narrow aspects of them, leaving our understanding of the necessary conditions, processes and policies fragmented, and deficient. This article provides a work-in-progress overview of a multidisciplinary, multimethod initiative, which aims to provide a holistic, evidence-based understanding of how peace can be sustained in societies. The Sustaining Peace Project, launched in 2014, uses complexity science as an integrative platform for synthesizing knowledge across disciplines, sectors and communities. This article introduces the multiple components of the project and shares preliminary findings. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).Here we evaluate the potential for growth mindset interventions (that teach students that intellectual abilities can be developed) to inspire adolescents to be "learners"-that is, to seek out challenging learning experiences. In a previous analysis, the U.S. National Study of Learning Mindsets (NSLM) showed that a growth mindset could improve the grades of lower-achieving adolescents, and, in an exploratory analysis, increase enrollment in advanced math courses across achievement levels. Yet, the importance of being a "learner" in today's global economy requires clarification and replication of potential challenge-seeking effects, as well as an investigation of the school affordances that make intervention effects on challenge-seeking possible. To this end, the present article presents new analyses of the U.S. NSLM (N = 14,472) to (a) validate a standardized, behavioral measure of challenge-seeking (the "make-a-math worksheet" task), and (b) show that the growth mindset treatment increased challenge-seeking on this task. Second, a new experiment conducted with nearly all schools in 2 counties in Norway, the U-say experiment (N = 6,541), replicated the effects of the growth mindset intervention on the behavioral challenge-seeking task and on increased advanced math course-enrollment rates. Treated students took (and subsequently passed) advanced math at a higher rate. Critically, the U-say experiment provided the first direct evidence that a structural factor-school policies governing when and how students opt in to advanced math-can afford students the possibility of profiting from a growth mindset intervention or not. These results highlight the importance of motivational research that goes beyond grades or performance alone and focuses on challenge-seeking. The findings also call attention to the affordances of school contexts that interact with student motivation to promote better achievement and economic trajectories. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).