Frozen shoulder is a common epidemiological affliction. Data acquired from people who suffer from this type of damage in other joints such as the hip, wrist and ankle also exist; although these syndromes are less common. Treatment for frozen shoulder is primarily physical (physiotherapy, manual therapy), secondary medical (corticosteroid injections) and finally surgical but with limited success. The difficulty in treating this type of condition successfully lies in the lack of knowledge about the risk factors involved and the pathophysiology underlying this mysterious syndrome. This review gives an overview of the current scientific position of frozen shoulder in terms of evolutionary factors, etiology, the different mechanisms of action involved, current treatment options and other possible interventions based on recent discoveries of pathophysiological mechanisms. The overall objective is to clarify several unknown aspects of a syndrome that affects up to 5% of the world's population.General Practice/Family Medicine (GP/FM) is a key discipline within primary health care and so by extension for the whole health care system. An essential condition for effective GP/FM care is a work force that is highly qualified. As society is changing rapidly, a revision of the GP/FM definition is ongoing, in addition to a recent movement of identifying related core values. In this paper, we want to give an overview on how these new paths and perspectives are currently reflected in GP/FM teaching and training. We selected four core values that fit in with possible future visions person-centered care, continuity of care, cooperation in care, and community-oriented care. By a narrative review, we observed that GP/FM education toward core values is often built around overarching topics. Teaching and learning take place in specific contexts, most of all through placements within communities, primary care settings, or hospital wards. Mixed teaching- and training methods are used combining knowledge, skills, and attitude. Furthermore, collaboration with other health professionals and peers is stressed, in addition to the importance of role models, a holistic focus and the involvement of patients. Since these core values are important within GP/FM and rather few studies on the educational aspects and learning tools were found we advocate encouraging each other more to share good practices, certainly the innovative ones specifically related to GP/FM.Background Spousal care is the most important source of informal care in old age. Nevertheless, despite the growing importance of this issue, the association between providing spousal care inside the household and pain remains unexplored in Europe. Objective and Methods This study aims to estimate the prevalence of pain reported by spouse caregivers aged 65 plus that provide care inside the household and to investigate the association between providing spousal care and pain. Data from 17 European countries that participated in wave 6 of the Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) is used. The analyses are based on 26,301 respondents aged 65 years and older who provide informal care inside the household to their spouse/partner exclusively (N = 1,895) or do not provide any informal care (inside or outside the household) (24,406). Descriptive statistics and multilevel logistic regressions (individual-level as level 1, and country as level 2) were performed. Results Overall, spouse caregivers report pain more often (63.4%) than their non-caregiver's counterparts (50.3%). Important differences in the prevalence of pain among spouse caregivers were found between countries, with Portugal (80.3%), Spain (74.6%), France (73%), Italy (72.4%), and Slovenia (72.1) showing the highest prevalence of pain, and Denmark (36%), Switzerland (41.5) and Sweden (42.3%), the lowest. Results from multilevel logistic regressions show that European individuals aged 65+ who provide spousal care have an increased likelihood of reporting pain (OR 1.30; CI = 1.13-1.48). Conclusion Our results suggest that in Europe, spouse caregivers aged 65+ are at greater risk of experiencing pain. Therefore, European policymakers should consider spouse caregivers as a health priority group, and take measures to ensure they receive comprehensive health and socio-economic support.Medical treatments for endometriosis aim to control pain symptoms and stop progression of endometriotic lesions. However, their adverse effects and their contraceptive effect in women who desire pregnancy, limit their long terms use. Although there is only one study investigating the effects of metformin on women with endometriosis, metformin seems to have a unique therapeutic potential. It may be a helpful anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative agent in the treatment of endometriosis. As such metformin may be more beneficial thanks to the lack of serious side effects.Here we present a case of severe post-partum pneumonia that we observed at the end of January 2020. Specimen of blood was cultured and revealed Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteremia. However, the course of infection was atypical and the recovery time particularly long. Subsequently emerged COVID-19 hallmarks suggested to re-evaluate the case. After a multidisciplinary consultation, we concluded that, considering the clinical and imaging characteristics, the most likely hypothesis was that the patient was affected by novel Coronavirus pneumonia. The present case supports the hypothesis that Coronavirus might have circulated in northern Italy for weeks before its official detection.We report the disparate clinical progression of a couple infected by SARS-CoV-2 based on their immune checkpoint (IC) levels and immune cell distribution in blood from admission to exitus in patient 1 and from admission to discharge and recovery in patient 2. A detailed clinical follow-up accompanied by a longitudinal analysis of immune phenotypes and IC levels is shown. The continuous increase in the soluble IC ligand galectin-9 (Gal-9) and the increment in T-cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain-containing 3 (TIM-3) protein in T cells in patient 1 suggests an activation of the Gal-9/TIM-3 axis and, subsequently, a potential cell exhaustion in this patient that did not occur in patient 2. Our data indicate that the Gal-9/TIM-3 axis could be a potential target in this clinical setting, along with a patent effector memory T-cell reduction.