The lateral line (LL) is a sensory system that allows fish and amphibians to detect water currents. LL responsiveness is modulated by efferent neurons that aid in distinguishing between external and self-generated stimuli, maintaining sensitivity to relevant cues. One component of the efferent system is cholinergic, the activation of which inhibits afferent activity. LL hair cells (HCs) share structural, functional, and molecular similarities with those of the cochlea, making them a popular model for studying human hearing and balance disorders. Because of these commonalities, one could propose that the receptor at the LL efferent synapse is a α9α10 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR). However, the identities of the molecular players underlying ACh-mediated inhibition in the LL remain unknown. Surprisingly, through the analysis of single-cell expression studies and in situ hybridization, we describe that α9, but not the α10, subunits are enriched in zebrafish HCs. Moreover, the heterologous expression ofivity have not been identified. Here we demonstrate that, different from the hearing organ of vertebrate species, a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor composed only of α9 subunits operates at the LL efferent synapse. Activation of α9-containing receptors leads to LL HC hyperpolarization because of the opening of small-conductance Ca2+-activated potassium channels. These results will further aid in the interpretation of data obtained from LL HCs as a model for cochlear HCs.Clinical µ-opioid receptor (MOR) agonists produce hyperalgesic priming, a form of maladaptive nociceptor neuroplasticity, resulting in pain chronification. We have established an in vitro model of opioid-induced hyperalgesic priming (OIHP), in male rats, to identify nociceptor populations involved and its maintenance mechanisms. OIHP was induced in vivo by systemic administration of fentanyl and confirmed by prolongation of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) hyperalgesia. Intrathecal cordycepin, which reverses Type I priming, or the combination of Src and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) inhibitors, which reverses Type II priming, both partially attenuated OIHP. Parallel in vitro experiments were performed on small-diameter ( less then 30 µm) dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons, cultured from fentanyl-primed rats, and rats with OIHP treated with agents that reverse Type I or Type II priming. Enhancement of the sensitizing effect of a low concentration of PGE2 (10 nm), another characteristic feature of priming, mealucidate its underlying mechanism, at the cellular level, we established an in vitro model of OIHP. In dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons cultured from rats primed with fentanyl, robust nociceptor population-specific changes in sensitization by prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) were observed, when compared with nociceptors from opioid naive rats. In DRG neurons cultured from rats with OIHP, enhanced PGE2-induced sensitization was observed in vitro, with differences identified in non-peptidergic [strongly isolectin B4 (IB4)-positive] and peptidergic [weakly IB4-positive (IB4+) and IB4-negative (IB4-)] nociceptors.Humans can vividly recall and re-experience events from their past, and these are commonly referred to as episodic or autobiographical memories. fMRI experiments reliably associate autobiographical event recall with activity in a network of "default" or "core" brain regions. However, as prior studies have relied on covert (silent) recall procedures, current understanding may be hampered by methodological limitations that obscure dynamic effects supporting moment-to-moment content retrieval. Here, fMRI participants (N = 40) overtly (verbally) recalled memories for ∼2 min periods. The content of spoken descriptions was categorized using a variant of the Autobiographical Interview (AI) procedure (Levine et al., 2002) and temporally re-aligned with BOLD data so activity accompanying the recall of different details could be measured. Replicating prior work, sustained effects associated with autobiographical recall periods (which are insensitive to the moment-to-moment content of retrieval) fell primarily within cavert (silent) in-scanner recall to study autobiographical memory, which prevents experimenter knowledge of what information is being retrieved, and when, throughout the remembering process. In this experiment, participants overtly described autobiographical memories while undergoing fMRI. Activity associated with the recall and description of specific details was transient, broadly distributed, and grounded in category-selective cortex. Thus, it appears that as events unfold mentally, structures are dynamically reactivated to support vivid recollection.Humans are less likely to learn from individuals belonging to a different group (outgroup) than from individuals of their own group (ingroup), yet the source of this societally relevant deficit has remained unclear. Here we used neuroimaging and computational modeling to investigate how people learn from observing the actions and outcomes of ingroup and outgroup demonstrators. Politically left-wing male and female participants performed worse when observing computer-simulated actions they believed were from a right-wing outgroup member compared with those from a left-wing ingroup member. A control experiment in which participants observed choices from a nonhuman agent confirmed that this performance difference reflected an outgroup deficit, rather than an ingroup gain. Accounting for the outgroup deficit, a computational model showed that participants relied less on information from outgroup actions compared with ingroup actions, while learning from outgroup outcomes was not impaired. At the neural level, thearning from outgroup outcomes is not impaired. On the neural level, this outgroup deficit was reflected in the activation of the inferior frontal gyrus. These findings imply that intergroup learning should rely on observing outcomes, rather than actions.Motion perception is a vital part of our sensory repertoire in that it contributes to navigation, awareness of moving objects, and communication. Motion sense in carnivores and primates originates with primary visual cortical neurons selective for motion direction. More than 60 years after the discovery of these neurons, there is still no consensus on the mechanism underlying direction selectivity. This paper describes a model of the cat's visual system in which direction selectivity results from the well-documented orientation selectivity of inhibitory neurons inhomogeneities in the orientation preference map for inhibitory neurons leads to spatially asymmetric inhibition, and thus to direction selectivity. Stimulation of the model with a drifting grating shows that direction selectivity results from the relative timing of excitatory and inhibitory inputs to a neuron. Using a stationary contrast-reversing grating reveals that the inhibitory input is spatially displaced in the preferred direction relative to the excitatory input, and that this asymmetry leads to the timing difference.