Practicality was a valued attribute of academic psychological theory during its initial decades, but usefulness has since faded in importance to the field. Theories are now evaluated mainly on their ability to account for decontextualized laboratory data and not their ability to help solve societal problems. With laudable exceptions in the clinical, intergroup, and health domains, most psychological theories have little relevance to people's everyday lives, poor accessibility to policymakers, or even applicability to the work of other academics who are better positioned to translate the theories to the practical realm. We refer to the lack of relevance, accessibility, and applicability of psychological theory to the rest of society as the practicality crisis. The practicality crisis harms the field in its ability to attract the next generation of scholars and maintain viability at the national level. We describe practical theory and illustrate its use in the field of self-regulation. Psychological theory is historically and scientifically well positioned to become useful should scholars in the field decide to value practicality. We offer a set of incentives to encourage the return of social psychology to the Lewinian vision of a useful science that speaks to pressing social issues.Introduction The peak age of diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) occurs during childbearing years, therefore management of IBD during pregnancy is a frequent occurrence. Maintenance of disease remission is crucial to optimize pregnancy outcomes, and potential maternal or fetal toxicity from medications must be balanced against the risks of untreated IBD.Areas covered This review summarizes the literature on safety and use of medications for IBD during pregnancy and lactation.Expert opinion 5-aminosalicylates, corticosteroids and thiopurines are safe for use during pregnancy, while methotrexate and tofacitinib should only be used with extreme caution. Anti-TNF agents (except certolizumab), vedolizumab, ustekinumab and tofacitinib readily traverse the placenta via active transport, therefore theoretically may affect fetal development. Certolizumab only undergoes passive transfer across the placenta, thus has markedly lower cord blood levels making it likely the safest biologic agent for infants. There is reasonable evidence to support the safety of anti-TNF monotherapy and combination therapy during pregnancy and lactation. Vedolizumab and ustekinumab are also thought to be safe in pregnancy and lactation, while tofacitinib is generally avoided due to teratogenic effects in animal studies.This corrects the article DOI 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.217201.This corrects the article DOI 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.037401.We theoretically propose and experimentally demonstrate the use of motional sidebands in a trapped ensemble of ^87Rb atoms to engineer tunable long-range XXZ spin models. We benchmark our simulator by probing a ferromagnetic to paramagnetic dynamical phase transition in the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model, a collective XXZ model plus additional transverse and longitudinal fields, via Rabi spectroscopy. We experimentally reconstruct the boundary between the dynamical phases, which is in good agreement with mean-field theoretical predictions. Our work introduces new possibilities in quantum simulation of anisotropic spin-spin interactions and quantum metrology enhanced by many-body entanglement.We show how state-dependent optical potentials can be used to trap a pair of molecules in different internal states at a separation much smaller than the wavelength of the trapping light. This close spacing greatly enhances the dipole-dipole interaction and we show how it can be used to implement two-qubit gates between molecules that are 100 times faster than existing protocols and than rotational coherence times already demonstrated. We analyze complications due to hyperfine structure, tensor light shifts, photon scattering, and collisional loss, and conclude that none is a barrier to implementing the scheme.Many-body localization (MBL) provides a mechanism to avoid thermalization in many-body quantum systems. Here, we show that an emergent symmetry can protect a state from MBL. Specifically, we propose a Z_2 symmetric model with nonlocal interactions, which has an analytically known, SU(2) invariant, critical ground state. At large disorder strength, all states at finite energy density are in a glassy MBL phase, while the lowest energy states are not. These do, however, localize when a perturbation destroys the emergent SU(2) symmetry. The model also provides an example of MBL in the presence of nonlocal, disordered interactions that are more structured than a power law. Finally, we show how the protected state can be moved into the bulk of the spectrum.Innovation is the driving force of human progress. Recent urn models reproduce well the dynamics through which the discovery of a novelty may trigger further ones, in an expanding space of opportunities, but neglect the effects of social interactions. Here we focus on the mechanisms of collective exploration, and we propose a model in which many urns, representing different explorers, are coupled through the links of a social network and exploit opportunities coming from their contacts. We study different network structures showing, both analytically and numerically, that the pace of discovery of an explorer depends on its centrality in the social network. Our model sheds light on the role that social structures play in discovery processes.The tight-binding model has been spectacularly successful in elucidating the electronic and optical properties of a vast number of materials. Within the tight-binding model, the hopping parameters that determine much of the band structure are often taken as constants. Here, using ABA-stacked trilayer graphene as the model system, we show that, contrary to conventional wisdom, the hopping parameters and therefore band structures are not constants, but are systematically variable depending on their relative alignment angle between h-BN. Moreover, the addition or removal of the h-BN substrate results in an inversion of the K and K^' valley in trilayer graphene's lowest Landau level. Our work illustrates the oft-ignored and rather surprising impact of the substrates on band structures of 2D materials.