Anterior glenohumeral instability is an increasingly common injury among young military servicemen. First-time dislocations occurring in combination with anterior labral tears and humeral avulsion of glenohumeral ligament lesions, although rare, significantly contribute to further shoulder dysfunction with recurrent instability and pain. Tears of the pectoralis major are also a type of injury more common in the military population, with operative management resulting in decreased strength. We present a unique case of a young, active duty male that sustains an anterior shoulder dislocation with a concomitant pectoralis major tendon rupture while bench press weight lifting in preparation for the Army Special Forces selection. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case presented in the literature describing management of a simultaneous anterior shoulder dislocation, humeral avulsion of glenohumeral ligament lesion, and pectoralis major tendon rupture treated with a single operation. After aggressive rehabilitation, the patient was able to successfully pass Special Forces selection and has near full function of the operative shoulder with remarkable satisfaction scores.Methoxphenidine (MXP, 2-MeO-diphenidine) is a dissociative anaesthetic drug of the diarylethylamine type, recently introduced for recreational purposes through the online-based sale of new psychoactive substances (NPS). The concentration of MXP in hair has never been reported, either in cases of chemsex use or in fatal cases. A 55-year-old man was found dead at home the morning after a chemsex party. Toxicological analyses indicated high concentrations of MXP in femoral blood (606 µg/L), cardiac blood (254 µg/L), and hair (13 ng/mg). We also identified 3-MMC in femoral blood (traces) and urine (238 µg/L). The concentrations of all other drugs were consistent with living subjects. This case highlights the risk of methoxphenidine poisoning in the context of chemsex and emphasises the importance of including NPS in post-mortem toxicology examinations.In the modern era of rapid advances in the field of antimicrobial 'precision dosing' through therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM), there is growing pressure to adopt new technologies and expand the number of antimicrobials managed with TDM and/or the complexity of TDM methods. For many clinicians, it may seem inevitable that TDM must improve patient outcomes. However, based on the evidence to date, this concept remains largely a hypothesis. Conversely, it is plausible that focusing on TDM may distract from careful clinical monitoring of the patient for efficacy and drug-related toxicities and shift finite resources from other valuable interventions. In this article we make the case for embracing critical appraisal of precision dosing, remaining skeptical until persuaded by compelling evidence, and adopting new technologies only when they have proven their value over competing priorities; that is, we make the case for using 'conservative pharmacotherapy'. To estimate the effect of housing insecurity on sleep duration and sleep quality. Using longitudinal data from a sample of 1,046 welfare recipients in the state of California followed from 2015-2016 through 2017-2018, we regressed self-reported measures of sleep duration and sleep quality recorded in 2017-2018 on experiences of housing insecurity in the prior year. We applied propensity score weights to attenuate potential bias from an array of observed covariates, including sleep duration and sleep quality measured prior to experiences with housing insecurity. Sample members who were unable to make their rent/mortgage payments slept on average 22 fewer minutes a night and had lower quality sleep than those who were able to make their rent/mortgage payments. Sample members who were forced to move because of an inability to make rent/mortgage payments slept on average 32 fewer minutes a night and had lower quality sleep than those who were not forced to move. By compromising sleep health, housing insecurity represents a distinct form of stress in the lives of economically-disadvantaged adults, which could also contribute to other health disparities. By compromising sleep health, housing insecurity represents a distinct form of stress in the lives of economically-disadvantaged adults, which could also contribute to other health disparities. Recent studies have reported that examining the fragmentation profiles (FP) of plasma cell-free DNA (cfDNA) further improves the clinical sensitivity of tumor detection. We hypothesized that considering the differences of the FP of urinary cfDNA would increase the clinical sensitivity of genitourinary (GU) cancer detection. 177 patients with GU cancer and 94 individuals without tumors were enrolled in the discovery cohort. An independent validation dataset comprising 30 patients without tumors and 66 patients with GU cancer was also collected. We constructed an ensemble classifier, GUIDER, to detect and localize GU cancers using fragmentation and copy number profiles obtained from shallow whole-genome sequencing of urinary cfDNA. Urinary cfDNA of patients with GU cancer had a higher proportion of long fragments (209-280 bp) and a lower proportion of short fragments (140-208 bp) compared to controls. The overall mean classification accuracy of the FP was 74.62%-85.39% for different algorithms, and integration of the FP and copy number alteration (CNA) features further enhanced the classification of samples from patients with GU cancer. The mean diagnostic accuracy was further improved by the ensemble classifier GUIDER, which integrated the FP and CNA profiles and resulted in a higher mean accuracy (87.52%) compared to the analysis performed without FP features (74.62%). GUIDER performed well in an independent validation dataset. The lengthening and shortening of urinary cfDNA within specific size ranges were identified in patients with GU cancer. Integration of the FP should further enhance the ability to use urinary cfDNA as a molecular diagnostic tool. The lengthening and shortening of urinary cfDNA within specific size ranges were identified in patients with GU cancer. Integration of the FP should further enhance the ability to use urinary cfDNA as a molecular diagnostic tool.