Delivering drinking water with stable quality in metropolitan cities is a big challenge. This study investigated the year-long dynamics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the tap water and source water of a metropolitan city in southern China using fluorescence spectroscopy. The DOM detected in the tap water, and source water of Shenzhen city was season and location-dependent. A year-long cyclic trend of DOM was found with predominate protein-like fluorescence in the dry season compared to the humic-like enriched DOM in the wet season. A general DOM pattern was estimated by measuring the shift in dominant fluorescence regions on the excitation-emission matrix (EEM). The difference in fluorescent DOM (FDOM) composition (in terms of the ratio of protein-like to humic-like fluorescence) was above 200% between wet and dry seasons. The taps associated with reservoirs receiving water from the eastern tributary of Dongjiang River showed significant changes in protein-like contents than the taps with source water originating from the western part of the river. This study highlights the importance of optimizing drinking water treatment plants' operational conditions after considering seasonal changes and source water characteristics.Conventional diffused aeration systems (such as fine-bubble diffusers) exhibit a poor oxygen transfer in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), particularly when operating at sludge concentrations higher than 15 g L-1. The supersaturated dissolved oxygen (SDOX) system has been proposed as an alternative for supplying dissolved oxygen (DO) at high mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) concentrations. The advantages introduced by such technology include the possibility of operating WWTPs at much higher than usual MLSS concentrations, increasing the treatment capacity of WWTPs. Recent studies have demonstrated that the SDOX system has higher oxygen transfer rates (OTRs) and oxygen transfer eff