The uncertainties of the PMF analysis are assessed by combining the random a-value approach and the bootstrap resampling technique of the PMF input. The uncertainties for the resolved factors range from ±18% to ±19% for HOA, ±7% to ±19% for SFC-OA and ±6 % to ±11% for the OOAs. The average correlation of HOA with equivalent black carbon from traffic (eBCtr) is R2 = 0.40, while SFC-OA has a correlation of R2 = 0.78 with equivalent black carbon from solid fuel combustion (eBCsf). Anthracene (m/z 178) and pyrene (m/z 202) (PAHs) are mostly explained by SFC-OA and follow its diurnal trend (R2 = 0.98 and R2 = 0.97). The secondary oxygenated aerosols are dominant during daytime. The average contribution during the afternoon hours (1 pm-5 pm) is 59% to the total OA mass, with contributions up to 96% in May. In contrast, the primary sources are more important during nighttime the mean nightly contribution (22 pm-3 am) to the total OA mass is 48%, with contributions up to 88% during some episodes in April.An automated dynamic chamber system was first developed to simultaneously measure the HONO flux and NOx flux. The new dynamic chamber system was applied to field observation, and the HONO and NOX exchange flux of farmland in the Huaihe River Basin was obtained for the first time. The performance of the dynamic chamber system was verified in the field. In the field observation, the diurnal variations of the HONO fluxes and NO fluxes before and after a rainfall event exhibited two different trends. Before the rainfall and in the latter stage after the rainfall, the maxima of the HONO fluxes and NO fluxes occurred in the morning, then decreased gradually. However, during the early stage after the rainfall, the HONO fluxes and NO fluxes gradually increased in the morning and reached their maximum values in the afternoon. During the measurement period, the maximum HONO flux was 7.69 ng N m-2 s-1 and the maximum NO flux was 34.52 ng N m-2 s-1. There was no significant correlation between HONO flux and temperature before the rainfall and in the latter stage after the rainfall period, although the correlation coefficient (R) between HONO flux and temperature reached 0.78 in the early stage after the rainfall period, and the R between NO flux and HONO flux reached more than 0.6 before and after rainfall periods. The HONO flux of fresh soil samples were the same order of magnitude as that of field observations. The field results indicate that soil emissions are an important source of atmospheric HONO during the crop growth stage. Negative NO2 fluxes were found in most observation periods, and there were significant negative linear correlations between NO2 fluxes and atmospheric NO2 concentrations. The R between ambient NO2 concentration and NO2 flux was 0.79, and the compensation point of NO2 was 5 ppbv. The accumulation of plaque in the coronary artery of the human heart restricts the path of blood flow in that region and leads to Coronary Artery Disease. This study's goal is to present the pulsatile blood flow conduct through four different levels of constrictions, i.e., healthy, 25%, 50%, and 75% in human left coronary arteries. Using CT scan data of a healthy person, the two-dimensional coronary model is constructed. A non-Newtonian Carreau model is used to study the maximum flow velocity, streamline effect, and maximum Wall Shear Stress at the respective constricted areas over the entire cardiac cycle. Finite Volume Method is executed for solving the governing equations. The fluctuating Wall Shear Stress (WSS) at different levels was assessed using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The comparative study of the diseased arteries showcases that at the systolic phase, the 75% blocked artery attains the maximum velocity of 0.14 m/s and 0.53 m/s at t=0.005 s and t=0.115 s, respectively. While the maxienefit doctors/surgeons to plan an early treatment/surgery on the grounds of the severity of the disease. Thus, a before time prognosis could restrain the number of deaths caused due to Coronary Artery Disease. Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) is a novel drug delivery mode which has been widely used in clinical practice. However, long-term retention and some improper actions of patients may cause some severe complications of PICC, such as the drift and prolapse of its catheter. Clinically, the postoperative care of PICC is mainly completed by nurses. However, they cannot recognize the correct position of PICC from X-ray chest images as soon as the complications happen, which may lead to improper treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the position of the PICC catheter as soon as these complications occur. Here we proposed a novel multi-task deep learning framework to detect PICC automatically through X-ray images, which could help nurses to solve this problem. We collected 348 X-ray chest images from 326 patients with visible PICC. Then we proposed a multi-task deep learning framework for line segmentation and tip detection of PICC catheters simultaneously. The proposed deep learning modelses to recognize the correct position of PICC, and therefore, to handle the potential complications properly.Access to the eukaryotic genome is key to the regulation of such DNA processes as transcription, replication and repair. About three-quarters of the human genome is stored and shielded within arrays of nucleosomes, the fundamental structural units of chromatin, each of which contains about 150bp of DNA and an octameric histone protein composed of two each of H2A, H2B, H3 and H4. Structural fluctuation of nucleosomes provides regulatory proteins with transient access to the internal DNA; however, nucleosome unwrapping, sliding and unstacking must occur to obtain full access of the DNA. In this review, we focus on the unwrapping of mononucleosomes and internucleosomal interactions to discuss our current understanding of the dynamics of the process.This study aimed to uncover effects of non-coding RNA transcripts on ovarian endometriosis (OEM) development. Two transcription datasets (GSE105764 and GSE105765) about OME were downloaded from Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database and the differentially expressed mRNAs, lncRNAs and miRNAs (DEmRNAs, DElncRNAs and DEmiRNAs) between OEM cases and controls were identified followed by protein-protein interaction analysis. Then, co-expression analysis was conducted and DEmiRNAs-DEmRNAs as well as DElncRNAs-DEmiRNAs pairs were predicted to construct the ceRNA network followed by sub-ceRNA network associated with OEM extraction. Functional analyses of DEmRNAs in ceRNA and sub-module network and the survival analysis were also performed to evaluate the correlation of key regulators and OV outcomes. Totally, 1910 DEmRNAs, 158 DElncRNAs and 118 DEmiRNAs were screened between OEM cases and controls and the functional analyses of DEmRNAs showed that they were significantly enriched in cell adhesion. Furthermore, there were 505 nodes in PPI network and ceRNA network included 762 interaction pairs among 357 DEmRNAs, 28 DElncRNAs and 24 DEmiRNAs.