The results of the experiment indicate that (i) The bioavailability of ZEN in peripheral blood has low diagnostic value, (ii) exposure to low doses of ZEN induces minor changes in the concentrations of the analyzed hormones, which could lead to situational supraphysiological hormone levels and changes in endogenous hormonal balance.The inhibition of mitochondrial permeabilization by the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-xL is crucial for cell survival and homeostasis. Its inhibitory role requires the partitioning of Bcl-xL to the mitochondrial outer membrane from an inactive state in the cytosol, leading to its extensive refolding. The molecular mechanisms behind these events and the resulting conformations in the bilayer are unclear, and different models have been proposed to explain them. In the most recently proposed non-canonical model, the active form of Bcl-xL employs its N-terminal BH4 helix to bind and block its pro-apoptotic target. Here, we used a combination of various spectroscopic techniques to study the release of the BH4 helix (α1) during the membrane insertion of Bcl-xL. This refolding was characterized by a gradual increase in helicity due to the lipid-dependent partitioning-coupled folding and formation of new helix αX (presumably in the originally disordered loop between helices α1 and α2). Notably, a comparison of various fluorescence and circular dichroism measurements suggested the presence of multiple Bcl-xL conformations in the bilayer. This conclusion was explicitly confirmed by single-molecule measurements of Fӧrster Resonance Energy Transfer from Alexa-Fluor-488-labeled Bcl-xL D189C to a mCherry fluorescent protein attached at the N-terminus. These measurements clearly indicated that the refolding of Bcl-xL in the bilayer is not a two-state transition and involves multiple membranous intermediates of variable compactness.Prognostic gene signatures are critical in cancer prognosis assessments and their pinpoint treatments. However, their network properties remain unclear. Here, we obtained nine prognostic gene sets including 1439 prognostic genes of different cancers from related publications. Four network centralities were used to examine the network properties of prognostic genes (PG) compared with other gene sets based on the Human Protein Reference Database (HPRD) and String networks. We also proposed three novel network measures for further investigating the network properties of prognostic gene sets (PGS) besides clustering coefficient. The results showed that PG did not occupy key positions in the human protein interaction network and were more similar to essential genes rather than cancer genes. However, PGS had significantly smaller intra-set distance (IAD) and inter-set distance (IED) in comparison with random sets (p-value less then 0.001). Moreover, we also found that PGS tended to be distributed within network modules rather than between modules (p-value less then 0.01), and the functional intersection of the modules enriched with PGS was closely related to cancer development and progression. Our research reveals the common network properties of cancer prognostic gene signatures in the human protein interactome. We argue that these are biologically meaningful and useful for understanding their molecular mechanism.Plant virus management is mostly achieved through control of insect vectors using insecticides. However, insecticides are only marginally effective for preventing virus transmission. Furthermore, it is well established that symptoms of virus infections often encourage vector visitation to infected hosts, which exacerbates secondary spread. Plant defense elicitors, phytohormone analogs that prime the plant immune system against attack, may be a viable approach for virus control that complements insecticide use by disrupting pathologies that attract vectors. To explore this, we tested the effect of a commercial plant elicitor, acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM), on infection rates, virus titers, and symptom development in melon plants inoculated with one of two virus species, Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) and Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (CYSDV). We also conducted behavioral assays to assess the effect of ASM treatment and virus inoculation on vector behavior. For both pathogens, ASM treatment reduced symptom severity and delayed disease progression. For CYSDV, this resulted in the attenuation of symptoms that encourage vector visitation and virion uptake. We did observe slight trade-offs in growth vs. defense following ASM treatment, but these effects did not translate into reduced yields or plant performance in the field. Our results suggest that immunity priming may be a valuable tool for improving management of insect-transmitted plant viruses.During carcinogenesis, almost all the biological processes are modified in one way or another. Among these biological processes affected, anomalies in protein synthesis are common in cancers. Indeed, cancer cells are subjected to a wide range of stresses, which include physical injuries, hypoxia, nutrient starvation, as well as mitotic, oxidative or genotoxic stresses. All of these stresses will cause the accumulation of unfolded proteins in the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER), which is a major organelle that is involved in protein synthesis, preservation of cellular homeostasis, and adaptation to unfavourable environment. The accumulation of unfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum causes stress triggering an unfolded protein response in order to promote cell survival or to induce apoptosis in case of chronic stress. Transcription and also translational reprogramming are tightly controlled during the unfolded protein response to ensure selective gene expression. The majority of stresses, including ER stress, induce firstly a decrease in global protein synthesis accompanied by the induction of alternative mechanisms for initiating the translation of mRNA, later followed by a translational recovery. After a presentation of ER stress and the UPR response, we will briefly present the different modes of translation initiation, then address the specific translational regulatory mechanisms acting during reticulum stress in cancers and highlight the importance of translational control by ER stress in tumours.