An uncommon case of pancreatic brain hydatid cysts. Gene expression was significantly reduced by high concentration (1 and 2 mg/L) of 75 nm polystyrene nanoplastic. However, nanoplastic exposure at the predicted environmental concentration (1 μg/L) had a low effect. Exposure of mothers to nanoplastic (1 μg/L) elevated the Dp-GSTs2 level in their neonates. These results improve our understanding on the response of different types of Daphnid GST to environmental contaminants, especially nanoplastic. There are two main challenges associated with the scale-up of air-cathode microbial fuel cells (MFCs) performance reduction and cathode leakage/flooding. In this study, a novel 13.4 L reactor that contains 4 tubular MFCs was designed and operated in a trickling mode for 65 days under different conditions. The trickling water flow through the horizontally aligned MFCs alleviated the hydraulic pressure applied to the air-cathodes. With a total cathode working area of over 1700 cm2, this reactor generated power densities up to 1 W/m2 with coulombic efficiencies over 50% using acetate. Using a brewery waste stream as carbon source, an average power density of 0.27 W/m2 was generated with ∼60% COD removal at hydraulic retention time of 1.6 h. The decent performance of this reactor compared with other air-cathode MFCs at the similar scale and the alleviated hydraulic pressure on air-cathodes demonstrate the great potential of this design and operation for future MFC optimization and scaling up. Source identification of environmental pollutants is critical for pollution prevention and controlling. In this work, Zn isotopic compositions and Zn spatial distribution from headwater to estuary of Erren River (ER) catchments (southern Taiwan) were systematically investigated as a potential source tracer for distinguishing natural weathering and anthropogenic activities. Industrial wastewaters/effluents including leather, printed circuit board (PCB), metal surface treatment (MST), semiconductor wafer (SCW), and electroplating (EP) industries were collected and analyzed as the potential sources of Zn isotopic database. Results implied that MST wastewaters/effluents had the lowest δ66Zn values (Zn isotopic composition) in the range of -0.40 to +0.04. Oppositely, high Zn isotopic composition was observed in leather (δ66Zn = +0.41 to +0.71) and EP wastewaters/effluents (δ66Zn = +0.54 to +1.84). Significantly, the plot of δ66Zn versus 1/Zn clearly indicates that riverine Zn isotope in the ER waters (-0.73 to 1.77‰) can be simply explained by at least three end-member mixing which contains EP, MST wastewaters, and natural component. Our data importantly proved that Zn isotopic composition is a powerful tracer for distinguishing different Zn sources of anthropogenic pollution in rivers. Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and microcystin-LR (MC-LR) co-existed in food and water, and were associated with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). AFB1 induced HCC by activating oxidative stress and generating AFB1-DNA adducts, while MC-LR could promote HCC progression. However, whether they have co-effects in HCC progression remains uncertain. In this study, we found the antagonistic effects of MC-LR on AFB1 induced HCC when they were exposed simultaneously. Compared with single exposure to AFB1, co-exposed to MC-LR significantly repressed the AFB1 induced malignant transformation of human hepatic cells and the glutathione S-transferase Pi positive foci formation in rat livers. MC-LR inhibited AFB1 induced upregulation of cytochrome P450 family 1 subfamily A member 2 (CYP1A2) and reduced the AFB1-DNA adducts generation in both human hepatic cells and rat livers. These results suggest that when co-exposure with AFB1, MC-LR might repress hepatocarcinogenicity of AFB1, which might be associated with its repression on AFB1 induced CYP1A2 upregulation and activation. Analyzing and understanding the driving factors behind CO2 emissions is noticeable due to increasing the awareness about CO2 emissions, and it is a highlight in Iran's agriculture sector because of the increasing amount of CO2 emissions, inefficient government policies, and rising fossil energy consumption in last decade. By considering the regional differences to investigate this aim, the Theil index and Kaya factor used to analysis the provincial inequality in CO2 emissions, energy consumption, and identify the driving factor. Using the Theil approach helps us to find out the inequality trend in CO2 emissions and energy consumption and also inequality across different provinces. In that way, the Kaya identity applied to analyze the factor behind the inequality in CO2 emissions. The empirical result shows some points, primary, according to the criteria and weights in the grouping methodologies, the GDP, due to the lower level of contribution in within-group inequality, is better than the population. Further, by assessing the inequality in the consumption of different forms of energy and CO2emissions across the provinces, most of the inequality was related to within-group, and the Theil trends are decreasing in gas and electricity; this trend is unclear and fluctuated in petroleum products and increase in CO2 emissions. Secondly, the first and second phases of subsidizing targeting have reduced the consumption and inequality of petroleum products and CO2emissions in the short term. Still, the inequality in CO2 emissions continues to increase recently. Thirdly, the national inequality in CO2emission mainly attributed to energy factors across provinces, and an increase in the energy inequalities helps to explain the CO2 inequality increase. Most of the Earth's Ecosystem Services (ESs) have experienced a decreasing trend in the last few decades, primarily due to increasing human dominance in the natural environment. Identification and categorization of factors that affect the provision of ESs from global to local scales are challenging. This study makes an effort to identify the key driving factors and examine their effects on different ESs in the Sundarbans region, India. We carry out the analysis following five successive steps (1) quantifying biophysical and economic values of ESs using three valuation approaches; (2) identifying six major driving forces on ESs; (3) categorizing principal data components with dimensionality reduction; (4) constructing multivariate regression models with variance partitioning; (5) implementing six spatial regression models to examine the causal effects of natural and anthropogenic forcings on ESs. Results show that climatic factors, biophysical factors, and environmental stressors significantly affect the ESs. Among the six driving factors, climate factors are highly associated with the ESs variation and explain the maximum model variances (R2 = 0.