cation about diabetes management by primary care physicians. 2.5 cm. Presence of retinopathy predispose diabetic individuals to amputation. Amputation is associated with disability and psychological problems; therefore, there is an urgent need for more improvement in preventative measures and primary health care system in low resource setting country like Sudan in order to decrease diabetes complications, especially patient's education about diabetes management by primary care physicians. Covid19 pandemic has resulted in drastic changes in human lives across the globe in the form of lockdown and an uncertain future. Information regarding the COVID-19-related anxiety and well-being among the public in India is very limited, especially from the state of West Bengal. We conducted this e-survey among the general population of West Bengal to assess the anxiety levels and the well-being status during lockdown. This information would be helpful to guide family physicians to screen patients for anxiety from the primary care level. The main aim of this questionnaire based study was to assess the levels of anxiety and well-being status among the public including the frontline workers in West Bengal, India. A prospective study was conducted with a validated e-questionnaire after Institutional Ethics committee approval, from 18 April, 2020 to 3 May, 2020. The questionnaire had 12 questions which included the Generalized Anxiety disorder (GAD)-7 scale and the WHO-5 scale (5 question-items) to asstant to understand the current psychological status of the public for the family physicians as many would visit them with vague symptoms. There is a dire need to screen all patients including front line workers visiting primary care physicians for mental health to ensure better clinical outcome. Urolithiasis is the most common urological problem worldwide. It is a recurrent multifactorial pro