We have recently demonstrated in young adults that an anabolic response with mixed meal protein intake above ~35 g/meal, previously recognized as an "optimal" protein dose, was further stimulated. However, it is unknown if this applies to older adults. We therefore examined anabolic response to a mixed meal containing either 35 g (MOD, moderate amount of protein) or 70 g (HIGH, high amount of protein) in a randomized cross-over metabolic study in older adults (n = 8). Primed continuous infusions of L-[2H5] phenylalanine and L-[2H2]tyrosine were performed to determine whole-body protein kinetics and muscle protein fractional synthesis rate (MPS) in basal fasted and fed states. Whole-body protein kinetics (NB, net protein balance; PS, protein synthesis; PB, protein breakdown) and MPS was expressed as changes from the baseline post-absorptive state. Consistent with our previous findings in young adults, both feedings resulted in a positive NB, with HIGH being more positive than MOD. Furthermore, NB (expressed as g protein∙240 min) increased linearly with an increasing amount of protein intake, expressed relative to lean body mass. The positive NB was achieved due mainly to the suppression of PB in both MOD and to a greater extent HIGH, while PS was only increased in HIGH. Consistent with the whole-body data, MPS was significantly higher in HIGH than MOD. Plasma concentrations of essential amino acids and insulin were greater in HIGH vs. MOD. We conclude that in the context of mixed meals, whole-body anabolic response linearly increases with increasing protein intake primarily through the suppression of PB, and MPS was further stimulated with protein intake above the previously considered "optimal" protein dose in older adults.Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is a malignancy that disrupts normal blood cell production and commonly affects our ageing population. MDS patients are diagnosed using an invasive bone marrow biopsy and high-risk MDS patients are treated with hypomethylating agents (HMAs) such as decitabine and azacytidine. However, these therapies are only effective in 50% of patients, and many develop resistance to therapy, often resulting in bone marrow failure or leukemic transformation. Therefore, there is a strong need for less invasive, diagnostic tests for MDS, novel markers that can predict response to therapy and/or patient prognosis to aid treatment stratification, as well as new and effective therapeutics to enhance patient quality of life and survival. Epigenetic modifiers such as DNA methylation, long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) and micro-RNAs (miRNAs) are perturbed in MDS blasts and the bone marrow micro-environment, influencing disease progression and response to therapy. This review focusses on the potential utility of epigenetic modifiers in aiding diagnosis, prognosis, and predicting treatment response in MDS, and touches on the need for extensive and collaborative research using single-cell technologies and multi-omics to test the clinical utility of epigenetic markers for MDS patients in the future.The dredger construction environment is harsh, and the mud concentration meter can be damaged from time to time. To ensure that the dredger can continue construction operations when the mud concentration meter is damaged, the development of a dredger with advantages of low price and simple operation that can be used in emergency situations is essential. The characteristic spare mud concentration meter is particularly critical. In this study, a data-driven soft sensor method is proposed that can predict the mud concentration in real time and can mitigate current marine mud concentration meter malfunctions, which affects continuous construction. This sensor can also replace the mud concentration meter when the construction is stable, thereby extending its service life. The method is applied to two actual construction cases, and the results show that the stacking generalization (SG) model has a good prediction effect in the two cases, and its goodness of fit R2 values are as high as 0.9774 and 0.9919, indicating that this method can successfully detect the mud concentration.Aspiration pneumonia is a major health problem owing to its high mortality rate in elderly people. The secretion of proinflammatory cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-8 and IL-6 by respiratory epithelial cells, which is induced by infection of respiratory bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, contributes to the onset of pneumonia. These cytokines thus play a key role in orchestrating inflammatory responses in the lower respiratory tract. In contrast, chronic periodontitis, a chronic inflammatory disease caused by the infection of periodontopathic bacteria, typically Porphyromonas gingivalis, is one of the most prevalent microbial diseases affecting humans globally. Although emerging evidence has revealed an association between aspiration pneumonia and chronic periodontitis, a causal relationship between periodontopathic bacteria and the onset of aspiration pneumonia has not been established. Most periodontopathic bacteria are anaerobic and are therefore unlikely to survive in the lower respiratory organs of humans. Therefore, in this study, we examined whether simple contact by heat-inactivated P. gingivalis induced proinflammatory cytokine production by several human respiratory epithelial cell lines. We found that P. gingivalis induced strong IL-8 and IL-6 secretion by BEAS-2B bronchial epithelial cells. P. gingivalis also induced strong IL-8 secretion by Detroit 562 pharyngeal epithelial cells but not by A549 alveolar epithelial cells. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/tacrine-hcl.html Additionally, Toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 but not TLR4 was involved in the P. gingivalis-induced proinflammatory cytokine production. Furthermore, P. gingivalis induced considerably higher IL-8 and IL-6 production than heat-inactivated S. pneumoniae. Our results suggest that P. gingivalis is a powerful inflammatory stimulant for human bronchial and pharyngeal epithelial cells and can stimulate TLR2-mediated cytokine production, thereby potentially contributing to the onset of aspiration pneumonia.Baculovirus-infected silkworms are promising bioreactors for producing recombinant glycoproteins, including antibodies. Previously, we developed a method for isotope labeling of glycoproteins for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies using silkworm larvae reared on an artificial diet containing 15N-labeled yeast crude protein extract. Here, we further develop this method by introducing a technique for the expression of isotope-labeled glycoproteins by silkworm pupae, which has several potential advantages relative to larvae-based techniques in terms of production yield, ease of handling, and storage. Here, we fed fifth instar larvae an artificial diet with an optimized composition containing [methyl-13C]methionine, leading to pupation. Nine-day-old pupae were then injected with recombinant Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) bacmid for expression of recombinant human immunoglobulin G (IgG). From the whole-body homogenates of pupae, 0.35 mg/pupa of IgG was harvested, which is a yield that is five times higher than can be obtained from larvae.