all cases of aggressive and extensive skull bone lysis. This issue should be subject to further investigation. The United Kingdom has one of the lowest breastfeeding rates in Europe, with the initiation and continuation of breastfeeding shown to be closely related to the mothers' age, ethnicity and social class. Whilst the barriers that influence a woman's decision to breastfeed are well documented, less is known how these barriers vary by the UK's diverse population. As such, this study aimed to explore mothers' experiences of breastfeeding and accessing breastfeeding services offered locally amongst a deprived and culturally diverse community. A qualitative interpretive study comprising of 63 mothers (white British n = 8, Pakistani n = 13, Bangladeshi n = 10, black African n = 15 and Polish n = 17) who took part in single-sex focus groups, conducted in local community centres across the most deprived and ethnically diverse wards in Luton, UK. The focus groups were audio-recorded, transcribed and analysed thematically using Framework Analysis. The most common barriers to breastfeeding irrespective of ethnicity amilial practices. The findings presented inform important recommendations for the design and implementation of future programs and interventions targeted at reducing breastfeeding inequalities. Interventions should focus on providing mothers practical support and reassurance not only during the early stages but throughout their breastfeeding journey. The findings also highlight the need for tailoring services to support diverse communities which acknowledge different traditional and familial practices. Older people coming from a lower wealth gradient are more vulnerable to have stressful life events further adding more risk for common mental health disorders and psychological distress situations. The present study explores the associations between socioeconomic and health-related variables and psychological distress among older adults in India and the contribution of such factors to the inequalities in psychological distress. A cross-sectional survey of 9181 older adults conducted as 'Building a Knowledge Base on Population Ageing in India' was assessed. Logistic regression and decomposition models were used to analyze the data. Psychological distress was measured from General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). The value of Cronbach's alpha was 0.90. It was having a scale of 0 to 12 on the basis of experiencing stressful symptoms and was re-coded as 0 (representing 6+ stressful symptoms) and 1 (representing 5 and fewer symptoms). Older adults from the poored, suffering from multi-morbidity, disabled, withological distress. There is a need to build a "win-win" circumstance across sectors, including a broad spectrum of health, social and economic benefits to the vulnerable older population. Workplace musculoskeletal disorders are the leading cause of morbidity and disability in the Australian workforce. Over one in five occupational therapists report workplace musculoskeletal disorders, with almost half reporting workplace musculoskeletal symptoms. In other health professions, students and novice clinicians (≤5 years practice) experience greater risk but little is known about occupational therapy students. In this cross-sectional study, a survey including the self-reported Standardised Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire was administered to occupational therapy students post work-based training. Musculoskeletal problems were defined as aches, pains, numbness or discomfort. Questions explored body sites affected, prevalence, impact on activity, need for medical assistance, demographic and workplace information. Prevalence was reported using descriptive statistics. Factors associated with workplace musculoskeletal problems over the previous 12 months and last 7 days were examined using logistusculoskeletal health. We combined anatomy with imaging, transformed the 2D information of various imaging techniques into 3D information, and form the assessment system of real medical imaging cases in order to make up for the deficiencies in the current teaching of the medical imaging technology students. A total of 460 medical imaging students were selected and randomly divided into two groups. The research group received the teaching of the fusion of the original CT and MR data3D model and the original image combined with 3D anatomical image. CT and MRI data are imported through load DICOM of 3D slicer. Different tissues and organs are segmented by threshold and watershed algorithm of segment editor module. Models are exported through export / import models and label maps in segmentation. Save the NHDR file of the original data and Obj file of the corresponding model through save the NHDR and corresponding Obj files are loaded into probe 1.0 software. The software can give different colors to the three-dimensional models ofng behavior of the two groups of students after the experiment was significantly higher than that before the experiment. The self-efficacy of the learning behavior of the control group was higher after the experiment than that before the experiment, albeit the difference was not statistically significant. The modern, information-based and humanized experimental teaching mode will be constantly improved under the support of PACS system in order to optimize the medical imaging teaching activities for the development of modern medical education. The modern, information-based and humanized experimental teaching mode will be constantly improved under the support of PACS system in order to optimize the medical imaging teaching activities for the development of modern medical education. Feedback is an essential element of learning. Despite this, students complain about receiving too little feedback in medical examinations, e.g., in an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). This study aims to implement a written structured feedback tool for use in OSCEs and to analyse the attitudes of students and examiners towards this kind of feedback. The participants were OSCE examiners and third-year medical students. This prospective study was conducted using a multistage design. In the first step, an unstructured interrogation of the examiners formed the basis for developing a feedback tool, which was evaluated and then adopted in the next steps. In total, 351 students and 51 examiners participated in this study. A baseline was created for each category of OSCE station and was supplemented with station-specific items. Each of these items was rated on a three-point scale. In addition to the preformulated answer options, each domain had space for individual comments. A total of 87.5% of the students and 91.