ptimal site for MBS mini-implant is the buccal region of the distal root of mandibular second molars. Hypodivergent patients have more width and less height of MBS compared with hyperdivergent patients. MBS mini-implants are not advised for growing patients because of proximity to developing roots.Interpretation guidelines for prostate multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging findings in the post-ablation setting are not available yet; this poses a significant challenge for accurate risk stratification in this clinical setting. Here we propose the development and implementation of a post-ablation Prostate Imaging-Reporting and Data System that would improve patient surveillance and management after prostate ablation for localized prostate cancer.Microplastic pollution is a growing concern worldwide. Despite numerous studies showing the occurrence of microplastics in low-trophic level aquatic organisms, microplastic ingestion and contamination in cetaceans, especially those from Asian waters, has been rarely recorded. Here, we investigated stomach microplastic pollution in twelve Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins stranded along the Pearl River Estuary (PRE), China. We also compared microplastic abundances in dolphins stranded near populated urban areas (ZH, n = 6) with those stranded near rural areas (JM, n = 6). Microplastics were detected in all samples, with abundance ranging widely from 11 to 145 items individual-1 (mean ± SD, 53 ± 35.2). Major microplastics were polypropylene and polyethylene fibers, with the size mostly ranging from 1 to 5 mm and the dominant colors of white or transparent. Humpback dolphins from ZH (73 ± 36.8 items individual-1) exhibited a significantly higher average microplastic abundance than those from JM (33 ± 18.3 items individual-1, p less then 0.05). In particular, the highest microplastic concentration was identified in the dolphin (SC-ZH01) stranded near the mouth of the Pearl River, whereas the dolphin (SC-JM04) collected at the rural site contained the lowest concentration of microplastics, suggesting the important influence of land-based human activities on the accumulation of microplastics in the PRE. The identification of varied microplastic polymers indicated their complex source scenarios. This study suggests that, as one of top predators in the potential microplastic food chains, this cetacean species could likely serve as an endpoint biomonitoring species of microplastic pollution in the PRE or other similar estuarine ecosystems. Our results highlight the need for more studies towards better understanding the potential impacts of microplastics on this endangered species.The effects of fabric filters and desulfurization systems during secondary copper smelting on polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) concentrations, emission coefficients, and profiles were studied in an oxygen-rich smelting furnace and an anode furnace. In the anode furnace, the toxic equivalent (TEQ) concentration ranges were 0.106-1.04 ng World Health Organization (WHO)-TEQ/m3 at the fabric filters inlet and 0.027-0.17 ng WHO-TEQ/m3 at the outlet. For the oxygen-rich smelting furnace, the TEQ concentration ranges were 1.21-1.93 and 0.010-0.019 ng WHO-TEQ/m3 at the desulfurization system inlet and outlet, respectively. The TEQs in the outlet stack gases of the desulfurization system from the anode furnace were 0.0041-0.016 ng WHO-TEQ/m3. It is likely that PCDD/Fs that were taken away from the stack gases were adsorbed by the fly ash and gypsum. Solid residues were the dominant release routes for PCDD/Fs. PCDD/Fs congener and homologue profiles of stack gases from different smelting stages were similar. The contributions of more chlorinated homologues from the anode furnace decreased observably after the stack gases passed through the fabric filters. However, the desulfurization process did not greatly change the PCDD/Fs homologue profiles. Overall, both the fabric filters and desulfurization systems showed excellent removal efficiencies for PCDD/Fs in the stack gases, which reduced the TEQ emissions to well below the 0.5 ng WHO-TEQ/m3 to achieve standard discharge.Identifying the adverse impacts of pesticide exposure is essential to guide regulations that are protective of wildlife and human health. Within rice ecosystems, amphibians are valuable indicators because pesticide applications coincide with sensitive reproductive and developmental life stages. We conducted two experiments using wild cane toads (Rhinella marina) to test 1) whether environmentally relevant exposure to a commercial formulation of butachlor, an acetanilide herbicide used extensively in rice, affects amphibian development and 2) whether cane toad tadpoles are capable of acclimatizing to sub-lethal exposure. First, we exposed wild cane toads to 0.002, 0.02, or 0.2 mg/L of butachlor (Machete EC), during distinct development stages (as eggs and hatchlings, as tadpoles, or continuously) for 12 days. Next, we exposed a subset of animals from the first experiment to a second, lethal concentration and examined survivorship. We found that cane toads exposed to butachlor developed slower and weighed less than controls, and that development of the thyroid gland was affected exposed individuals had smaller thyroid glands and thyrocyte cells, and more individual follicles. Analyses of the transcriptome revealed that butachlor exposure resulted in downregulation of transcripts related to metabolic processes, anatomic structure development, immune system function, and response to stress. Last, we observed evidence of acclimatization, where animals exposed to butachlor early in life performed better than naïve animals during a second exposure. Our findings indicate that the commercial formulation of butachlor, Machete EC, causes thyroid endocrine disruption in vertebrates, and suggest that exposure in lowland irrigated rice fields presents a concern for wildlife and human health. Furthermore, we establish that developmental assays with cane toads can be used to screen for adverse effects of pesticides in rice fields.The main of this work investigated the levels, emission sources, and associated health risks of ambient volatile organic compounds (VOCs) closed urban traffic trunk from June 2017 to November 2018. The seasonal variation trend for total VOCs (TVOCs) concentrations was autumn > winter > summer > spring. During the daily fluctuations in summer, the TVOC concentrations appeared to be the highest at midnight and the lowest at 1400. In spring, autumn, and winter, the concentrations of TVOCs reached the highest levels at 0600 and dropped to the lowest levels at 1400 to 1500; then, the levels increased after 2000. Aromatics were the most important types of ambient VOCs for the formation of secondary organic aerosols (SOAs). The Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) source analysis indicated that the traffic emission accounted for 28.9% of TVOCs, followed by combustion (24.7%), industrial (21.3%), gasoline volatilization (12.4%), and solvent (11.7%) sources. Carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks via inhalation exposure to the selected 10 toxic VOCs may be of more concern for residents nearby traffic trunk in Harbin in autumn.