Clinical DiscussionThis case highlights the importance and challenges in achieving early diagnosis coupled with the scarcity of information on these leads to difficulty in managing this patient. In managing Ductal Eccrine Carcinoma tumor, standard method of treatment for has not been established. However, wide surgical excision is the treatment of choice for localized lesions. Regarding prognosis, there is conflicting data published which we describe in this article. In managing Ductal Eccrine Carcinoma tumor, standard method of treatment for has not been established. However, wide surgical excision is the treatment of choice for localized lesions. Regarding prognosis, there is conflicting data published which we describe in this article. Extracranial carotid aneurysms (ECCAs) are relatively uncommon. Most of these lesions are due to atherosclerosis, trauma, infection, radiotherapy, previous surgery or iatrogenic event. Severe complications include rupture, dysphagia, respiratory symptoms and brain embolization. We report a case of a large saccular aneurysm of the extracranial internal carotid artery (EICA) in a 83-year old asymptomatic woman without any apparent causative history. The patient underwent a successful repair of the aneurysm by aneurysmectomy and primary end-to-end anastomosis between the proximal and distal portion of the remaining vessel with continuity restored without tension. ECCAs are rare with few cases reported in the most recent literature. There is little knowledge of their natural history and management. Both surgical and endovascular as well as medical treatments have been recommended depending on disease-location and comorbidities. Although treatment should be individualized time by time by evaluating patient's characteristics, the surgical repair could be a safe and effective solution to treat distal EICAs, especially for symptomatic and true growing lesions. The presentation, the diagnostic evaluation, and the successful surgical treatment are discussed. Although treatment should be individualized time by time by evaluating patient's characteristics, the surgical repair could be a safe and effective solution to treat distal EICAs, especially for symptomatic and true growing lesions. The presentation, the diagnostic evaluation, and the successful surgical treatment are discussed. The burden of life-threatening conditions requiring intensive care units has grown substantially in low-income countries related to an emerging pandemic, urbanization, and hospital expansion. The rate of ICU mortality varied from region to region in Ethiopia. However, the body of evidence on ICU mortality and its predictors is uncertain. This study was designed to investigate the pattern of disease and predictors of mortality in Southern Ethiopia. After obtaining ethical clearance from the Institutional Review Board (IRB), a multi-center cohort study was conducted among three teaching referral hospital ICUs in Ethiopia from June 2018 to May 2020. Five hundred and seventeen Adult ICU patients were selected. Data were entered in Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 22 and STATA version 16 for analysis. Descriptive statistics were run to see the overall distribution of the variables. Chi-square test and odds ratio were determined to identify the association between independent and dependent variables. Multivariate analysis was conducted to control possible confounders and identify independent predictors of ICU mortality. The mean (±SD) of the patients admitted in ICU was 34.25(±5.25). The overall ICU mortality rate was 46.8%. The study identified different independent predictors of mortality. Patients with cardiac arrest were approximately 12 times more likely to die as compared to those who didn't, AOR=11.9(95% CI6.1 to 23.2). The overall mortality rate in ICU was very high as compared to other studies in Ethiopia as well as globally which entails a rigorous activity from different stakeholders. The overall mortality rate in ICU was very high as compared to other studies in Ethiopia as well as globally which entails a rigorous activity from different stakeholders. Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor is a benign entity that may present as a locally aggressive malignancy, predominantly in the lung. 500 cases have been reported in the literature, and an estimated prevalence ranges from 0.04% to 0.7%. An eighteen-year old male presented to the surgical clinic with abdominal pain. The pain was recurring despite trials of analgesics and remained undiagnosed. Radiological imaging demonstrated a lesion in the spleen. An infectious cause was presumed due to their endemicity in South Asia, however pathology showed an inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor. Pre-operative imaging is yet to develop a set criterion that may identify this lesion, though clinicians may be clued in by the benign appearance despite the large size. Usual diagnosis is on pathology after complete surgical excision, which is the mainstay treatment advocated. Reporting of the tumor in unusual sites such as the spleen is scarce, increase of which may help establish guidelines, understand tumor behavior and guide clinicians that may encounter it in surgical practice. Reporting of the tumor in unusual sites such as the spleen is scarce, increase of which may help establish guidelines, understand tumor behavior and guide clinicians that may encounter it in surgical practice. Cubitus varus deformity after malunited supracondylar humerus fracture has various surgical techniques, implant configurations, and approaches. We describe a combination of French and Dome osteotomy and novel internal fixation technique to deliver an easy, safe, fast and reproducible result based on the current best evidence. Two cases of malunited supracondylar humerus are described. The first case involves a 3-year-old girl who presented with outstretched and supinated left arm after falling during bike riding 3 weeks earlier. We found no abnormality in radial and median nerve function, but the left arm radiographs showed a callus formation and the early stages of a malunited fracture of the supracondylar humerus. We waited two months for further radiographic evaluation and the radiographs showed the malunited supracondylar humerus with elbow flexion of only 105° and elbow hyperextension of 20°. The cubitus varus was recorded with clinical carrying angle of varus 10°. We used a combination of original French and Dome osteotomy, lateral approach, and our novel fixation technique with excellent results.