Mild hypothermia (MH) and retroperfusion are 2 techniques proposed to reduce infarct size due to myocardial infarction. The authors evaluated the effects of focal MH combined with selective coronary venous autoretroperfusion (SARP) as an acute cardioprotective modality before percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in a swine model of left ventricular myocardial infarction. Significant reduction in infarct size with preservation of cardiac function and cardiomyocyte viability were achieved. The authors propose that SARP alone or in combination with MH may provide a clinically relevant percutaneous short-term option of cardiac support to high-risk patients undergoing PCI. © 2020 The Authors.Developing endothelial-protective, nonthrombogenic antirestenotic treatments has been a challenge. A major hurdle to this has been the identification of a common molecular target in both smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells, inhibition of which blocks dysfunction of both cell types. The authors' findings suggest that the PERK kinase could be such a target. Importantly, PERK inhibition mitigated both restenosis and thrombosis in preclinical models, implicating a low-thrombogenic antirestenotic paradigm. © 2020 The Authors.Left ventricular failure is strongly associated with secondary mitral valve regurgitation. Implantable soft robotic devices are an emerging technology that enables augmentation of a native function of a target tissue. We demonstrate the ability of a novel soft robotic ventricular assist device to dynamically augment left ventricular contraction, provide native pulsatile flow, simultaneously reshape the mitral valve apparatus, and eliminate the associated regurgitation in an Short-term large animal model of acute left ventricular systolic dysfunction. © 2020 The Authors.The aim of this study was to determine the arteriovenous oxygen content difference (ΔAVo2) in adult subjects with and without heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) during systemic and forearm exercise. Subjects with HFpEF had reduced ΔAVo2. Forearm diffusional conductance for oxygen, a lumped conductance parameter that incorporates all impediments to the movement of oxygen from red blood cells in skeletal muscle capillaries into the mitochondria within myocytes, was estimated. Forearm diffusional conductance for oxygen was not different among adults with HFpEF, those with hypertension, and healthy control subjects; therefore, diffusional conductance cannot explain the reduced forearm ΔAVo2. Instead, adiposity was strongly associated with ΔAVo2, suggesting an active role for adipose tissue in reducing exercise capacity in patients with HFpEF. © 2020 The Authors.Purpose To report the clinical outcomes after implantation of a small-aperture intraocular lens (IOL) and a partial aniridia ring in three patients with traumatic iris defects. Observations The corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), irregular astigmatism, and glare improved in all patients. In one patient, the monocular defocus curve showed a visual acuity (VA) of 0.30 logMAR or better from 1.0 to -1.5 D, and the halo size and intensity were 5 and 10 (on a scale from 0 to 100), respectively, and the glare size and intensity were 23 and 16 (on a scale from 0 to 100), respectively. Conclusions and importance The pinhole effect of the small-aperture IOL helped considerably decrease irregular astigmatism and improve visual acuity. The partial aniridia implant also contributed to the reduction of the glare symptoms, while allowing a sufficient fundus assessment. The combined implantation of the small-aperture IOL and the partial aniridia device, therefore, presents an effective option for improvement of the visual symptoms in patients with traumatic iris defects. © 2020 The Authors.Purpose This report will describe a case of orbital pseudotumor that is associated with underlying Crohn's disease in a pediatric patient. Observations An 8-year-old male with a past medical history of chronic constipation who presented to the ophthalmologist in July 2017 with a 7-month history double vision, left upper lid ptosis, left abducens nerve palsy, and an abnormal thyroid test. The patient's family history was negative for any autoimmune disease including, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disease, type 1 diabetes mellitus or inflammatory bowel disease. Diagnosis of orbital pseudotumor of the left eye was made based on CT scan findings and he was then treated with a one-week course of oral prednisone. After resolution of his initial symptoms, he presented a month later with swelling in his left eye and was treated with a 6-month steroid taper with resolution of symptoms. In June 2018, the patient presented with swelling in his right eye and was treated with prednisone plusp to reduce recurrence rates of orbital pseudotumor. Additional studies need to be performed to better understand the association between the two diseases. © 2020 The Authors.Purpose Although vitrectomy has been reported to be effective for the treatment of macular retinoschisis associated with glaucoma in a few case series, the surgical techniques have yet to be established. This article aimed to describe the cases of two patients with macular retinoschisis who underwent vitrectomy with peripapillary internal limiting membrane peeling around the defective area of the retinal nerve fiber layer. Observations Both patients had been diagnosed with normal tension glaucoma and treated with eye drops to stabilize intraocular pressure. Progression of macular retinoschisis and accompanied vision loss were observed in both cases. Twelve months after the surgery, both patients had resolution of the retinoschisis and improvement in best corrected visual acuity. Conclusions and importance Our surgical technique may be effective for the resolution of macular retinoschisis in eyes with normal tension glaucoma. © 2020 The Authors.Purpose To report a case of uveitis with Behçet's disease in which serum levels of Krebs von den Lungen (KL)-6, a marker of interstitial lung disease, were elevated during treatment with adalimumab and returned to baseline after discontinuation of the agent. Observations A 67-year-old man complaining of vision disturbance was referred to our hospital. The patient had a history of recurrent episodes of bilateral uveitis and oral ulcers, and had been diagnosed with Behçet's disease. While uveitis activity was not well controlled under administration of oral prednisolone and cyclosporin, cataract of the right eye developed and required surgery. Biweekly administration of adalimumab 40 mg was therefore initiated with prednisolone at 15 mg/day. Uveitis became well controlled and cataract surgery was successfully carried out for the right eye. However, serum KL-6 gradually elevated to 1002 U/ml by 6 months after adalimumab initiation and 1277 U/ml at 9 months. Because serum KL-6 >1000 U/ml has been reported to predict interstitial lung disease, we discontinued adalimumab and started cyclosporine at 100 mg/day.