see text] may reflect a sympathetically mediated vasoconstriction that was counteracted by transient increases in [Formula see text] due to the mechanical effects of high intra-abdominal pressure during ERL.Little is known about the molecular responses to power resistance exercise that lead to skeletal muscle remodeling and enhanced athletic performance. We assessed the expression of titin-linked putative mechanosensing proteins implicated in muscle remodeling muscle ankyrin repeat proteins (Ankrd 1, Ankrd 2, and Ankrd 23), muscle-LIM proteins (MLPs), muscle RING-finger protein-1 (MuRF-1), and associated myogenic proteins (MyoD1, myogenin, and myostatin) in skeletal muscle in response to power resistance exercise with or without a postexercise meal, in fed, resistance-trained men. A muscle sample was obtained from the vastus lateralis of seven healthy men on separate days, 3 h after 90 min of rest (Rest) or power resistance exercise with (Ex + Meal) or without (Ex) a postexercise meal to quantify mRNA and protein levels. The levels of phosphorylated HSP27 (pHSP27-Ser15) and cytoskeletal proteins in muscle and creatine kinase activity in serum were also assessed. The exercise increased (P ≤ 0.05) pHSP27-Ser15 (∼6n. We report that power resistance exercise induces subtle early responses in the expression of Ankrd 1 and MLP, suggesting these proteins play a role in the remodeling of skeletal muscle in individuals who regularly perform this type of exercise.In conjunction with significant cardiovascular adaptation, changes in cardioautonomic balance, specifically greater sympathetic activation and vagal withdrawal, are considered normal adaptations to healthy singleton pregnancy. Cardiovascular adaptation to twin pregnancy is more profound than that of singleton pregnancies; however, the changes in cardioautonomic control during multifetal gestation are unknown. To address this gap, beat-by-beat blood pressure (photopleth