Magnetic skyrmions can be driven by an applied spin-polarized electron current that exerts a spin-transfer torque on the localized spins constituting the skyrmion. However, the longitudinal dynamics is plagued by the skyrmion Hall effect, which causes the skyrmions to acquire a transverse velocity component. We show how to use spin-orbit interaction to control the skyrmion Hall angle and how the interplay of spin-transfer and spin-orbit torques can lead to a complete suppression of the transverse motion. Since the spin-orbit torques can be controlled all electronically by a gate voltage, the skyrmion motion can be steered all electronically on a broad racetrack at high speed and conceptually new writing and gating operations can be realized.A choreographic time crystal is a dynamic lattice structure in which the points comprising the lattice move in a coordinated fashion. These structures were initially proposed for understanding the motion of synchronized satellite swarms. Using simulations, we examine colloids interacting with a choreographic crystal consisting of traps that could be created optically. As a function of the trap strength, speed, and colloidal filling fraction, we identify a series of phases including states where the colloids organize into a dynamic chiral loop lattice as well as a frustrated induced liquid state and a choreographic lattice state. We show that transitions between these states can be understood in terms of vertex frustration effects that occur during a certain portion of the choreographic cycle. Our results can be generalized to a broader class of systems of particles coupled to choreographic structures, such as vortices, ions, cold atoms, and soft matter systems.Chiral magnetism, wherein there is a preferred sense of rotation of the magnetization, determines the chiral nature of magnetic textures such as skyrmions, domain walls, or spin spirals. Current research focuses on identifying and controlling the interactions that define the magnetic chirality in thin film multilayers. The influence of the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (IDMI) and, recently, the dipolar interactions have been reported. Here, we experimentally demonstrate that an indirect interlayer exchange interaction can be used as an additional tool to effectively manipulate the magnetic chirality. We image the chirality of magnetic domain walls in a coupled bilayer system using scanning electron microscopy with polarization analysis. Upon increasing the interlayer exchange coupling, we induce a transition of the magnetic chirality from clockwise rotating Néel walls to degenerate Bloch-Néel domain walls and we confirm our findings with micromagnetic simulations. In multilayered systems relevant for skyrmion research, a uniform magnetic chirality across the magnetic layers is often desired. Additional simulations show that this can be achieved for reduced IDMI values (up to 30%) when exploiting the interlayer exchange interaction. This work opens up new ways to control and tailor the magnetic chirality by the interlayer exchange interaction.Optical frequency combs are revolutionizing modern time and frequency metrology. In the past years, their range of applications has increased substantially, driven by their miniaturization through microresonator-based solutions. The combs in such devices are typically generated using the third-order χ^(3) nonlinearity of the resonator material. An alternative approach is making use of second-order χ^(2) nonlinearities. While the idea of generating combs this way has been around for almost two decades, so far only few demonstrations are known, based either on bulky bow-tie cavities or on relatively low-Q waveguide resonators. Here, we present the first such comb that is based on a millimeter-sized microresonator made of lithium niobate, that allows for cascaded second-order nonlinearities. This proof-of-concept device comes already with pump powers as low as 2 mW, generating repetition-rate-locked combs around 1064 and 532 nm. From the nonlinear dynamics point of view, the observed combs correspond to Turing roll patterns.We propose a quantum metrology protocol for the localization of a noncooperative pointlike target in three-dimensional space, by illuminating it with electromagnetic waves. It employs all the spatial degrees of freedom of N entangled photons to achieve an uncertainty in localization that is sqrt[N] times smaller for each spatial direction than what could be achieved by N-independent photons or by classical light of the same average intensity.The discovery of charge-density-wave-related effects in the resonant inelastic x-ray scattering spectra of cuprates holds the tantalizing promise of clarifying the interactions that stabilize the electronic order. Here, we report a comprehensive resonant inelastic x-ray scattering study of La_2-xSr_xCuO_4 finding that charge-density wave effects persist up to a remarkably high doping level of x=0.21 before disappearing at x=0.25. The inelastic excitation spectra remain essentially unchanged with doping despite crossing a topological transition in the Fermi surface. This indicates that the spectra contain little or no direct coupling to electronic excitations near the Fermi surface, rather they are dominated by the resonant cross section for phonons and charge-density-wave-induced phonon softening. We interpret our results in terms of a charge-density wave that is generated by strong correlations and a phonon response that is driven by the charge-density-wave-induced modification of the lattice.We analyze the experimental particle current autocorrelation function of suspensions of hard spheres. Interactions between the particles are mediated by thermally activated acoustic excitations in the solvent. Those acoustic modes are tantamount to the system's (energy) microstates and by their orthogonality, each of those modes can be identified with an independent Brownian particle current. Accordingly, partitioning of the system's energy states is impressed on the current autocorrelation function. This impression provides a novel measure of the entropy and location of a partitioning or entropy limit at a packing fraction that coincides with that of the observed suspension's first order freezing transition.