Literature data regarding the phenomenon of obesity paradox in T2DM patients are controversial due to the several limitations of the studies; therefore in the management of patients with overweight/obesity and T2DM is recommended referring to the established guidelines, which indicate diet and physical activity as the cornerstone of the treatment. Level V narrative review. Level V narrative review.The polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) are family of biopolyesters synthesized by numerous bacteria which are attracting a great attention due to their thermoplastic properties. Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) is the most common type of PHA which presents thermoplastic and biodegradable properties. It is synthesized under stressful conditions by heterotrophic bacteria and many photosynthetic microorganisms such as purple non-sulfur bacteria and cyanobacteria. Biological hydrogen (H2) production is being evaluated for use as a fuel since it is a promising substitute for carbonaceous fuels owing to its high conversion efficiency and high specific content. In the present work, the purple non-sulfur photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas sp. for the simultaneous H2 photo-evolution and poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) production has been investigated. Three different types of carbon sources were tested in the presence of glutamate as a nitrogen source in a batch cultivation system, under continuous irradiance. The results indicated the fact that the type of carbon source in the culture broth affects in various ways the metabolic activity of the bacterial biomass, as evidenced by the production of PHB and/or H2 and biomass. The best carbon source for PHB accumulation and H2 production by Rhodopseudomonas sp. turned out to be the acetate, having the highest H2 production (2286 mL/L) and PHB accumulation (68.99 mg/L, 18.28% of cell dry weight).The feasibility of surfactants for enhancement of extraction efficiencies in wet oil extraction through an acidic hydrothermal process was evaluated. Three different types of surfactants were tested anionic (SDBS and SDS), cationic (CTAB and MBC), and non-ionic (IGEPAL CA-210 and Tween 60). The total fatty acid content of Chlorella vulgaris was 291.0 mg/g cell. Under the no-surfactant condition, the oil-extraction yield of the acidic hydrothermal extraction was 75.5%. The addition of SDBS and MBC at the 0.4% concentration showed enhanced oil-extraction performance, 85.4 and 85.7% yields, respectively. CTAB and Tween 60 showed low extraction yields, less than 43.0%. SDS and IGEPAL CA-210 showed high oil-extraction yields, higher, in fact, than the initial fatty acid content, due to surfactant partitioning into microalgal oil. With increasing surfactant concentration, the oil-extraction yields of CTAB decreased, those of IGEPAL CA-210 gradually increased, and those of SDBS increased and then decreased again. The best performance, an oil-extraction yield of 95.6%, was observed under the 0.2% SDBS, 120 °C, 1 h condition. Although IGEPAL CA-210 showed the high net oil-extraction yield of 98.3% at the 0.6% surfactant concentration, 61.2% of surfactant was partitioned into oil. Graphical abstract.Pullulanase is a debranching enzyme that cleaves explicitly α-1,6 glycosidic bonds, which is widely used in starch saccharification, production of glucose, maltose, and bioethanol. The thermal-resistant pullulanase is isolated from a variety of microorganisms; however, the lack of industrial production of pullulanase has hindered the transformation of the laboratory to industry. In this study, the expensive maltose syrup and soybean meal powder were replaced with cheap corn starch and corn steep liquor, exhibiting 440 U/mL of pullulanase in shake flasks by changing the C/N value and the total energy of the medium. Subsequently, the cultivation conditions were explored in a 50-L and 50-m3 bioreactor. In batch culture, the pullulanase activity reached 896 U/mL, while it increased to 1743 U/mL in fed-batch culture by controlling the dissolved oxygen, pH, reducing sugar content, and temperature. Remarkably, the cultivation volume was enlarged to 50 m3 based on the technical parameters of fed-batch culture. The industrial production of pullulanase was successful, and the activity achieved 1546 U/mL. When the product was stored at room temperature (25 °C) for 6 months, the pullulanase activity was over 90%. The half-lives at 60 and 80 °C were 119.45 h and 51.18 h, respectively, which satisfied the industrial application requirements of pullulanase.The androgen receptor (AR) is a validated therapeutic target for prostate cancer and has been a focus for drug development for more than six decades. Currently approved therapies that inhibit AR signaling, such as enzalutamide, rely solely on targeting the AR ligand-binding domain and, therefore, have limited efficacy on prostate cancer cells that express truncated, constitutively active AR splice variants (AR-Vs). The LNCaP95 cell line is a human prostate cancer cell line that expresses both functional full-length AR and AR-V7. LNCaP95 is a heterogeneous cell population that is resistant to enzalutamide, with its proliferation dependent on transcriptionally active AR-V7. The purpose of this study was to identify a LNCaP95 clone that would be useful for evaluating therapies for their effectiveness against enzalutamide-resistant prostate cancer cells. Seven clones from the LNCaP95 cell line were isolated and characterized using morphology, in vitro growth rate, and response to ralaniten (AR N-terminal domain inhibitor) and enzalutamide (antiandrogen). In vivo growth of the clones as subcutaneous xenografts was evaluated in castrated immunodeficient mice. All of the clones maintained the expression of full-length AR and AR-V7. Cell proliferation of the clones was insensitive to androgen and enzalutamide but importantly was inhibited by ralaniten, which is consistent with AR-Vs driving the proliferation of parental LNCaP95 cells. In castrated immunodeficient animals, the growth of subcutaneous xenografts of the D3 clone was the most reproducible compared to the parental cell line and other clones. These data support that the enzalutamide-resistant LNCaP95-D3 subline may be suitable as a xenograft tumor model for preclinical drug development with improved reproducibility.