Due to the significance growth in application of polymer-based nanocomposites, different methods of synthesis and different reinforces have been studied in recent years for specific purposes. In this study, using the direct blending process, polyvinyl alcohol-arabic gum-magnesium oxide nanocomposites were synthesized. These synthesized nanocomposites were investigated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), X-ray energy diffraction (EDS) spectroscopy, X-ray surface elemental mapping (X-Ray Map), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), ultraviolet -visible (UV-vis) spectrophotometry and thermal gravimetery analysis (TGA). https://www.selleckchem.com/Akt.html The results revealed that size distributions of magnesium oxide nanoparticles and synthesized nanocomposites were between 25-40 nm and 20-90 nm, respectively. Elemental map results show the magnesium oxide nanoparticles were well distributed on polymer matrix walls.Slowly digestible starches have received interest due to their lower increase of postprandial blood glucose and insulin levels and, hence, modification of starches towards slower digestibility has commercial interest. However, chemical characteristics driving enzymatic (digestive) degradation are not fully unraveled. The digestion properties of starches have been linked to their crystalline type, chain length distribution, amylose content or degree of branching, but content and length of relatively long side-chains in amylopectin has not been paid attention to. Therefore, this research focusses on the unique content and length of amylopectin side-chains from conventional and new starch sources (potato, corn, pea, and tulip) correlated to the enzymatic digestion. The rate of hydrolysis was found to be correlated with the crystalline type of starch, as previously suggested, however, the complete hydrolysis of all starches, independent of the crystalline type and source, was shown to be governed by the content of longer amylopectin chains.Topical drug delivery system to the posterior segment of the eye is facing many challenges, such as rapid drug elimination, low permeability, and low concentration at the targeted sites. To overcome these challenges, Multifunctional nanocomposite eye drops of dexamethasone-carboxymethyl-β-cyclodextrin@layered double hydroxides-glycylsarcosine (DEX-CM-β-CD@LDH-GS) were developed for relay drug delivery. Herein, our studies demonstrated that DEX-CM-β-CD@LDH-GS could penetrate through human conjunctival epithelial cells with an intact structure and exhibited integrity in the sclera of rabbits' eyes with in vivo fluorescence resonance energy transfer imaging. Consequently, tissue distribution indicated that DEX-CM-β-CD@LDH-GS nanocomposite eye drops could maintain the effective therapeutic concentration of DEX in choroid-retina within 3 h. As a relay drug delivery system, drug-CD@LDH nanocomposites offer an efficient strategy for drug delivery from ocular surface to the posterior segment.Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain PPL shows a potential for the control of phytopathogenic fungi. In the present study, upon growing the strain PPL on various forms of chitosan (0.5 % powder, 0.1 % soluble, and 0.15 % colloidal) as the carbon source, the antifungal activity on tomato Fusarium wilt correlated with the activity of chitosanase and β-1,3-glucanase. The colloidal substrate-based strain PPL fermentation displayed the highest degree of spore germination inhibition (79.5 %) and biocontrol efficiency (76.0 %) in tomato by increased biofilm formation. The colloidal culture upregulated the expression of chitosanase gene (5.9-fold), and the powder attributed to the expression of cyclic lipopeptides-genes (2.5-5.7 fold). Moreover, the three chitosan cultures induced the morphological changes of Fusarium oxysporum. These results suggest that the choice of growth substrate synergistically affects the production of secondary metabolites by PPL strain, and consequently its antifungal activity.The present study was conducted to investigate the structural characteristics of an acid-extracted polysaccharide fraction from mountain tea. The monosaccharide composition revealed that uronic acids (72.4 mol%) considerably predominated in the fraction, followed by smaller amounts of galactose (14.5 mol%) and glucose (6.2 mol%). The fraction contained mostly a highly methyl-esterified homogalacturonan (HG) - 71 mol%. The pectin had a high molecular weight population (∼60-100 kDa). Enzymatic fingerprinting was employed with a combination of HG degrading enzymes and LC-HILIC-MS, HPAEC, HPSEC to examine the structure in greater detail. Unsaturated oligomers released indicated the presence of large blocks of highly methyl-esterified GalA residues. Furthermore, the presence of blocks of non-esterified GalA residues and partly methyl-esterified and acetylated GalA residues in HG domain was demonstrated. The research findings provide a basis for further investigations regarding biological activity and commercial exploitation of mountain tea.Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) has resulted in a pandemic and continues to spread at an unprecedented rate around the world. Although a vaccine has recently been approved, there are currently few effective therapeutics to fight its associated disease in humans, COVID-19. SARS-CoV-2 and the related severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV-1), and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS-CoV) result from zoonotic respiratory viruses that have bats as the primary host and an as yet unknown secondary host. While each of these viruses has different protein-based cell-surface receptors, each rely on the glycosaminoglycan, heparan sulfate as a co-receptor. In this study we compare, for the first time, differences and similarities in the structure of heparan sulfate in human and bat lungs. Furthermore, we show that the spike glycoprotein of COVID-19 binds 3.5 times stronger to human lung heparan sulfate than bat lung heparan sulfate.The polysaccharide (DRP) was gained from dandelion roots by ultrasonic-assisted enzymatic extraction (UAEE) followed by two-step column purification. Then selenylation of DRP has been accomplished by HNO3-Na2SeO3 method. sDRP-1 and sDRP-2 with the selenium content of 170 ± 1.13 and 710 ± 4.00 μg/g were prepared for further structural characterization and bioactivity determination. DRP, sDRP-1, and sDRP-2 were composed of the same monosaccharides in different molar ratios, and the molecular weights of DRP, sDRP-1 and sDRP-2 were 8700, 7900, and 5600 Da, respectively. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra confirmed that DRP, sDRP-1, and sDRP-2 possessed similar functional groups. The results of Congo red test, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that DRP, sDRP-1, and sDRP-2 had no three helix structure, did not form single crystal, and all belonged to amorphous morphology. sDRP-1 and sDRP-2 possessed greater antioxidant activities in vitro than the native polysaccharide DRP.