#include using namespace std; int main() { int uniset[101], a1[50],n,sizefuni=101,l,k,i,m,j,a2[50],a; uniset[0]=0; cout <<"\nThe Universal set: "; /* Tap vu tru cho truoc*/ for (i=0;i>n; cout<<"Enter the no. of elements in set B: "; /* Nhap so luong phan tu cua tap hop B*/ cin>>m; cout<<"\nEnter elements of set A:\n"; /* Nhap phan tu cua tap hop A*/ for (k=0;k>a1[k]; } cout<<"Enter elements of set B:\n"; /* Nhap phan tu cua tap hop B*/ for (j=0;j>a2[j]; } cout<<"\nThe Complement of A in U\n"; /* U \ A*/ for (i=0;i