Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder that affects more than 1% of the population worldwide. Dopamine system dysfunction and alterations in glutamatergic neurotransmission are strongly implicated in the aetiology of schizophrenia. To date, antipsychotic drugs are the only available treatment for the symptoms of schizophrenia. These medications, which act as D2-receptor antagonist, adequately address the positive symptoms of the disease, but they fail to improve the negative symptoms and cognitive impairment. In schizophrenia, cognitive impairment is a core feature of the disorder. Therefore, the treatment of cognitive impairment and the other symptoms related to schizophrenia remains a significant unmet medical need. Currently, phosphodiesterases (PDEs) are considered the best drug target for the treatment of schizophrenia since many PDE subfamilies are abundant in the brain regions that are relevant to cognition. Thus this review aims to illustrate the mechanism of phosphodiesterases in treating the symptoms of schizophrenia and summarises the encouraging results of PDE inhibitors as anti-schizophrenic drugs in preclinical and clinical studies.Background Mature lysostaphin (28-kDa Lss) from Staphylococcus simulans proves effective in killing methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) which is endemic in hospitals worldwide. Lss is Zn2+-dependent endopeptidase, but its bacteriolytic activity could be affected by exogenously added Zn2+. Objective To gain greater insights into structural and functional impacts of Zn2+ and Ni2+ on Lss-induced bioactivity. Methods Lss purified via immobilized metal ion-affinity chromatography was assessed for bioactivity using turbidity reduction assays. Conformational change of metal ion-treated Lss was examined by circular dichroism and intrinsic fluorescence spectroscopy. Co-sedimentation assay was performed to study interactions between Zn2+-treated Lss and S. aureus peptidoglycans. Metal ion-binding prediction and intermolecular docking were used to locate an extraneous Zn2+-binding site. Results A drastic decrease in Lss bioactivity against S. aureus and MRSA was revealed only when treated with Zn2+, but not Ni2+, albeit no negative effect of diethyldithiocarbamate-Zn2+-chelator on Lss-induced bioactivity. No severe conformational change was observed for Lss incubated with exogenous Zn2+ or Ni2+. Lss pre-treated with Zn2+ efficiently bound to S. aureus cell-wall peptidoglycans, suggesting non-interfering effect of exogenous metal ions on cell-wall targeting (CWT) activity. In silico analysis revealed that exogenous Zn2+, but not Ni2+, preferably interacted with a potential extraneous Zn2+-binding site (His253, Glu318 and His323) placed near the Zn2+- coordinating Lss-active site within the catalytic (CAT) domain. Conclusion Our present data signify the adverse influence of exogenous Zn2+ ions on Lss-induced staphylolytic activity through the exclusive presence within the CAT domain of an extraneous inhibitory Zn2+-binding site, without affecting the CWT activity.Aims The aim of our study is to understand the biophysical traits that govern the stability and folding of Synechocystis hemoglobin, a unique cyanobacterial globin that displays unusual traits not observed in any of the other globins discovered so far. Background For the past few decades, classical hemoglobins such as vertebrate hemoglobin and myoglobin have been extensively studied to unravel the stability and folding mechanisms of hemoglobins. However, the expanding wealth of hemoglobins identified in all life forms with novel properties, like heme coordination chemistry and globin fold, have added complexity and challenges to the understanding of hemoglobin stability, which has not been adequately addressed. Here, we explored the unique truncated and hexacoordinate hemoglobin from the freshwater cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 known as "Synechocystis hemoglobin (SynHb)". The "three histidines" linkages to heme are novel to this cyanobacterial hemoglobin. Objective Mutational studies were employedence of heme pocket amino acid side chains on stability and expression is currently being utilized to improve the stability of recombinant human Hbs for efficient use as oxygen delivery vehicles.Triple-A Syndrome (TAS) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by three cardinal symptoms alacrimia, achalasia and adrenal insufficiency due to ACTH insensitivity. Various progressive neurological abnormalities and skin changes have been described in association with the syndrome. The disease is caused by mutation in the AAAS gene on chromosome 12q13. Mutations in AAAS were identified in more than 90% of individuals and families with TAS. The protein encoded by AAAS was termed ALADIN and is part of the WD repeat family of proteins, that have been found to be involved in many different functions such as protein-protein interaction, RNA processing, cytoskeleton assembly, control of cell division, signal transduction and apoptosis. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that mutated or truncated ALADIN localizes to the cytoplasm rather than to the nuclear pore complex. The exact function of ALADIN and the mechanisms that lead to the ACTH-resistant adrenal phenotype remains largely unknown. Nonetheless, recent studies provided some insights on the role of ALADIN as a member of the Nuclear Pore Complex not only implicated in the import of proteins involved in DNA repair and oxidative stress homeostasis but also in the strengthening of the mitotic spindle assembly. Early identification of the syndrome is challenging, given the rarity of the condition and high phenotypic heterogeneity even among members of the same family. In this review, we aim to summarize the current knowledge of clinical and molecular profile of patients with TAS and recommendations for the diagnosis, management, and follow-up of patients.Purpose The purpose of this project was to determine the validity and reliability of the Healthcare Quality Perception (HQP) questionnaire tool designed to capture employees' perceptions of healthcare quality in Indian hospitals. Design/methodology/approach Two hundred employees in private and public sector hospitals in India were randomly selected and given the HQP tool. It consisted of 38 Likert-scale items and six different subscales (1) Planning and Documentation (n = 7); (2) Employee Participation in Quality Management Activities (n = 5); (3) Existence of Policies/Procedures/Guidelines (n = 5); (4) Quality and Patient Safety Management (n = 9); (5) Perceived Effect of Quality Improvement (n = 7) and (6) Training and Development Opportunities (n = 5). 156 completed questionnaires were received, demonstrating a 78% response rate. HQP tool subjected to statistical analysis to measure its reliability and validity. A p-value of less than 0.05 was considered as "significant." Findings Factor analysis pulled out six factors that conjointly demonstrated 66.