To determine whether ecto-5'-nucleotidase (e5NT) contributes to the release of adenosine and uridine and whether is establishes the role of e5NT in acute restraint stress-induced depression and anxiety-like behaviours in mice. Acute restraint stress was induced to detect the level of nucleoside in the hippocampus. Mouse hippocampal brain proteins were isolated and subjected to Western blotting (WB) experiments to examine the protein expression levels of proteins that affect nucleoside release. Adenosine 5'-(α,β-methylene)diphosphate (APCP), an e5NT inhibitor, was intraventricularly injected to investigate the regulatory effect of e5NT on nucleoside levels and behavioural changes caused by acute restraint stress in mice. Acute restraint stress increased the level of extracellular adenosine and uridine levels in the hippocampus of mice and significantly increased the expression of extracellular nucleoside-metabolizing enzymes were significantly increased. By administering APCP, the increase in adenosine and uridine levels caused by acute restraint stress could be suppressed. APCP inhibited behavioural changes, which were induced by acute restraint stress. These data suggest that acute restraint stress may alter extracellular adenosine and uridine levels content in the hippocampus of mice via e5NT, and thus, the inhibition of e5NT may improve the anxiety behaviour in mice. Therefore, e5NT may therefore be a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of anxiety in mice. These data suggest that acute restraint stress may alter extracellular adenosine and uridine levels content in the hippocampus of mice via e5NT, and thus, the inhibition of e5NT may improve the anxiety behaviour in mice. Therefore, e5NT may therefore be a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of anxiety in mice.The objective of this study was to determine the pharmacokinetics of tolfenamic acid (TA) following intravenous (IV) administration at doses of 2 and 4 mg/kg in goats. In this study, six healthy goats were used. TA was administered intravenously to each goat at 2 and 4 mg/kg doses in a cross-over pharmacokinetic design with a 15-day washout period. Plasma concentrations of TA were analyzed using the high performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detector, and pharmacokinetic parameters were assigned by noncompartmental analysis. Following IV administration at dose of 2 mg/kg, area under the concentration-time curve (AUC0-∞ ), elimination half-life (t1/2ʎz ), total clearance (ClT ) and volume of distribution at steady state (Vdss ) were 6.64 ± 0.81 hr* µg/ml, 1.57 ± 0.14 hr, 0.30 ± 0.04 L h-1 kg-1 and 0.40 ± 0.05 L/kg, respectively. After the administration of TA at a dose of 4 mg/kg showed prolonged t1/2ʎz , increased dose-normalized AUC0-∞ , and decreased ClT . In goats, TA at 4 mg/kg dose can be administered wider dose intervals compared to the 2 mg/kg dose. However, further studies are needed to determine the effect of different doses on the clinical efficacy of TA in goats.Saint Peter and Saint Paul's Archipelago (SPSPA), one of the smallest and most isolated island groups in the world, is situated on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, between Brazil and the African continent. SPSPA has low species richness and high endemism; nonetheless, the diversity of fishes from deep habitats (>30 m depth) had not been previously studied in detail. Several expeditions conducted between 2009 and 2018 explored the shallow and deep reefs of SPSPA using scuba, closed-circuit rebreathers, manned submersibles, baited remote underwater stereo-videos (stereo-BRUV) and fishing between 0 and 1050 m depth. These expeditions yielded 41 new records of fishes for SPSPA 9 in open waters, 9 in shallow waters (0-30 m), 8 in mesophotic ecosystems (30-150 m) and 15 in deeper reefs (>150 m). Combined with literature records of adult pelagic, shallow and deep-reef species, as well as larvae, the database of the fish biodiversity for SPSPA currently comprises 225 species (169 recorded as adult fishes and 79 as larvae, wittation inside an area delimited by the 1000 m isobath around the islands (where all known endemics are concentrated) as the main conservation strategy to be included in the SPSPA management plan being prepared by the Brazilian government.Glycine abundance is modulated in a tissue-specific manner by use in biosynthetic reactions, catabolism by the glycine cleavage system (GCS), and excretion via glycine conjugation. Dysregulation of glycine metabolism is associated with multiple disorders including epilepsy, developmental delay, and birth defects. Mutation of the GCS component glycine decarboxylase (GLDC) in non-ketotic hyperglycinemia (NKH) causes accumulation of glycine in body fluids, but there is a gap in our knowledge regarding the effects on glycine metabolism in tissues. Here, we analysed mice carrying mutations in Gldc that result in severe or mild elevations of plasma glycine and model NKH. Liver of Gldc-deficient mice accumulated glycine and numerous glycine derivatives, including multiple acylglycines, indicating increased flux through reactions mediated by enzymes including glycine-N-acyltransferase and arginine glycine amidinotransferase. Levels of dysregulated metabolites increased with age and were normalised by liver-specific rescue of Gldc expression. Brain tissue exhibited increased abundance of glycine, as well as derivatives including guanidinoacetate, which may itself be epileptogenic. Elevation of brain tissue glycine occurred even in the presence of only mildly elevated plasma glycine in mice carrying a missense allele of Gldc. Treatment with benzoate enhanced hepatic glycine conjugation thereby lowering plasma and tissue glycine. Moreover, administration of a glycine conjugation pathway intermediate, cinnamate, similarly achieved normalisation of liver glycine derivatives and circulating glycine. Although exogenous benzoate and cinnamate impact glycine levels via activity of glycine-N-acyltransferase, that is not expressed in brain, they are sufficient to lower levels of glycine and derivatives in brain tissue of treated Gldc-deficient mice.