In addition, APOBEC somatic hypermutation, regardless of A3B background, may be an important clinical biomarker for Asian breast cancers. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonic acid (JA) can both enhance resistance of chilling injury (CI) in cold-storage peach fruit, but the regulatory mechanisms involved and whether there is a coordinated regulation between them is unclear. In this study, postharvest peach fruit were treated with an aqueous SA solution for 15 min or an aqueous JA solution for 30 s before storage at 4°C for 35 days. SA and JA treatments both delayed and reduced development of internal browning (a symptom of CI) and induced the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide and sucrose. The SA and JA also reduced catalase and peroxidase activities, which are involved in hydrogen peroxide generation. The SA and JA treatments significantly regulated the transcript abundance of genes related to sucrose biosynthesis and degradation consistent with the observed increase in sucrose content. These results intimate that JA and SA may be involved in coordinating the alleviation of CI via increased accumulation of sucrose. © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry. These results intimate that JA and SA may be involved in coordinating the alleviation of CI via increased accumulation of sucrose. © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry.We have previously demonstrated that Fanconi anemia (FA) proteins work in concert with other FA and non-FA proteins to mediate stalled replication fork restart. Previous studies suggest a connection between the FA protein FANCD2 and the non-FA protein mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR). A recent study showed that mTOR is involved in actin-dependent DNA replication fork restart, suggesting possible roles in the FA DNA repair pathway. In this study, we demonstrate that during replication stress mTOR interacts and cooperates with FANCD2 to provide cellular stability, mediate stalled replication fork restart, and prevent nucleolytic degradation of the nascent DNA strands. Taken together, this study unravels a novel functional cross-talk between two important mechanisms mTOR and FA DNA repair pathways that ensure genomic stability.Mitochondrial derangement is an important contributor to the pathophysiology of muscular dystrophies and may be among the earliest cellular deficits. We have previously shown that disruption of Mss51, a mammalian skeletal muscle protein that localizes to the mitochondria, results in enhanced muscle oxygen consumption rate, increased endurance capacity, and improved limb muscle strength in mice with wildtype background. Here, we investigate whether Mss51 deletion in the mdx murine model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (mdx-Mss51 KO) counteracts the muscle pathology and mitochondrial irregularities observed in mdx mice. We found that mdx-Mss51 KO mice had increased myofiber oxygen consumption rates and an amelioration of muscle histopathology compared to mdx counterparts. This corresponded with greater treadmill endurance and less percent fatigue in muscle physiology, but no improvement in forelimb grip strength or limb muscle force production. These findings suggest that although Mss51 deletion ameliorates the skeletal muscle mitochondrial respiration defects in mdx and improves fatigue resistance in vivo, the lack of improvement in force production suggests that this target alone may be insufficient for a therapeutic effect.The c subunits of F0 F1 -ATP synthase (F0 c) assemble into a ring structure, following membrane insertion that is dependent on both glycolipid MPIase and protein YidC. We analyzed the insertion and assembly processes of Propionigenium modestum F0 c (Pm-F0 c), of which the ring structure is resistant to SDS. Ring assembly of Pm-F0 c requires P. modestum UncI (Pm-UncI). Ring assembly of in vitro synthesized Pm-F0 c was observed when both YidC and Pm-UncI were reconstituted into liposomes of Escherichia coli phospholipids. Under the physiological conditions where spontaneous insertion had been blocked by diacylglycerol, MPIase was necessary for Pm-F0 c insertion allowing the subsequent YidC/Pm-UncI-dependent ring assembly. Thus, we have succeeded in the complete reconstitution of membrane insertion and subsequent ring assembly of Pm-F0 c.Inflammation of the airway involves the recruitment of highly active immune cells to combat and clear microbes and toxic factors; however, this inflammatory response can result in unintended damage to lung tissue. Tissue damage resulting from inflammation is often mitigated by resolving factors that limit the scope and duration of the inflammatory response. Both inflammatory and resolving processes require the actions of a vast array of lipid mediators that can be rapidly synthesized through a variety of airway resident and infiltrating immune cells. Eicosanoids and endocannabinoids represent two major classes of lipid mediators that share synthetic enzymes and have diverse and overlapping functions. This review seeks to provide a summary of the major bioactive eicosanoids and endocannabinoids, challenges facing researchers that study them, and their roles in modulating inflammation and resolution. With a special emphasis on cystic fibrosis, a variety of therapeutics are discussed that have been explored for their potential anti-inflammatory or proresolving impact toward alleviating excessive airway inflammation and improving lung function.Flavonoids are a class of polyphenols that possess diverse properties. The structure-activity relationship of certain flavonoids and resveratrol with ribonuclease A (RNase A) has been investigated. The selected flavonoids have a similar skeleton and the positional preferences of the phenolic moieties toward inhibition of the catalytic activity of RNase A have been studied. The results obtained for RNase A inhibition by flavonoids suggest that the planarity of the molecules is necessary for effective inhibitory potency. Agarose gel electrophoresis and precipitation assay experiments along with kinetic studies reveal Ki values for the various flavonoids in the micromolar range. Minor secondary structural changes of RNase A were observed after interaction with the flavonoids. An insight into the specific amino acid involvement in the binding of the substrate using docking studies is also presented. The dipole moment of the flavonoids that depends on the orientation of the hydroxyl groups in the molecule bears direct correlation with the inhibitory potency against RNase A.