Virtual screening of a focused ligand library using the crystal structure showed that the inactive M4 prefers antagonists much more than agonists. This study provides a powerful mutation strategy to stabilize GPCRs in inactive states and facilitate their structure determination. © Jingjing Wang et al. 2020.Nitric oxide (NO) promotes vasodilation through the activation of guanylate cyclase, resulting in the relaxation of the smooth muscle vasculature and a subsequent decrease in blood pressure. Therefore, its regulation is of interest for the treatment and prevention of heart disease. An example is pulmonary hypertension which is treated by targeting this NO/vasodilation pathway. In bacteria, plants and fungi, nitrite (NO2 -) is utilized as a source of NO through enzymes known as nitrite reductases. These enzymes reduce NO2 - to NO through a catalytic metal ion, often copper. Recently, several studies have shown nitrite reductase activity of mammalian carbonic anhydrase II (CAII), yet the molecular basis for this activity is unknown. Here we report the crystal structure of copper-bound human CAII (Cu-CAII) in complex with NO2 - at 1.2 Å resolution. The structure exhibits Type 1 (T-1) and 2 (T-2) copper centers, analogous to bacterial nitrite reductases, both required for catalysis. The copper-substituted CAII active site is penta-coordinated with a 'side-on' bound NO2 -, resembling a T-2 center. At the N terminus, several residues that are normally disordered form a porphyrin ring-like configuration surrounding a second copper, acting as a T-1 center. A structural comparison with both apo- (without metal) and zinc-bound CAII (Zn-CAII) provides a mechanistic picture of how, in the presence of copper, CAII, with minimal conformational changes, can function as a nitrite reductase. © Andring et al. 2020.Characterizing and controlling the uniformity of nanoparticles is crucial for their application in science and technology because crystalline defects in the nanoparticles strongly affect their unique properties. Recently, ultra-short and ultra-bright X-ray pulses provided by X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) opened up the possibility of structure determination of nanometre-scale matter with Å spatial resolution. However, it is often difficult to reconstruct the 3D structural information from single-shot X-ray diffraction patterns owing to the random orientation of the particles. This report proposes an analysis approach for characterizing defects in nanoparticles using wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) data from free-flying single nanoparticles. The analysis method is based on the concept of correlated X-ray scattering, in which correlations of scattered X-ray are used to recover detailed structural information. WAXS experiments of xenon nanoparticles, or clusters, were conducted at an XFEL facility in Japan by using the SPring-8 Ångstrom compact free-electron laser (SACLA). Bragg spots in the recorded single-shot X-ray diffraction patterns showed clear angular correlations, which offered significant structural information on the nanoparticles. The experimental angular correlations were reproduced by numerical simulation in which kinematical theory of diffraction was combined with geometric calculations. We also explain the diffuse scattering intensity as being due to the stacking faults in the xenon clusters. © Niozu et al. 2020.Efficient infiltration of a mesoporous titania matrix with conducting organic polymers or small molecules is one key challenge to overcome for hybrid photovoltaic devices. A quantitative analysis of the backfilling efficiency with time-of-flight grazing incidence small-angle neutron scattering (ToF-GISANS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) measurements is presented. Differences in the morphology due to the backfilling of mesoporous titania thin films are compared for the macromolecule poly[4,8-bis-(5-(2-ethyl-hexyl)-thio-phen-2-yl)benzo[1,2-b;4,5-b']di-thio-phene-2,6-diyl-alt-(4-(2-ethyl-hexyl)-3-fluoro-thieno[3,4-b]thio-phene-)-2-carboxyl-ate-2-6-diyl)] (PTB7-Th) and the heavy-element containing small molecule 2-pinacol-boronate-3-phenyl-phen-anthro[9,10-b]telluro-phene (PhenTe-BPinPh). Hence, a 1.7 times higher backfilling efficiency of almost 70% is achieved for the small molecule PhenTe-BPinPh compared with the polymer PTB7-Th despite sharing the same volumetric mass density. The precise characterization of structural changes due to backfilling reveals that the volumetric density of backfilled materials plays a minor role in obtaining good backfilling efficiencies and interfaces with large surface contact. © Märkl et al. 2020.Methods are presented that detect three types of aberrations in single-particle cryo-EM data sets symmetrical and antisymmetrical optical aberrations and magnification anisotropy. Because these methods only depend on the availability of a preliminary 3D reconstruction from the data, they can be used to correct for these aberrations for any given cryo-EM data set, a posteriori. Using five publicly available data sets, it is shown that considering these aberrations improves the resolution of the 3D reconstruction when these effects are present. The methods are implemented in version 3.1 of the open-source software package RELION. © Jasenko Zivanov et al. 2020.Transforming growth factor β-1 (TGFβ-1) is a secreted signalling protein that directs many cellular processes and is an attractive target for the treatment of several diseases. The primary endogenous activity regulatory mechanism for TGFβ-1 is sequestration by its pro-peptide, latency-associated peptide (LAP), which sterically prohibits receptor binding by caging TGFβ-1. As such, recombinant LAP is promising as a protein-based therapeutic for modulating TGFβ-1 activity; however, the mechanism of binding is incompletely understood. Comparison of the crystal structure of unbound LAP (solved here to 3.5 Å resolution) with that of the bound complex shows that LAP is in a more open and extended conformation when unbound to TGFβ-1. Analysis suggests a mechanism of binding TGFβ-1 through a large-scale conformational change that includes contraction of the inter-monomer interface and caging by the 'straight-jacket' domain that may occur in partnership through a loop-to-helix transition in the core jelly-roll fold. This conformational change does not appear to include a repositioning of the integrin-binding motif as previously proposed.