Lateral repulsion of the ions on both sides of the membrane affects its surface tension and leads to its lateral expansion. Because the volume of the disks does not change on a millisecond timescale, their lateral expansion leads to an axial contraction of the outer segment. With increasing stimulus intensity and the resulting tension, the area expansion coefficient of the disk membrane also increases as thermally induced fluctuations are pulled flat, resisting further expansion. This leads to the logarithmic saturation observed in measurements as well as the peak shift in time. This imaging technique therefore relates the structural changes in the photoreceptor to the underlying neurological function of transducing light into electrical signals. Such label-free optical monitoring of neural activity using fast interferometry may be applicable not only to optoretinography but also to neuroscience in general.Intercellular adhesion of keratinocytes depends critically on desmosomes that, during maturation, acquire a hyperadhesive and thus Ca2+ independent state. Here, we investigated the roles of desmoglein (Dsg) 3 and plakophilins (Pkps) in hyperadhesion. Atomic force microscopy single molecule force mappings revealed increased Dsg3 molecules but not Dsg1 molecules binding strength in murine keratinocytes. However, keratinocytes lacking Dsg3 or Pkp1 or 3 revealed reduced Ca2+ independency. In addition, Pkp1- or 3-deficient keratinocytes did not exhibit changes in Dsg3 binding on the molecular level. Further, wild-type keratinocytes showed increased levels of Dsg3 oligomers during acquisition of hyperadhesion, and Pkp1 deficiency abolished the formation of Ca2+ independent Dsg3 oligomers. In concordance, immunostaining for Dsg1 but not for Dsg3 was reduced after 24 h of Ca2+ chelation in an ex vivo human skin model, suggesting that desmosomal cadherins may have different roles during acquisition of hyperadhesion. Taken t