However, coexposure to PFBS and probiotic caused significant accumulation of triglyceride in male livers (2.6-fold relative to the control), implying the induction of hepatic steatosis. Overall, the present study underlined the potential of probiotics to modulate gut microbial dysbiosis and lipid metabolism disorders caused by PFBS exposure, which could provide implications to the application of probiotics in aquaculture.Understanding and controlling isomerization at the single molecular level should provide new insight into the molecular dynamics and design guidelines of functional devices. Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) has been demonstrated to be a powerful tool to study isomerization of single molecules on a substrate, by either electric field or inelastic electron tunneling mechanisms. A similar molecular isomerization process can in principle be induced by mechanical force; however, relevant study has remained elusive. Here, we demonstrate that isomerization of a N,N-dimethylamino-dianthryl-benzene molecule on Ag(100) can be mechanically driven by the STM tip. The existence of an out-of-plane dimethylamino group in the molecule is found to play a pivotal role in the isomerization process by providing a steric hindrance effect for asymmetric interaction between the STM tip and the molecule. This underlying mechanism is further confirmed by performing molecular dynamics simulations, which show agreement with experimental results. Our work opens the opportunity to manipulate the molecular configuration on the basis of mechanical force.Although Escherichia coli has been a popular tool for plasmid construction, this bacterium was believed to be "unsuitable" for constructing a large plasmid whose size exceeds 500 kilobases. We assumed that traditional plasmid vectors may lack some regulatory DNA elements required for the stable replication and segregation of such a large plasmid. In addition, the use of a few site-specific recombination systems may facilitate cloning of large DNA segments. Here we show two strategies for constructing 1-megabase (1-Mb) secondary chromosomes by using new bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) vectors. First, the 3-Mb genome of a genome-reduced E. coli strain was split into two chromosomes (2-Mb and 1-Mb), of which the smaller one has the origin of replication and the partitioning locus of the Vibrio tubiashii secondary chromosome. This chromosome fission method (Flp-POP cloning) works via flippase-mediated excision, which coincides with the reassembly of a split chloramphenicol resistance gene, allowing chloramphenicol selection. Next, we developed a new cloning method (oriT-POP cloning) and a fully equipped BAC vector (pMegaBAC1H) for developing a 1-Mb plasmid. Two 0.5-Mb genomic regions were sequentially transferred from two donor strains to a recipient strain via conjugation and captured by pMegaBAC1H in the recipient strain to produce a 1-Mb plasmid. This 1-Mb plasmid was transmissible to another E. coli strain via conjugation. Furthermore, these 1-Mb secondary chromosomes were amplifiable in vitro by using the reconstituted E. coli chromosome replication cycle reaction (RCR). These strategies and technologies would make popular E. coli cells a productive factory for designer chromosome engineering.Organophosphorus insecticides account for approximately 28% of the global commercial insecticide market, while 40% of them are chiral enantiomers. Chiral enantiomers differ largely in their toxicities. Enantiomers that are less active or inactive do not offer the needed efficacy but pollute the environment and cause toxicities to non-target species. Cupriavidus nantongensis X1T, a recently isolated bacterial strain, could degrade S-profenofos 2.3-fold faster than R-profenofos, while the latter is the active enantiomer potently against pest insects and has greater mammalian safety. The degradation enzyme encoded by opdB was expressed via Escherichia coli and purified. The degradation kinetics of R- and S-profenofos showed that both the purified OpdB and crude enzyme extracts had no enantiomer degradation selectivity, which strongly indicated that the degradation selectivity occurred in the uptake process. Metabolite analyses suggested a novel dealkylation pathway. This is the first report of bacterial selective uptake of organophosphates. Selective degradation of S-profenofos over R-profenofos by the strain X1T suggests a concept of co-application of racemic pesticides and degradation-selective bacteria to minimize contamination and non-target toxicity problems.Interleukin-31 (IL-31) is a major protein involved in severe inflammatory skin disorders. Its signaling pathway is mediated through two type I cytokine receptors, IL-31RA (also known as the gp130-like receptor) and the oncostatin M receptor (OSMR). Understanding molecular details in these interactions would be helpful for developing antagonist anti-IL-31 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) as potential therapies. Previous studies suggest that human IL-31 binds to IL-31RA and then recruits OSMR to form a ternary complex. In this model, OSMR cannot interact with IL-31 in the absence of IL-31RA. In this work, we show that feline IL-31 (fIL-31) binds independently with feline OSMR using surface plasmon resonance, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and yeast surface display. Moreover, competition experiments suggest that OSMR shares a partially overlapping epitope with IL-31RA. We then used deep mutational scanning to map the binding sites of both receptors on fIL-31. In agreement with previous studies of the human homologue, the binding site for IL31-RA contains fIL-31 positions E20 and K82, while the binding site for OSMR comprises the "PADNFERK" motif (P103-K110) and position G38. However, our results also revealed a new overlapping site, composed of positions R69, R72, P73, D76, D81, and E97, between both receptors that we called the "shared site". The conformational epitope of an anti-feline IL-31 mAb that inhibits both OSMR and IL-31RA also mapped to this shared site. Combined, our results show that fIL-31 binds IL-31RA and OSMR independently through a partially shared epitope. These results suggest reexamination of the putative canonical mechanisms for IL-31 signaling in higher animals.