Autologous, CCR5 gene-edited hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell (HSPC) transplantation is a promising strategy for achieving HIV remission. However, only a fraction of HSPCs can be edited ex vivo to provide protection against infection. To project the thresholds of CCR5-edition necessary for HIV remission, we developed a mathematical model that recapitulates blood T cell reconstitution and plasma simian-HIV (SHIV) dynamics from SHIV-1157ipd3N4-infected pig-tailed macaques that underwent autologous transplantation with CCR5 gene editing. The model predicts that viral control can be obtained following analytical treatment interruption (ATI) when (1) transplanted HSPCs are at least fivefold higher than residual endogenous HSPCs after total body irradiation and (2) the fraction of protected HSPCs in the transplant achieves a threshold (76-94%) sufficient to overcome transplantation-dependent loss of SHIV immunity. Under these conditions, if ATI is withheld until transplanted gene-modified cells engraft and reconstitute to a steady state, spontaneous viral control is projected to occur.Skeletal muscle possesses an outstanding capacity to regenerate upon injury due to the adult muscle stem cell (MuSC) activity. This ability requires the proper balance between MuSC expansion and differentiation, which is critical for muscle homeostasis and contributes, if deregulated, to muscle diseases. Here, we functionally characterize a novel chromatin-associated long noncoding RNA (lncRNA), Lnc-Rewind, which is expressed in murine MuSCs and conserved in human. We find that, in mouse, Lnc-Rewind acts as an epigenetic regulator of MuSC proliferation and expansion by influencing the expression of skeletal muscle genes and several components of the WNT (Wingless-INT) signalling pathway. Among them, we identified the nearby Wnt7b gene as a direct Lnc-Rewind target. We show that Lnc-Rewind interacts with the G9a histone lysine methyltransferase and mediates the in cis repression of Wnt7b by H3K9me2 deposition. Overall, these findings provide novel insights into the epigenetic regulation of adult muscle stem cells fate by lncRNAs.The capsids of non-enveloped viruses are highly multimeric and multifunctional protein assemblies that play key roles in viral biology and pathogenesis. Despite their importance, a comprehensive understanding of how mutations affect viral fitness across different structural and functional attributes of the capsid is lacking. To address this limitation, we globally define the effects of mutations across the capsid of a human picornavirus. Using this resource, we identify structural and sequence determinants that accurately predict mutational fitness effects, refine evolutionary analyses, and define the sequence specificity of key capsid-encoded motifs. Furthermore, capitalizing on the derived sequence requirements for capsid-encoded protease cleavage sites, we implement a bioinformatic approach for identifying novel host proteins targeted by viral proteases. Our findings represent the most comprehensive investigation of mutational fitness effects in a picornavirus capsid to date and illuminate important aspects of viral biology, evolution, and host interactions.Opisthorchiasis is an overlooked danger to Southeast Asia. High-resolution disease risk maps are critical but have not been available for Southeast Asia. Georeferenced disease data and potential influencing factor data were collected through a systematic review of literatures and open-access databases, respectively. Bayesian spatial-temporal joint models were developed to analyze both point- and area-level disease data, within a logit regression in combination of potential influencing factors and spatial-temporal random effects. The model-based risk mapping identified areas of low, moderate, and high prevalence across the study region. Even though the overall population-adjusted estimated prevalence presented a trend down, a total of 12.39 million (95% Bayesian credible intervals [BCI] 10.10-15.06) people were estimated to be infected with O. viverrini in 2018 in four major endemic countries (i.e., Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam), highlighting the public health importance of the disease in the study region. The high-resolution risk maps provide valuable information for spatial targeting of opisthorchiasis control interventions.The purpose of preclinical research is to inform the development of novel diagnostics or therapeutics, and the results of experiments on animal models of disease often inform the decision to conduct studies in humans. However, a substantial number of clinical trials fail, even when preclinical studies have apparently demonstrated the efficacy of a given intervention. A number of large-scale replication studies are currently trying to identify the factors that influence the robustness of preclinical research. Here, we discuss replications in the context of preclinical research trajectories, and argue that increasing validity should be a priority when selecting experiments to replicate and when performing the replication. We conclude that systematically improving three domains of validity - internal, external and translational - will result in a more efficient allocation of resources, will be more ethical, and will ultimately increase the chances of successful translation.Diphenylcyclopropenone (DPC) is an organic chemical hapten which induces allergic contact dermatitis and is used in the treatment of warts, melanoma, and alopecia areata. This therapeutic setting therefore provided an opportunity to study T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire changes in response to hapten sensitization in humans. Repeated exposure to DPC induced highly dynamic transient expansions of a polyclonal diverse T cell population. The number of TCRs expanded early after sensitization varies between individuals and predicts the magnitude of the allergic reaction. The expanded TCRs show preferential TCR V and J gene usage and consist of clusters of TCRs with similar sequences, two characteristic features of antigen-driven responses. The expanded TCRs share subtle sequence motifs that can be captured using a dynamic Bayesian network. These observations suggest the response to DPC is mediated by a polyclonal population of T cells recognizing a small number of dominant antigens.