The main purpose of this study is to investigate the spatiotemporal interstitial fluid dynamics in a vibrating vocal fold. A self-oscillating poroelastic model is proposed to study the liquid dynamics in the vibrating vocal folds by treating the vocal fold tissue as a transversally isotropic, fluid-saturated, porous material. Rich spatiotemporal liquid dynamics have been found. Specifically, in the vertical direction, the liquid is transported from the inferior side to the superior side due to the propagation of the mucosal wave. In the longitudinal direction, the liquid accumulates at the anterior-posterior midpoint. However, the contact between the two vocal folds forces the accumulated liquid out laterally in a very short time span. These findings could be helpful for exploring etiology of some laryngeal pathologies, optimizing laryngeal disease treatment, and understanding hemodynamics in the vocal folds.A formulation based on the Fourier transform and generalized functions, and implemented with a fast Fourier transform, is developed to solve a classic acoustics problem radiation from an unbaffled cylinder with flat endcaps. The endcaps as well as the cylindrical surface have a specified modal vibration pattern, and the problem is solved using the sum of two independent formulations based on the Fourier transform (1) a vibrating cylinder with rigid endcaps and (2) a rigid cylindrical tube with vibrating diaphragms at its ends. The resulting nearfield solution correctly models the diffraction effects generated at the sharp ends of the cylinder. Calculation of the farfield radiated pressure follows directly from the nearfield solutions with a slight modification to the standard formulas. Results from the formulations are validated with a boundary element simulation and show excellent agreement with errors of less than 1%.A multi-resolution estimation method for interference spectrum separation from a o