adolescents at elevated suicide risk. Mood Induction Procedures (MIPs) are used widely in research on cognitive vulnerability to depression. Although empirical evidence supports certain MIPs as effective, little research has evaluated whether MIP-induced sad moods are sufficiently persistent. This study aimed to determine (1) how long an MIP-induced mood lasts according to commonly used operational definitions and (2)whether these findings vary according to the type of MIP used. Four-hundred-and-one undergraduate students were randomly assigned to one of three commonly used sad MIPs (music, memory, music+memory) or to one of three matched neutral MIPs. Mood was repeatedly measured immediately prior to and following the MIP. Results did not support the widely held belief that commonly used MIPs induce a sufficient and persistent sad mood. The memory-related MIPs induced the most persistent sad mood. Based on the majority of operational definitions, however, induced mood effects did not last longer than 4 min, regardless of MIP type. Futurelizations of depression that are based on potentially biased results and a possibly incomplete literature. Mood disorders are associated with fronto-limbic structural and functional abnormalities and deficits in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Emerging evidence also suggests that n-3 PUFA, which are enriched in fish oil, promote cortical plasticity and connectivity. The present study performed a graph-based connectome analysis to investigate the role of n-3 PUFA in emotion-related network organization in medication-free depressed adolescent bipolar offspring. At baseline patients (n=53) were compared with healthy controls (n=53), and patients were then randomized to 12-week double-blind treatment with placebo or fish oil. At baseline and endpoint, erythrocyte EPA+DHA levels were measured and fMRI scans (4 Tesla) were obtained while performing a continuous performance task with emotional and neutral distractors (CPT-END). Graph-based analysis was used to characterize topological properties of large-scale brain network organization. Compil supplementation. The prevalence of depression is higher among those with diabetes than in the general population. The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) is commonly used to assess depression in people with diabetes, but measurement invariance of the PHQ-9 across groups of people with and without diabetes has not yet been investigated. Data from three independent cohorts from the USA (n=1,886 with diabetes, n=4,153 without diabetes), Quebec, Canada (n= 800 with diabetes, n= 2,411 without diabetes), and the UK (n=4,981 with diabetes, n=145,570 without diabetes), were used to examine measurement invariance between adults with and without diabetes. A series of multiple group confirmatory factor analyses were performed, with increasingly stringent model constraints applied to assess configural, equal thresholds, and equal thresholds and loadings invariance, respectively. One-factor and two-factor (somatic and cognitive-affective items) models were examined. Results demonstrated that the most stringent models, testing equal loadings and thresholds, had satisfactory model fit in the three cohorts for one-factor models (RMSEA=.063 or below and CFI=.978 or above) and two-factor models (RMSEA=.042 or below and CFI=.989 or above). Data were from Western countries only and we could not distinguish between type of diabetes. Results provide support for measurement invariance between groups of people with and without diabetes, using either a one-factor or a two-factor model. While the two-factor solution has a slightly better fit, the one-factor solution is more parsimonious. Depending on research or clinical needs, both factor structures can be used. Results provide support for measurement invariance between groups of people with and without diabetes, using either a one-factor or a two-factor model. While the two-factor solution has a slightly better fit, the one-factor solution is more parsimonious. Depending on research or clinical needs, both factor structures can be used.Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) is a food safety hazard causing a substantial human disease burden. Because infected pig meat is estimated to attribute 12 % to this disease burden, it is important to control T. gondii infection in pigs. Providing pig farmers with information on T. gondii infection in general, and more specific on the status on their farm, could motivate them to take actions. In this study, we analysed the strategy pig farmers used to view specific T. gondii information provided for the first time on webpages in an existing data exchange system of a Dutch pig slaughter company. The available information for farmers comprised a webpage displaying the farm-level T. gondii seroprevalence and a webpage with information on risk sources and control measures for T. gondii infection in pigs and on human health consequences of a T. gondii infection. A total of 1404 owners of pig farms logged in the data exchange system. Of these, a quarter viewed the webpage with information on T. gondii seroprevalence, and about of third of them also viewed the webpage with the information on risk sources and control measures. T. gondii seroprevalence exceeded 2.0 % at only 0.6 % of these 1404 farms. The seroprevalence level on a particular farm neither influenced the likelihood of the farmer viewing the webpage with the T. gondii seroprevalence, nor the likelihood of them continuing to the webpage with the additional information. In the days when the pop-up message was included, the number of views registered on the seroprevalence and the additional information webpages rose nine and two times, respectively. Since the majority of views was in the period with a pop-up message pointing to this information we conclude that a targeted pop-up might help to transfer needed information to farmers with higher T. gondii seroprevalence at farm-level. More general, our study provides valuable insight into pig farmers' viewing strategies of new information on food safety hazards provided in a slaughter data exchange system.