Due to mechanisms such as proteolytic processing or alternative translation starts, in vivo proteoforms do not necessarily correspond directly to those encoded in the genome. Therefore, the knowledge of protein termini is an indispensable prerequisite to understand protein functions. So far, sequencing of protein N- and C-termini has been limited to single purified protein species, while the proteome-wide identification of N- and C-termini relies on the generation of single, terminal proteotypic peptides followed by chemical enrichment or depletion strategies to facilitate their detection via mass spectrometry (MS). To overcome the numerous limitations in such approaches, we present an alternative concept that readily enables unbiased ladder sequencing of protein N- and C-termini. The approach combines exopeptidase digestions of the proteome with two-dimensional chromatographic separation and tandem-MS. We demonstrate the potential of the methodology by analyzing the N- and C-terminome of S. cerevisiae, identifying 2190 N-termini and 1562 C-termini. In conclusion, the presented method largely expands the proteomics toolbox enabling N- and C-terminal sequential characterization of entire proteomes.The "Zeeman effect" offers unique opportunities for magnetic manipulation of the spin degree of freedom (DOF). Recently, valley Zeeman splitting, referring to the lifting of valley degeneracy, has been demonstrated in two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) at liquid helium temperature. However, to realize the practical applications of valley pseudospins, the valley DOF must be controllable by a magnetic field at room temperature, which remains a significant challenge. Magnetic doping in TMDs can enhance the Zeeman splitting; however, to achieve this experimentally is not easy. Here, we report unambiguous magnetic manipulation of valley Zeeman splitting at 300 K (geff = -6.4) and 10 K (geff = -11) in a CVD-grown Fe-doped MoS2 monolayer; the effective Landé geff factor can be tuned to -20.7 by increasing the Fe dopant concentration, which represents an approximately 5-fold enhancement as compared to undoped MoS2. Our measurements and calculations reveal that the enhanced splitting and geff factors are due to the Heisenberg exchange interaction of the localized magnetic moments (Fe 3d electrons) with MoS2 through the d-orbital hybridization.A phenomenon that a few-layer graphene's (FLG) top transformed to single-layer graphene (SLG) with some bilayer/triple-layer patches on its surface during field electron emission was observed using in situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM). During field electron emission with high emission current, the FLG's top five layers split and finally transformed to SLG with some bilayer/triple-layer patches on its surface with a better crystallinity. It was due to thermal exfoliation and atom recombination at high temperatures induced by joule heat. The heat-induced structural self-transformation optimizes the field electron emission from the graphene's top edge. After transformation, the emission current increased with an order of magnitude at high field region (>307 V/μm). A modified field emission theory of graphene with curves of ln (I/E3/2)∼1/E and ln (I/E3)∼1/E2 in high and low field regimes, respectively, has been used to analyze the phenomenon. The graphene's line current density of two-dimensional (2D) structure and its special energy-dispersion relation at K state of Dirac point makes the curves of ln (I/E3/2)∼1/E and ln (I/E3)∼1/E2 to show up-bending features, which leads to the improvement of the field electron emission tunneling efficiency as the applied electric field increases. These results revealed that the intrinsic field emission characteristics of graphene can be achieved after a structural self-optimizing transformation of FLG during high current field electron emission. It offers an efficient post-treatment method to achieve high performance of graphene field emitter.Nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) produce a wide variety of different natural products from amino acid precursors. In contrast to single protein NRPS, the NRPS of the bacterium Xenorhabdus bovienii producing the peptide-antimicrobial-Xenorhabdus (PAX) peptide consists of three individual proteins (PaxA/B/C), which interact with each other noncovalently in a linear fashion. The specific interactions between the three different proteins in this NRPS system are mediated by short C- and N-terminal docking domains (C/NDDs). https://www.selleckchem.com/products/n-acetyl-dl-methionine.html Here, we investigate the structural basis for the specific interaction between the CDD from the protein PaxB and the NDD from PaxC. The isolated DD peptides feature transient α-helical conformations in the absence of the respective DD partner. Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) titration experiments showed that the two isolated DDs bind to each other and form a structurally well-defined complex with a dissociation constant in the micromolar range as is typical for many DD interactions. Artificial linking of this DD pair via a flexible glycine-serine (GS) linker enabled us to solve the structure of the DD complex by NMR spectroscopy. In the complex, the two DDs interact with each other by forming a three helix bundle arranged in an overall coiled-coil motif. Key interacting residues were identified in mutagenesis experiments. Overall, our structure of the PaxB CDD/PaxC NDD complex represents an architecturally new type of DD interaction motif.Great hopes are placed on all-solid-state Li-metal batteries (ASSBs) to boost the energy density of the current Li-ion technology. However, these devices still present a number of unresolved issues that keep them far from commercialization; such as interfacial instability, lithium dendrite formation, and lack of mechanical integrity during cycling. To mitigate these limiting aspects, the most advanced ASSB systems presently combine a sulfide- or oxide-based solid electrolyte (SE) with a coated Li-based oxide as the positive electrode and a lithium anode. Through this work, we propose a different twist by switching from layered oxides to layered sulfides as active cathode materials. Herein, we present the performance of a Li-rich layered sulfide of formula Li1.13Ti0.57Fe0.3S2 (LTFS) in room temperature operating all-solid-state batteries, using β-Li3PS4 as SE and both InLi and Li anode materials. These batteries exhibit good cyclability, small polarization and, in the case of the Li anode, no initial irreversible capacity.