001). However, following supplementation in the longitudinal analysis, this increase was less pronounced in Hispanic patients vs. non-Hispanic (P = 0.007), and in children with solid tumors vs. hematological malignancies (P = 0.003). Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency are common in children with newly diagnosed cancer. Hispanic patients, females and older children were at higher risk for vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency. Although supplementation appeared to increase 25(OH)D concentrations over time, this increase was not as pronounced in certain subsets of patients. Prospective trials of the effects of vitamin D supplementation on bone health in children with newly diagnosed cancer are warranted, particularly in Hispanics and patients with solid tumors.The aim of this study was to propose a group of parameters able to quantify not only arm coordination but also inter limb coordination. These include the well know index of coordination with the relative duration of the stroke phases and two new parameters the Index of synchronization (Ids) between arms and legs actions; and the Index of inter limb coordination (IdIC) calculated as the relative foot position during successive arm stroke phases. These parameters were compared between experts and amateur swimmers in a maximal front crawl sprint. The influence of arm stroke in leg kick parameters was also assessed, comparing the full stroke condition with a condition without arms actions. Sixty-five per cent of expert swimmers used synchronized limb actions while 95% of amateur swimmers used non-synchronized limb motions. These synchronized expert swimmers also converged towards a specific coordination pattern between foot position and arm stroke phases. In the condition without arms, both groups changed kick rate and amplitude. The present study reveals the interdependency of arms and legs actions and the importance of coordination and synchronization between limbs. Therefore, the proposed group of overall indexes of coordination provides a more complete marker for the analysis of swimming technique.Mothers living with HIV are faced with the dilemma of when and how to disclose their HIV-positive status to their young uninfected children. In this study, a South African sample of mothers living with HIV, with young uninfected children (6-10 years) in the city of Tshwane was studied. https://www.selleckchem.com/ In the sample of 406 mothers, 11.6% reported that they disclosed their HIV status to their young uninfected children. The research compared 47 mothers who disclosed (29 full disclosure and 18 partial disclosure) and a random sample of 50 mothers who did not disclose to their children, in terms of depression symptoms, parenting stress and coping strategies. The results showed that single and widowed mothers disclosed significantly more to their uninfected young children than mothers who had partners or were married. Mothers in the three disclosure groups did not differ in their experience of depression symptoms, parental distress and coping styles. Mothers who disclosed partially reported less parent-child dysfunctional interaction. Time since disclosure did not influence level of disclosure and was not significantly related to psychological outcome of mothers. Mothers who disclosed reported significantly more emotional and instrumental support as coping strategies than mothers who did not disclose. Mothers thus mostly disclose their status to their children to gain support and family closeness. Mothers who disclosed and had not disclosed did not differ in terms of psychological variables. Some mothers perceived partial disclosure as age-appropriate for young children. It is recommended that HIV-positive mothers receive psychosocial support services to equip them to disclose their health status in an age-appropriate way to their children, as it is documented that maternal disclosure benefits both mother and child.Background Many women continue to smoke during pregnancy, despite known risks, often in response to negative affect. Recent scholarship has begun to examine factors that decrease the success of behavioral treatments for smoking cessation in pregnancy, which are the preferred interventions. Alexithymia is one factor that may interfere with smoking cessation interventions. Alexithymia restricts access to emotional information and increases propensity toward maladaptive behaviors, including smoking. However, mechanisms underlying such effects are largely unknown. Objectives Using data from a longitudinal treatment study, the present research examined difficulties with emotion regulation as a potential mechanism linking alexithymia and smoking. Pregnant smokers (n = 73; mean age = 24.78; SD = 4.50) completed measures related to alexithymia, smoking, emotion regulation, depression, anxiety, and anger at baseline and then again following eight sessions of Cognitive-Behavioral Smoking Cessation Treatment. Results Nearly 40% of the sample met the criteria for alexithymia. The alexithymia group reported higher depression, anxiety, and anger. They also reported more difficulties with emotion regulation. In a path analysis, baseline alexithymia had a significant positive indirect effect on number of cigarettes smoked at the end of treatment through difficulties with emotion regulation. Conclusions/Importance Similar to other studies, alexithymia limits the understanding of emotional information necessary for selection and implementation of adaptive coping responses. Our results extend the literature by suggesting that smoking may be an attempt to manage undifferentiated and unpleasant sensations created by alexithymia.This study aimed to explore men's experiences of social support after non-nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy. A qualitative study based on Gadamer's hermeneutic phenomenology was designed. In-depth interviews were conducted with 16 men who had undergone a non-nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy. Data analysis was performed using ATLAS.ti software. From this analysis, two main themes emerged "The partner as a source of support and conflict after a prostatectomy," which includes empathetic reconnection with the partner and changes in sexual and cohabitation patterns and "The importance of social and professional circles," which addresses the shortcomings of the healthcare system in terms of sexual information and counseling as well as the role of friends within social support. The study suggests the need to establish interventions that address interpersonal communication and attention to social and informational support and include both the patient and those closest to them.