With the rise of O/I, ERtotal, TOCtotal, and ERENC increased by 10.9, 20.6, and 2.1 times, respectively. And the organics content in CDW should be less than 10% (i.e., DOC less then 101.3 mg/L). The good regressions between waste properties (DOC, DN, pH) and ERENC- (r=0.86, 0.86, -0.88, p less then 0.05), TOCtotal- (r=0.82, 0.79, -0.82, p less then 0.05) implied that the carbon sources and acidic substances relating to organics degradation might result in that increase. Besides, the correlation analysis results (ERENC-vs.TOCtotal-, r=0.96, p less then 0.01; vs.ERtotal-, r=0.86, p less then 0.05) indicated that e-nose perhaps was a reliable odor continuous monitoring tool for CDW landfills.In this work, Bi2XO6 (X = W, Mo) are synthesized at different temperatures. The results of tests find the optimal temperatures of Bi2WO6 and Bi2MoO6 are 180 and 160°C (BW-180, BM-160). Then, BW-180 and BM-160 are further compounded with different contents of CuS. The results of photoelectrochemical (PEC) tests show that CuS can improve the PEC performance of semiconductor materials, and it has better performance when CuS mass fraction is 5%. These maybe the photoelectron potentials generated by CuS/Bi2XO6 (X = Mo, W) heterojunction reduce the combination of photogenerated electrons and holes. When the PEC sensor based on 5%-CuS/BW-180 detects Cr(VI), it has a linear range of 1-80 μmol/L with detection limit of 0.95 μmol/L, while the PEC sensor based on 5%-CuS/BM-160 detects Cr(VI) has a linear range of 0.5-230 μmol/L and a detection limit of 0.12 μmol/L. Thus, 5%-CuS/Bi2XO6 has potential application in hexavalent chromium detection.To improve the removal capacity of NO + O2 effectively, the alkaline earth metal-doped order mesoporous carbon (A-C-FDU-15(0.001) (A = Mg, Ca, Sr and Ba)) and Mg-C-FDU-15(x) (x = 0.001-0.003) samples were prepared, and their physicochemical and NO + O2 adsorption properties were determined by means of various techniques. The results show that the sequence in (NO + O2) adsorption performance was as follows Mg-C-FDU-15(0.001) (93.2 mg/g) > Ca-C-FDU-15(0.001) (82.2 mg/g) > Sr-C-FDU-15(0.001) (76.1 mg/g) > Ba-C-FDU-15(0.001) (72.9 mg/g) > C-FDU-15 (67.1 mg/g). Among all of the A-C-FDU-15(0.001) samples, Mg-C-FDU-15(0.001) possessed the highest (NO + O2) adsorption capacity (106.2 mg/g). The species of alkaline earth metals and basic sites were important factors determining the adsorption of NO + O2 on the A-C-FDU-15(x) samples, and (NO + O2) adsorption on the samples was mainly chemical adsorption. Combined with the results of (NO + O2)-temperature-programmed desorption ((NO + O2)-TPD) and in situ diffused reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) characterization, we deduced that there were two main pathways of (NO + O2) adsorption one was first the conversion of NO and O2 to NO2 and then part of NO2 was converted to NO2- and NO3-; and the other was the direct oxidation of NO to NO2- and NO3-.Selective catalytic reduction is the most efficient and reliable equipment for NOx control in current diesel engines. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/apr-246-prima-1met.html However, the issue of urea crystallization becomes increasingly serious with the implement of the new emissions standards. In this paper, urea deposit samples collected from engine test bed and tube furnace were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis and Fourier transform-infrared analysis to aid the comprehension of urea deposit formation. Moreover, thermogravimetric tests were conducted to disclose the effects of catalyst on the thermal decomposition processes of urea deposit. The results indicated that less temperature resistant species are formed in the engine test bed than in the tube furnace at conditions with the same temperatures. The main compositions in the World Harmonized Transient Cycle (WHTC) urea deposits are urea, cyanuric acid (CYA) and ammelide, implying that accelerating the decomposition of these species could prevent the accumulation of urea deposit. CuWTi, Cuβ and CuZSM catalysts could lead to increased yield of CYA during pure urea thermolysis. Cuβ, CuWTi and VWTi catalysts tend to promote the thermolysis of CYA while VWTi has the most significant catalytic effects on the thermal decomposition of ammelide and ammeline.Indoor air quality (IAQ) directly affects the health of occupants. Household manufacturing equipment (HME) used for hobbies or educational purposes is a new and unexplored source of air pollution. In this study, we evaluated the characteristics of particulate and gaseous pollutants produced by a household laser processing equipment (HLPE). Various target materials were tested using a commercial HLPE under various operating conditions of laser power and sheath air flow rate. The mode diameters of the emitted particles gradually decreased as laser power increased, while the particle number concentration (PNC) and particle emission rate (PER) increased. In addition, as the sheath air flow rate quadrupled from 10 to 40 L/min, the mode diameter of the emitted particles decreased by nearly 25%, but the effect on the PNC was insignificant. When the laser induced the target materials at 53 mW, the mode diameters of particles were 5 × 104 particles/cm3 during 30 min of HLPE operation. Our results suggest that more meticulous control methods are needed, including the use of less harmful target materials along with filters or adsorbents that prevent emission of pollutants.Trace analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) during wildfires is imperative for environmental and health risk assessment. The use of gas sampling devices mounted on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to chemically sample air during wildfires is of great interest because these devices move freely about their environment, allowing for more representative air samples and the ability to sample areas dangerous or unreachable by humans. This work presents chemical data from air samples obtained in Davis, CA during the most destructive wildfire in California's history - the 2018 Camp Fire - as well as the deployment of our sampling device during a controlled experimental fire while fixed to a UAV. The sampling mechanism was an in-house manufactured micro-gas preconcentrator (µPC) embedded onto a compact battery-operated sampler that was returned to the laboratory for chemical analysis. Compounds commonly observed in wildfires were detected during the Camp Fire using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS), including BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, m+p-xylene, and o-xylene), benzaldehyde, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, naphthalene, 1,2,3-trimethylbenzene and 1-ethyl-3-methylbenzene.