In the far-reaching field of toxicology, m6A epitranscriptomics provides another enticing avenue to explore new mechanisms and therapies for a diverse range of environmentally linked disorders and diseases.Topological conflict or incongruence is widespread in phylogenomic data. Concatenation- and coalescent-based approaches often result in incongruent topologies, but the causes of this conflict can be difficult to characterize. We examined incongruence stemming from conflict the between likelihood-based signal (quantified by the difference in gene-wise log-likelihood score or $\Delta $GLS) and quartet-based topological signal (quantified by the difference in gene-wise quartet score or $\Delta $GQS) for every gene in three phylogenomic studies in animals, fungi, and plants, which were chosen because their concatenation-based IQ-TREE (T1) and quartet-based ASTRAL (T2) phylogenies are known to produce eight conflicting internal branches (bipartitions). By comparing the types of phylogenetic signal for all genes in these three data matrices, we found that 30-36% of genes in each data matrix are inconsistent, that is, each of these genes has a higher log-likelihood score for T1 versus T2 (i.e., $\Delta $GLS $>$0) whphylogenetics; phylogenomics; Tree of Life.].Light-dependent seed germination is a vital process for many seed plants. A decisive event in light-induced germination is degradation of the central repressor PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR 1 (PIF1). The balance between gibberellic acid (GA) and abscisic acid (ABA) helps to control germination. However, the cellular mechanisms linking PIF1 turnover to hormonal balancing remain elusive. Here, employing far-red light-induced Arabidopsis thaliana seed germination as the experimental system, we identified PLANTACYANIN (PCY) as an inhibitor of germination. It is a blue copper protein associated with the vacuole that is both highly expressed in mature seeds and rapidly silenced during germination. Molecular analyses showed that PIF1 binds to the miR408 promoter and represses miR408 accumulation. This in turn posttranscriptionally modulates PCY abundance, forming the PIF1-miR408-PCY repression cascade for translating PIF1 turnover to PCY turnover during early germination. Genetic analysis, RNA-sequencing, and hormone quantification revealed that PCY is necessary and sufficient to maintain the PIF1-mediated seed transcriptome and the low-GA-high-ABA state. Furthermore, we found that PCY domain organization and regulation by miR408 are conserved features in seed plants. These results revealed a cellular mechanism whereby PIF1-relayed external light signals are converted through PCY turnover to internal hormonal profiles for controlling seed germination.Amino acid substitution models play a crucial role in phylogenetic analyses. Maximum likelihood (ML) methods have been proposed to estimate amino acid substitution models; however, they are typically complicated and slow. In this article, we propose QMaker, a new ML method to estimate a general time-reversible $Q$ matrix from a large protein data set consisting of multiple sequence alignments. QMaker combines an efficient ML tree search algorithm, a model selection for handling the model heterogeneity among alignments, and the consideration of rate mixture models among sites. We provide QMaker as a user-friendly function in the IQ-TREE software package (http// supporting the use of multiple CPU cores so that biologists can easily estimate amino acid substitution models from their own protein alignments. We used QMaker to estimate new empirical general amino acid substitution models from the current Pfam database as well as five clade-specific models for mammals, birds, insects, yeasts, and plants. Our results show that the new models considerably improve the fit between model and data and in some cases influence the inference of phylogenetic tree topologies.[Amino acid replacement matrices; amino acid substitution models; maximum likelihood estimation; phylogenetic inferences.]. Describing the changes in trauma volume and injury patterns during the course of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic could help to inform policy development and hospital resource planning. To examine trends in trauma admissions throughout Los Angeles County (LAC) during the pandemic. In this cohort study, all trauma admissions to the 15 verified level 1 and level 2 trauma centers in LAC from January 1 to June 7, 2020 were reviewed. All trauma admissions from the same period in 2019 were used as historical control. For overall admissions, the study period was divided into 3 intervals based on daily admission trend analysis (January 1 through February 28, March 1 through April 9, April 10 through June 7). For the blunt trauma subgroup analysis, the study period was divided into 3 similar intervals (January 1 through February 27, February 28 through April 5, April 6 through June 7). COVID-19 pandemic. Trends in trauma admission volume and injury patterns. A total of 6777 patients in 2020n this study, trauma centers throughout LAC experienced a significant change in injury patterns and admission trends during the COVID-19 pandemic. A transient decrease in volume was followed by a quick return to baseline levels. Trauma centers should prioritize maintaining access, capacity, and functionality during pandemics and other national emergencies. In this study, trauma centers throughout LAC experienced a significant change in injury patterns and admission trends during the COVID-19 pandemic. A transient decrease in volume was followed by a quick return to baseline levels. Trauma centers should prioritize maintaining access, capacity, and functionality during pandemics and other national emergencies. Transcarotid artery revascularization (TCAR) may serve as a safer alternative to carotid endarterectomy (CEA) for certain patients with carotid artery stenosis. To determine the center-level association of TCAR adoption with overall perioperative outcomes for TCAR and CEA combined at centers performing both procedures. This comparative-effectiveness research was conducted with a difference-in-difference analysis using retrospective data from 2015 to 2019 from the Vascular Quality Initiative registry, a consortium of more than 400 centers in North America. Included patients underwent TCAR or CEA for carotid artery stenosis. Patients who underwent transfemoral carotid stenting were excluded. Data were analyzed from December 2019 through August 2020. Center-level adoption of TCAR vs not. The rate of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), a composite of in-hospital stroke, myocardial infarction, or death at 30 days, was measured. Among 86 027 patients who underwent revascularization for carotid artery stenosis, 7664 patients (8.