Several biological effects of chalcones have been reported to be associated with their thiol reactivity. In vivo, the reactions can result in the formation of small-molecule or protein thiol adducts. Both types of reactions can play a role in the biological effects of this class of compounds. Progress of the reaction of 4-methyl- and 4-methoxychalcone with glutathione and N-acetylcysteine was studied by the HPLC-UV-VIS method. The reactions were conducted under three different pH conditions. HPLC-MS measurements confirmed the structure of the formed adducts. The chalcones reacted with both thiols under all incubation conditions. The initial rate and composition of the equilibrium mixtures depended on the ratio of the deprotonated form of the thiols. In the reaction of 4-methoxychalcone with N-acetylcysteine under strongly basic conditions, transformation of the kinetic adduct into the thermodynamically more stable one was observed. Addition of S-protonated N-acetylcysteine onto the polar double bonds of the chalcones showed different degrees of diastereoselectivity. Both chalcones showed a Michael-type addition reaction with the ionized and non-ionized forms of the investigated thiols. The initial reactivity of the chalcones and the equilibrium composition of the incubates showed a positive correlation with the degree of ionization of the thiols. Conversions showed systematic differences under each set of conditions. The observed differences can hint at the difference in reported biological actions of 4-methyl- and 4-methoxy-substituted chalcones.The reaction of palladium(II) acetate with acyclic amino acids in acetone/water yields square planar bis-chelated palladium amino acid complexes that exhibit interesting non-covalent interactions. In all cases, complexes were examined by multiple spectroscopic techniques, especially HRMS (high resolution mass spectrometry), IR (infrared spectroscopy), and 1H NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectroscopy. In some cases, suitable crystals for single crystal X-ray diffraction were able to be grown and the molecular structure was obtained. The molecular geometries of the products are discussed. Except for the alanine complex, all complexes incorporate water molecules into the extended lattice and exhibit N-H···O and/or O···(HOH)···O hydrogen bonding interactions. The non-covalent interactions are discussed in terms of the extended lattice structures exhibited by the structures.Scientific evidence supports the early deregulation of epigenetic profiles during breast carcinogenesis. Research shows that cellular transformation, carcinogenesis, and stemness maintenance are regulated by epigenetic-specific changes that involve microRNAs (miRNAs). Dietary bioactive compounds such as blueberry polyphenols may modulate susceptibility to breast cancer by the modulation of CSC survival and self-renewal pathways through the epigenetic mechanism, including the regulation of miRNA expression. Therefore, the current study aimed to assay the effect of polyphenol enriched blueberry preparation (PEBP) or non-fermented blueberry juice (NBJ) on the modulation of miRNA signature and the target proteins associated with different clinical-pathological characteristics of breast cancer such as stemness, invasion, and chemoresistance using breast cancer cell lines. To this end, 4T1 and MB-MDM-231 cell lines were exposed to NBJ or PEBP for 24 h. miRNA profiling was performed in breast cancer cell cultures, a and miR-145, and protection against breast cancer development and progression. Thus, PEBP may represent a source for novel chemopreventative agents against breast cancer.The rise in cancer cases in recent years is an alarming situation worldwide. Despite the tremendous research and invention of new cancer therapies, the clinical outcomes are not always reassuring. Cancer cells could develop several evasive mechanisms for their survivability and render therapeutic failure. The continuous use of conventional cancer therapies leads to chemoresistance, and a higher dose of treatment results in even greater toxicities among cancer patients. Therefore, the search for an alternative treatment modality is crucial to break this viscous cycle. This paper explores the suitability of curcumin combination treatment with other cancer therapies to curb cancer growth. We provide a critical insight to the mechanisms of action of curcumin, its role in combination therapy in various cancers, along with the molecular targets involved. Curcumin combination treatments were found to enhance anticancer effects, mediated by the multitargeting of several signalling pathways by curcumin and the co-administered cancer therapies. The preclinical and clinical evidence in curcumin combination therapy is critically analysed, and the future research direction of curcumin combination therapy is discussed.Today, an improved understanding of cancer cell response to cellular stress has become more necessary. Indeed, targeting the intracellular pro-oxidant/antioxidant balance triggering the tumor commitment to cell demise could represent an advantageous strategy to develop cancer-tailored therapies. In this scenario, the present study shows how the peel extract of mango-a tropical fruit rich in phytochemicals with nutraceutical properties-can affect the cell viability of three colon cancer cell lines (HT29, Caco-2 and HCT116), inducing an imbalance of cellular redox responses. By using hydro-alcoholic mango peel extract (MPE), we observed a consistent decline in thiol group content, which was accompanied by upregulation of MnSOD-a mitochondrial scavenger enzyme that modulates the cellular response against oxidative damage. Such an effect was the consequence of an early production of mitochondrial superoxide anions that appeared after just 30 min of exposure of colon cancer cells to MPE. The effect was accompanied by mitochondrial injury, consisting of the dissipation of mitochondrial membrane potential and a decrease in the level of proteins localized in the mitochondrial membrane-such as voltage-dependent anion-selective channel (VDAC1), mitofilin, and some members of Bcl-2 family proteins (Mcl-1, Bcl-2 and Bcl-XL)-with the mitochondrial release of apoptogenic factors (cytochrome C and AIF). The analysis of the cytotoxic effects exerted by the different constituents of MPE (gallic acid, mangiferin, citric acid, quinic acid, pentagalloyl glucose, and methyl gallate) allowed us to identify those phytochemicals responsible for the observed anticancer effects, sustaining their future employment as chemopreventive or therapeutic agents.