oot at the level of Gerota's fascia can ensure the complete resection of the mesentery of the transverse colon.Objective To investigate the feasibility and advantages of the SILS+1 technique in the radical right hemicolectomy, by comparing the short-term efficacy, postoperative recovery of intestinal function, and stress and inflammatory response of patients with right-sided colon cancer undergoing the conventional 5-hole laparoscopic technique or the single incision plus one port laparoscopic surgery (SILS+1). Methods A retrospective cohort study was performed. Thirty-five patients with right-sided colon cancer undergoing SILS+1 surgery at Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery of Fujian Cancer Hospital from January 2018 to September 2020 were enrolled in the SILS+1 group. Then a total of 44 patients who underwent completely 5-hole laparoscopic right hemicolectomy at the same time were selected as the conventional laparoscopic surgery (CLS) group. The intraoperative observation indexes (operative time, intraoperative blood loss, and incision length) and postoperative observation indexes (time to ambulation after surgs. 2.3±0.3, F=49.128, P=0.003), shorter postoperative hospital stay [(9.1 ± 2.7) d vs. (11.2 ± 2.2) d, t=3.267,P=0.001], which were all statistically significant (all P0.05). Conclusions The SILS+1 technique has good operability and potential for popularization. Under the premise of radical resection, this technology not only reduces incision number and postoperative physical pain, but also speeds up postoperative recovery and shortens hospital stay.Objective Although single port laparoscopic surgery has achieved good clinical results, many surgeons are discouraged by the difficulties of operation, conflict of instruments, lack of antagonistic traction, and straight-line perspective. Therefore, some surgeons have proposed a single incision plus one hole laparoscopic surgery (SILS+1) surgical method. This study explored the safety and feasibility of SILS+1 for radical resection of colorectal cancer. Methods A descriptive cohort study was carried out. The clinical data, including the operation, pathology and recovery situation, of 178 patients with colorectal cancer undergoing SILS+1 at Department of General Surgery, Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University from March 2018 to January 2019 were prospectively collected and retrospectively analyzed. Clavien-Dindo criteria was used for postoperative complication evaluation and visual analog scale was used for pain standard. Follow-up studies were conducted through outpatient service or telephone and the fConclusion SILS+1 is safe and feasible in the treatment of colorectal cancer, and can reduce the postoperative pain.Haining City and Jiashan County in Zhejiang Province are the first areas to carry out colorectal cancer screening in China, which started in the early 1970s and has been going on for more than 40 years. Meanwhile, Haining and Jiashan have also become the first batch of National Demonstration Bases for Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Colorectal Cancer. In the past 40 years, owing to Professor Zheng Shu who is brave and innovative, with an indomitable spirit, as well as the unremitting efforts and active exploration of all the team members, colorectal cancer screening which was unknown by the public and implemented with difficulties, has gradually been widely accepted and benefited the population. Today, remarkable achievements have been fulfilled in the colorectal cancer screening of Haining and Jiashan which has become the pioneer power in promoting the progress of colorectal cancer prevention and control in China and has certain influence both on China and the world. Meanwhile, a set of colorectal cancer screening strategies suitable for China has been explored and further promoted to be used nationwide, which is of great significance to the prevention and control of colorectal cancer in China. Looking forward to the future, the prevention and control of colorectal cancer in China is still difficult. We will continue to give full play to our existing advantages, not forget our original intention, move forward, explore innovation, and create greater glories!In the past 30 years, minimally invasive surgery has been greatly improved with the development of the energy platform, instrument platform, and imaging platform. Taking colorectal cancer surgery as an example, the five elements of surgical procedure have developed to a certain extent. The surgical approach has undergone a process from large to small. The range of resection ranges from simple bowel resection to radical resection/extended radical resection, and then to surgery that focuses on preserving organ function. With the recognition of the direction of normal lymphatic drainage and the characteristics of tumor lymphatic metastasis, lymph node dissection has been gradually standardized. The reconstruction of the digestive tract has changed from manual sutures to full endoscopic anastomosis, and then to the concept of functional anastomosis. The removal of the specimen has improved from large incision through the abdominal wall, to small laparoscopic incision, and then to the natural cavity. The evolution of these procedures depends on the advancement of technology platforms and equipment, and the recognition of new concepts. The development of minimally invasive platform must be in the direction of ensuring the implementation of the most optimized surgical approach. The platform is more secure, integrated, multifunctional, and intelligent. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/sb225002.html In the future, minimally invasive procedures must be aimed at maximizing the benefits of patients. The procedures are more scientific, functional, comfortable and diverse. Surgical innovation has promoted the development of the platform. The platform and the surgical procedure promote each other's development.Located in the pelvic cavity and contiguous to the anal sphincter complex and urogenital organs, the rectum has more intricate anatomical features compared with the colon. Consequently, the treatment of rectal cancer involves more consideration, including pelvic radiation, lateral lymph node dissection, transanal access, postoperative function, sphincter preservation, and nonoperative management. Based on the last set of American society of colon and rectal surgeons (ASCRS) practice parameters for the management of rectal cancer published in 2013, the 2020 guidelines present evidence-based updates for both long-existing and emerging controversies on surgical management of rectal cancer. These updates include the indication for local resection, lymph node dissection for radical proctectomy, minimally invasive surgery, the "watch and wait" strategy for patients with clinical complete response, and prevention of anastomotic leak. Meanwhile, the guidelines recommend a risk-stratified approach for perioperative therapies for non-metastatic disease, and an individualized multimodality treatment based on treatment intent for synchronous metastatic disease.