For autogenic ecosystem engineers, body size is an aspect of individual performance that has direct connections to community structure; yet the complex morphology of these species can make it difficult to draw clear connections between the environment and performance. We combined laboratory experiments and field surveys to test the hypothesis that individual body size was determined by disparate localized physiological responses to environmental conditions across the complex thallus of the intertidal kelp Hedophyllum sessile, a canopy-forming physical ecosystem engineer. We documented substantial (> 40%) declines in whole-thallus photosynthetic potential (as Maximum Quantum Yield, MQY) as a consequence of emersion, which were related to greater than 10-fold increases in intra-thallus MQY variability (as Coefficient of Variation). In laboratory experiments, desiccation and high light levels during emersion led to lasting impairment of photosynthetic potential and an immediate > 25% reduction in area due to tissue contraction, which was followed by complete loss of structural integrity after three days of submersion. Tissue exposed to desiccation and high light during emersion had higher nitrogen concentrations and lower phlorotannin concentrations than tissue in control treatments (on average 1.36 and 0.1x controls, respectively), suggesting that conditions during emersion have the potential to affect food quality for consumers. Our data indicate that the complex thallus morphology of H. sessile may be critical to this kelp's ability to persist in the intertidal zone despite the physiological challenges of emersion and encourage a more nuanced view of the concept of "sub-lethal stress" on the scale of the whole individual. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a major cause of chronic liver disease, which can progress to cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, and death. A timely diagnosis allows for antiviral treatment, which can prevent liver-related complications. Conversely, a late diagnosis signals a missed opportunity for earlier care and treatment. Our objective was to measure the proportion of chronic HBV diagnoses that are made within 6 months of presentation with a liver disease-related complication and examine associated factors and trends over time. We used provincial laboratory data to identify patients with chronic HBV diagnosed from 2003 to 2014. We measured the proportion who experienced a liver disease complication (decompensated cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, or liver transplant) within +/- 6 months of their HBV diagnosis date. A multivariable logistic regression model was used to identify factors associated with HBV diagnosis peri-complication. Of 18,434 patients with chronic HBV, 1,279 (6.9%) developed an HBV-related complication during the follow-up period. Among these, 570 (44.6%) had a first diagnosis peri-complication. HBV diagnosis peri-complication did not decrease over time and was independently associated with older age at HBV diagnosis, rural residence, alcohol use, and moderate to high levels of comorbidity. Female patients, immigrants, and those with more outpatient physician visits were less likely to have an HBV diagnosis peri-complication. A high proportion of patients with HBV-related complications are first diagnosed with HBV peri-complication. These signal missed opportunities for earlier detection and treatment. Our findings support expansion of HBV screening. A high proportion of patients with HBV-related complications are first diagnosed with HBV peri-complication. These signal missed opportunities for earlier detection and treatment. Our findings support expansion of HBV screening.Some epidemiological studies have suggested that exposure to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields (ELF-MFs) can affect the immune system. This study aimed to investigate the effects of antioxidant vitamin consumption on proinflammatory cytokines and biochemical parameters changes. In this randomized, controlled double-blinded trial study, power plant workers exposed to ELF-MFs were enrolled based on inclusion criteria. Ninety-one eligible subjects were randomly divided into four groups the first group (400 units of vitamin E/day), second group (1,000 mg of vitamin C/day), third group (400 units of vitamin E and 1,000 mg of vitamin C/day), and control group. The intervention was conducted for 3 months. Proinflammatory cytokines interleukin-1β (IL-1β), IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and biochemical parameters (fasting blood sugar, total cholesterol, triglyceride, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol [HDL-c], total protein, and albumin) were measured among the participants' serums, before and after the intervention. The mean level of IL-6 in all vitamin-receiving groups, the mean level of IL-1β in vitamin C and E&C groups, and the mean level of TNF-α in the vitamin C group, decreased significantly after intervention. The arithmetic means of the effect sizes for IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α were 0.71, 0.57, and 0.2, respectively. The level of HDL-c in the vitamin E and vitamin E&C groups and the level of triglyceride in the vitamin C group significantly increased after the intervention. Taking antioxidant vitamins can prevent an increase of proinflammatory cytokines induced by prolonged exposure to ELF-MFs. Bioelectromagnetics. 2021;4218-26. © 2020 Bioelectromagnetics Society. Carvedilol is a third-generation β-adrenoceptor antagonist, which also stimulates β-arrestins. β-arrestins initiate intracellular signalling and are involved in insulin release and sensitivity. Carvedilol is superior in effectiveness to other drugs that are used for similar indications and does not cause insulin resistance or diabetes, which can occur with other β-antagonists. We have shown that carvedilol increased glucose usage in C2C12 cells. We investigate the biased agonist efficacy of carvedilol on β-arrestins. Streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes rat model was used to induce metabolic and cardiac disorders. After 8 weeks of diabetes, animals were treated with carvedilol or vehicle for another 4 weeks. In vitro heart function was evaluated at baseline as well as with increasing concentrations of isoprenaline. Effects of diabetes and carvedilol treatment on β-arrestins, ERK, PPARα, CD36 proteins and pyruvate kinase activity were evaluated. β-arrestins were silenced in C2C12 cells by using siRNA. Acute effects of carvedilol on ERK, CD36, mitochondrial transcription factor A, cardiolipin proteins and citrate synthase activity were investigated.