Patients or their families found LVEM helpful in 75% of cases. Significant seizure reductions and improvements in the disease course were reported by 45% of epilepsy patients. Three episodes of non-convulsive status epilepticus occurred, representing 1.7% of admissions and 1.9% of patients diagnosed with epilepsy, while no injuries were observed. LVEM is beneficial for pediatric patients from both a medical perspective and from the perspective of patients and their families, even if patients are ineligible for epilepsy surgery. LVEM is well-tolerated with a low risk of status epilepticus and injuries. LVEM is beneficial for pediatric patients from both a medical perspective and from the perspective of patients and their families, even if patients are ineligible for epilepsy surgery. LVEM is well-tolerated with a low risk of status epilepticus and injuries.Migraine is a common and invalidating disorder worldwide. Patients of all ages experience the disorder as very impairing regarding their personal and occupational lives. The current approach in migraine therapy is multimodal including lifestyle management, psychoeducation and, if available, psychotherapeutic interventions, and pharmacotherapy. The lack of non-pharmacological and non-invasive treatment options call for new and innovative therapeutic approaches. Peripheral neurostimulation is a relatively new method in migraine management offering a painless and non-pharmacological way of targeting specific mechanisms involved in migraine. This review summarizes 15 recent randomized clinical trials to provide an overview of non-invasive peripheral neurostimulation methods currently available for the treatment of migraine. Efficacy, tolerability, and safety of the different interventions and their feasibility in the pediatric setting are evaluated. Vagal nerve stimulation (VNS), remote electrical neuromodulation (REN) and supraorbital nerve stimulation (SNS) are considered effective in treating acute migraine attacks, the latter being more pronounced in migraine without aura. Regarding migraine prevention, occipital nerve stimulation (ONS) and supraorbital nerve stimulation (SNS) demonstrated efficacy, whereas repetitive neuromuscular magnetic stimulation (rNMS) may represent a further effective option in episodic migraine. REN and rNMS were found to be well-accepted with fewer patients discontinuing treatment than those receiving direct cranial nerve stimulation. In summary, peripheral neurostimulation represents a promising option to complement the multimodal therapy concept for pediatric migraine. In particular, rNMS opens a new field for research and treatment fitting the requirements of "non-invasiveness" for children. Given the reported efficacy, safety, and feasibility, the therapy decision should be made on an individual level. Meru Health Program (MHP) is a therapist-guided, 8-week intervention for depression delivered via smartphone. The aim was to test its efficacy in patients with clinical depression in a Finnish university student health service. Patients (n=124, women 72.6%, mean age 25y) were stratified based on antidepressant status, and randomized into intervention group receiving MHP plus treatment as usual (TAU), and control group receiving TAU only. Depression, measured by the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) scale, was the primary outcome. After baseline (T0), follow-ups were at mid-intervention (T4), immediately post-intervention (T8); 3 months (T20), and 6 months (T32) post-intervention. The intervention group and control group did not have significant differences in depression outcomes throughout end of treatment and follow-up. Among secondary outcomes, increase in resilience (d=0.32, p=0.03) and mindfulness (d=0.57, p=0.002), and reduction in perceived stress (d=-0.52, p=0.008) were greater in MHP+TAU versus TAU at T32; no differences were found in anxiety, sleep disturbances, and quality of life between groups. Post-hoc comparisons of patients on antidepressants showed significantly greater reduction in depression at T32 for MHP+TAU versus TAU (d=-0.73, p=0.01); patients not on antidepressants showed no between-group differences. Limitations include unknown characteristics of TAU, potential bias from patients and providers not being blinded to treatment group, and failure to specify examination of differences by antidepressant status in the protocol. Most outcomes, including depression, did not significantly differ between MHP+TAU and TAU. Exploratory analysis revealed intervention effect at the end of the 6-month follow-up among patients on antidepressant medication. Most outcomes, including depression, did not significantly differ between MHP+TAU and TAU. Exploratory analysis revealed intervention effect at the end of the 6-month follow-up among patients on antidepressant medication.Anticipating a stressful situation involves psychophysiological reactions before the occurrence of the overt stress event. The current challenge in the stress domain is to characterize anticipatory stress reactions and how to effectively modulate them. The present study aimed to characterize the anticipation period and evaluate the benefits of a heart-rate variability biofeedback (BFB) intervention designed to manage anticipatory stress. Healthy participants were exposed to an anticipation stress period (15 min) during which they either practised BFB (stress + bfb, n = 15) or watched a neutral video (stress + video, n = 14). Anticipatory stress was effectively induced by the Trier Social Anticipatory Stress (TSAS) protocol, specifically designed for this study. Control participants, without anticipation stress, practised BFB for an equivalent time (ctrl + bfb, n = 15). Subsequently, all participants performed a set of cognitive tasks assessing executive functions. Heart-rate variability (cardiac coherence, standard deviation of the R-R intervals, root mean square of successive difference measure) and the evolution of the perceived psychological state were measured during the anticipation period. Self-reported judgements of how the intervention influenced stress and performance were further assessed. The main result showed that BFB is a relevant proactive stress-coping method. Compared with the stress + video group, participants who practised BFB attained higher cardiac coherence scores. Post-intervention self-reported measures revealed that BFB contributed to reduce psychological stress and increase perceived levels of performance. Together, these findings provide practical guidelines for examining the stress anticipation period by means of the TSAS protocol.