The emergence of recent SARS-CoV-2 has become a global health issue. This single-stranded positive-sense RNA virus is continuously spreading with increasing morbidities and mortalities. The proteome of this virus contains four structural and sixteen nonstructural proteins that ensure the replication of the virus in the host cell. However, the role of phosphoprotein (N) in RNA recognition, replicating, transcribing the viral genome, and modulating the host immune response is indispensable. Recently, the NMR structure of the N-terminal domain of the Nucleocapsid Phosphoprotein has been reported, but its precise structural mechanism of how the ssRNA interacts with it is not reported yet. Therefore, here, we have used an integrated computational pipeline to identify the key residues, which play an essential role in RNA recognition. We generated multiple variants by using an alanine scanning strategy and performed an extensive simulation for each system to signify the role of each interfacial residue. Our analyses suggest that residues T57A, H59A, S105A, R107A, F171A, and Y172A significantly affected the dynamics and binding of RNA. Furthermore, per-residue energy decomposition analysis suggests that residues T57, H59, S105 and R107 are the key hotspots for drug discovery. Thus, these residues may be useful as potential pharmacophores in drug designing.Applied behavior analysis (ABA) services have been provided primarily in the fields of health care and education across various settings using an in-person service delivery model. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the necessity of and demand for ABA services using telehealth have increased. The purpose of the present article was to cross-examine the ethical codes and guidelines of different, but related fields of practice and to discuss potential implications for telehealth-based ABA service delivery. We reviewed the telehealth-specific ethical codes and guidelines of the American Psychological Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the National Association of Social Workers, along with the related ABA literature. These organizations addressed several useful and unique ethical concerns that have not been addressed in ABA literature. We also developed a brief checklist for ABA practitioners to evaluate their telehealth readiness by meeting the legal, professional, and ethical requirements of ABA services.The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the everyday lives of many individuals across the globe. The school closures across the majority of the United States have presented administrators, educators, and behavior analysts with the unprecedented task of deciding how best to teach and support our students, especially those accessing special education services. The current article describes the steps our program took, in light of school closures, to advocate for and ultimately create and implement a model that allows special education students to access the behavior-analytic educational supports they had received on campus (e.g., Board Certified Behavior Analyst and paraprofessional support) in a novel and remote manner. We share details regarding the advocacy and collaboration process, as well as the distance special education support model itself, in hopes that similar processes and models can be implemented across geographical locations to assist special education students in accessing their educational and behavioral supports in a meaningful way throughout current and future school closures.Parents often suffer from conditions such as stress and depression due to the high demands of parenting. In particular, parenting children with some form of developmental disability may bring about increased maladaptive behaviors that may increase daily parenting stressors. The fast-spreading repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic have left millions of parents across the globe to deal with various stressors in isolation. Recent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of mindfulness as an intervention for targeting individuals' behaviors such as aggression, self-injurious behavior, and noncompliance while increasing overall well-being and happiness levels. Significant decreases in target behaviors are noted across studies, as well as increases in parent satisfaction and well-being. This study reviews the use of mindfulness within the scope of behavior analysis as a tool that can be quickly implemented to support parents not only through this crisis but also throughout parenthood in general.The COVID-19 public health emergency created an aversive environment for people all around the world. Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), born of behavior analysis, can help address some of these problems by encouraging behavioral change and increasing psychological flexibility. The mindful action plan (MAP) is designed to create a simple approach to utilizing the ACT principles. The MAP utilizes the traditional ACT hexagon model and provides a checklist for learning and following through on the 6 components that, when combined, lead to psychological flexibility. The MAP guides people to act in the direction of their values and to be influenced by their verbal behavior while saying, "I am here now, accepting my feelings and noticing my thoughts while doing what I care about." Specific instructions and exercises are provided so the MAP can be used by behavior analysts to assist their actions during stressful and anxiety-provoking times.Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) may encounter situations, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, that preclude them from providing traditional in-person applied behavior-analytic services to clients. When conditions prevent BCBAs and behavior technicians from working directly with clients, digital instructional activities designed by BCBAs and delivered via a computer or tablet may be a viable substitute. Google applications, including Google Slides, Google Forms, and Google Classroom, can be particularly useful for creating and sharing digital instructional activities. In the current article, we provide task analyses for utilizing basic Google Slides functions, developing independent instructional activities, developing caregiver-supported instructional activities, and sharing activities with clients and caregivers. We also provide practical recommendations for implementing digital instructional activities with clients and caregivers.