Intersomatic fusion is a very popular treatment for spinal diseases associated with intervertebral disc degeneration. The effects of three different hybrid stabilization systems on both range of motion and intradiscal pressure were investigated, as there is no consensus in the literature about the efficiency of these systems. Finite element simulations were designed to predict the variations of range of motion and intradiscal pressure from intact to implanted situations. After hybrid stabilization system implantation, L4-L5 level did not lose its motion completely, while L5-S1 had no mobility as a consequence of disc removal and fusion process. BalanC hybrid stabilization system represented higher mobility at the index level, reduced intradiscal pressure of adjacent level, but caused to increment in range of motion by 20% under axial rotation. Higher tendency by 93% to the failure was also detected under axial rotation. Dynesys hybrid stabilization system represented more restricted motion than BalanC, and negligible effects to the adjacent level. B-DYN hybrid stabilization system was the most rigid one among all three systems. It reduced intradiscal pressure and range of motion at the adjacent level except from motion under axial rotation being increased by 13%. Fracture risk of B-DYN and Dynesys Transition Optima components was low when compared with BalanC. Mobility of the adjacent level around axial direction should be taken into account in case of implantation with BalanC and B-DYN systems, as well as on the development of new designs. Having these findings in mind, it is clear that hybrid systems need to be further tested, both clinically and numerically, before being considered for common use.Several epidemiological investigations have found associations between poor oral health and different types of cancer, including colorectal, lung, pancreatic, and oral malignancies. The oral health parameters underlying these relationships include deficient oral hygiene, gingival bleeding, and bone and tooth loss. These parameters are related to periodontal diseases, which are directly and indirectly mediated by oral bacteria. Given the increased accessibility of microbial sequencing platforms, many recent studies have investigated the link between the oral microbiome and these cancers. Overall, it seems that oral dysbiotic states can contribute to tumorigenesis in the oral cavity as well as in distant body sites. Further, it appears that certain oral bacterial species can contribute to carcinogenesis, in particular, Fusobacterium nucleatum and Porphyromonas gingivalis, based on results from epidemiological as well as mechanistic studies. Yet, the strength of the findings from these investigations is hampered by the heterogeneity of the methods used to measure oral diseases, the treatment of confounding factors, the study design, the platforms employed for microbial analysis, and types of samples analyzed. Despite these limitations, there is an overall indication that the presence of oral dysbiosis that leads to oral diseases may directly and/or indirectly contribute to carcinogenesis. Proper methodological standardized approaches should be implemented in future epidemiological studies as well as in the mechanistic investigations carried out to explore these results.Forest declines caused by climate disturbance, insect pests and microbial pathogens threaten the global landscape, and tree diseases are increasingly attributed to the emergent properties of complex ecological interactions between the host, microbiota and insects. To address this hypothesis, we combined reductionist approaches (single and polyspecies bacterial cultures) with emergentist approaches (bacterial inoculations in an oak infection model with the addition of insect larvae) to unravel the gene expression landscape and symptom severity of host-microbiota-insect interactions in the acute oak decline (AOD) pathosystem. AOD is a complex decline disease characterized by predisposing abiotic factors, inner bark lesions driven by a bacterial pathobiome, and larval galleries of the bark-boring beetle Agrilus biguttatus. We identified expression of key pathogenicity genes in Brenneria goodwinii, the dominant member of the AOD pathobiome, tissue-specific gene expression profiles, cooperation with other bacterial pathobiome members in sugar catabolism, and demonstrated amplification of pathogenic gene expression in the presence of Agrilus larvae. This study highlights the emergent properties of complex host-pathobiota-insect interactions that underlie the pathology of diseases that threaten global forest biomes.Road safety performance varies among local municipalities since road safety involves multiple inputs (e.g. facilities and programs) and multiple outputs (e.g. crashes and casualties). A benchmark analysis between local governments is a useful platform to improve their road safety performances because the analysis can specify which other municipalities' processes should be consulted to improve their practices. This study employs the data envelopment analysis approach for benchmark analysis. The input-oriented variable returns to scale model is applied to Korea. The outputs are the numbers of crashes and fatalities, and two sets of indexed inputs comprising institutional managements and governmental interventions are visited. In particular, standardized data formatting between, and controllability by, local governments are highlighted as the required properties for inputs. The overall efficiency scores and the nature of returns to scale reveal the under-investments in road safety in Korea. Efficiency scores by each municipality are also provided. This examination shows the projected values of inputs and outputs as well as benchmarks for each municipality. A sensitivity analysis based on the leave-one-out method generates stable efficiency scores across local governments, which shows the robustness of the model. Finally, the incorporation of environmental variables and dynamic analysis is suggested for further studies.Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many mental health care services have been shifted from face-to-face to virtual interactions. Several health policy changes have influenced telehealth uptake during this time, including changes in technology, Internet connectivity, prescriptions, and reimbursement for services. These changes have been implemented for the duration of the pandemic, and it is unclear if all, some, or none of these new or amended policies will be retained after the pandemic has ended. Accordingly, in the wake of changing policies, mental health care providers will need to make decisions about the future of their telehealth programs. This article briefly reviews telehealth policy changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic and highlights what providers should consider for future delivery and implementation of their telehealth programs.