Fourth-year students reported a higher level of comfort talking to a patient attempting to refill an opioid prescription early, counseling a patient on an opioid prescription, and providing information about alternatives to opioids. Third-year students responded most favorably to the items regarding how well the curriculum has prepared them to interact with patients taking opioids and those with OUD. These findings reveal that students are comfortable counseling on opioids and discussing alternative options. Differences in perceptions were observed based upon the student's year in the program and whether or not they were employed in a community pharmacy setting. These findings reveal that students are comfortable counseling on opioids and discussing alternative options. Differences in perceptions were observed based upon the student's year in the program and whether or not they were employed in a community pharmacy setting.The marine polyether palytoxin (PLTX) is one of the most toxic natural compounds, and is involved in human poisonings after oral, inhalation, skin and/or ocular exposure. Epidemiological and molecular evidence suggest different inter-individual sensitivities to its toxic effects, possibly related to genetic-dependent differences in the expression of Na+/K+-ATPase, its molecular target. To identify Na+/K+-ATPase subunits, isoforms correlated with in vitro PLTX cytotoxic potency, sensitivity parameters (EC50 PLTX concentration reducing cell viability by 50%; Emax maximum effect induced by the highest toxin concentration; 10-7 M) were assessed in 60 healthy donors' monocytes by the MTT (methylthiazolyl tetrazolium) assay. Sensitivity parameters, not correlated with donors' demographic variables (gender, age and blood group), demonstrated a high inter-individual variability (median EC50 = 2.7 × 10-10 M, interquartile range 0.4-13.2 × 10-10 M; median Emax = 92.0%, interquartile ran