Total weight lifted was greater after SE (8,795 ± 2,581 kg) and CE-PAP (8,809 ± 2,655 kg) conditions compared to CE (7,049 ± 2,822 kg) (SE vs CE p = 0.020) and (CE-PAP vs CE p = 0.010) but there was no significant difference between SE and CE-PAP (p= 1.00). CONCLUSIONS PAP using a heavy load attenuated acute interference (total volume during lower-body strength) generated by HIIE protocol, but did not enhance volume compared to strength exercise alone.BACKGROUND A light but regular combined training program is sufficient to improve health in obese adolescents. Hypoxia is known to potentiate the effects of a high intensity period of combined training on exercise performance and glucose metabolism in this population. Here, we tested the effects of a less intensive hypoxic combined training program on exercise performance and health-related markers in obese adolescents. METHODS Fourteen adolescents volunteered to participate to a 30-week combined training protocol whether in normoxia (FiO2 21%, NE, n=7) or in hypoxia (FiO2 15%, HE, n=7). Once a week, adolescents exercised for 50-60min including 12min on a cycloergometer and strength training of the abdominal, quadriceps and biceps muscles. RESULTS Combined training reduced body mass (NE -12%; HE -8%), mainly due to a loss in fat mass (NE -26%; HE -15%), similarly in both the hypoxic and normoxic groups. After training, maximal O2 consumption (VO2max) (NE +30%; HE +25%,), maximal aerobic power (MAP) (NE +20%; HE +36%), work capacity and one-repetition maximum (1RM) for the quadriceps (NE +26%; HE +12%), abdominal (NE +48%; HE +36%) and biceps muscles (NE +26%; HE +16%) were increased similarly in both groups but insulin sensitivity markers were not modified. CONCLUSIONS Except for insulin sensitivity, 1h a week of combined training for 30 weeks improved morphological and health-related markers as well as exercise performance in obese adolescents in both normoxic and hypoxic conditions. This is of particular importance for motivating those adolescents, who often are reluctant to exercise. Even a low dose of exercise per week can induce positive health outcomes.Karate is a martial art that include striking, kicking and punching techniques, and requires high levels of functional skills. Karate counts millions of practitioners worldwide and it is also spreading in Paralympic competitions there is a need for accurate categories definition for disabled athletes. The aim of the current study was to present kinematic data of an elite Paralympic karateka, in comparison with able-bodied athletes, to promote a better classification within the discipline, based on objective evaluations of physical impairments. A male black belt Paralympic karateka (age 36 years; body weight 75.5 kg; height 173 cm) with lower limbs impairments was evaluated. He performed a standardized sequence of movements (kata) from Shotokan karate. Joints and center-of-mass kinematics were collected with an optoelectronic motion capture system and compared with those obtained in two groups of able- bodied (Masters and Practitioners) athletes from a previous study. The sequence performed by the karateka lasted longer than in both able-bodied groups. Center of mass velocity and acceleration lowered in comparison with Masters. Knees range of movement and peak angular velocity were similar to Practitioners but lower than Masters. We concluded that physical impairments negatively affected the function of lower limbs in the Paralympic athlete, as fundamental skills in karate elite performance (dynamic balance control and joint angular velocity) were lower.BACKGROUND This paper describes a new specific test to asses spatial and orientation abilities Navigation Ability Test (NAT). The goal of this study was to determine if football players and normal subjects use vestibular information to keep track of their positions while walking through the Navigation Ability Test. METHODS This study was conducted total of 120 patients, underwent to Navigation Ability Test (NAT) 60 football players and 60 of normal subjects recruited on the basis of no history of vertigo/balance disorders and a negative otoneurological instrumental examination and the second group of the football players and were recruited from Division B, Division Under-21 and Women's League. Patients were enrolled in the study of the met all the following inclusion criteria. RESULTS Our results showed differences between sexes during navigation tasks are not related to spatial learning per se, but appear to be the consequence of difference in ability to effectively use specific types of distal information such as room geometry. The Navigation Ability Test showed the route- times walked with eyes closed are always longer than in normal people and the mistakes improved with training. CONCLUSIONS These results suggest that Navigation Ability Test could suggest to the coach and trainers valuable information about the characteristics of the players and how they should play in the field. Although there are some intrinsic difficulties, for example in creating patient-specific versions of the test, preliminary normative data indicate that this original test is workable and provides important information in therapy rehabilitation for vestibular disorder.BACKGROUND Doping in young athletes at present is on escalation. A few doping cases involving athletes from South East Asia (SEA) countries have been reported. The objective of this study is to determine current perceived doping and anti-doping climate in Malaysia through an exploration of doping-related knowledge, perception and beliefs among the university athletes. METHODS A survey was conducted during the Malaysian Universities Games in Kuala Lumpur 2014. A total of 614 athletes completed the questionnaires on perception, specific knowledge, environment, behaviour and beliefs towards doping. RESULTS From this survey, we found that their knowledge about doping and anti-doping was poor, they have misguided beliefs and perception about doping, and their environment seems to be favorable for performance enhancing substances usage in the future. We grouped the athletes based on their doping's environment into Ultraclean, Potential and High risk group; and the results showed that they have a significant relationship with their knowledge, beliefs and perception about doping in sports, p less then 0.