The results showed that N fertilizer was the limiting factor for crop yield and that excessive levels of P were stored in the agricultural soils of the DRW. An N fertilizer application rate of approximately 40% of the current rate was suggested to balance water quality and environmental protection with crop production. The long-term impact of legacy P was investigated with a 100-year future simulation that showed the crop growth could maintain for 12 years even after P fertilization ceased. Our study highlights the need to consider source attribution, fertilizer application and legacy P impacts in agriculture-dominated watersheds. The analysis framework used in this study can provide a scientifically sound procedure for formulating adaptive and sustainable nutrient management strategies in other study areas.Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is an important air pollutant and highly related to air quality, short- and long-term health effects, and even climate. A national model was developed using the extreme gradient boosting algorithm with high-resolution tropospheric vertical column NO2 densities from the Sentinel-5 Precursor/Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument and general meteorological variables as input to generate daily mean surface NO2 concentrations across mainland China. Model-derived daily NO2 estimates were high accuracy with sample-based cross-validation coefficient of determination of 0.83, a root-mean-square error of 7.58 μg/m3, a mean prediction error of 5.56 μg/m3, and a mean relative prediction error of 18.08%. It has good performance in NO2 estimations at both regional and individual site scale. The model also performed well in terms of estimating monthly, seasonal, and annual mean NO2 concentrations across China. The model performance appears to better than or comparable to most previous related studies. The seasonal and annual spatial distributions of surface NO2 across China and several regional NO2 hotspots in 2019 were derived from the model and analyzed. Also evaluated were the population exposure levels of NO2 for cities in and provinces of China. At the national scale, about 12% of the population experienced annual mean NO2 concentrations exceeding the Chinese national air quality standard. The nationwide model with conventional predictors developed here can derive high-resolution surface NO2 concentrations across China routinely, benefitting air epidemiological and environmental related studies.Liming is a safe and effective remediation practice for Cd contaminated acid paddy soil. The fate of Cd can also be strongly influenced by redox chemistry of sulfur. But it is unclear if, to what extent and how the combination of liming and sulfur mediation could further control Cd uptake by paddy rice. A rice cultivation pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the impact of different sulfur forms (S0 and SO42- in K2SO4) on the solubility, uptake and accumulation of Cd in the soil-paddy rice system and how liming and reducing organic carbon mediate the process. Results showed that under neutral soil circumstances achieved by liming, co-application of K2SO4 and glucose significantly reduced brown rice Cd by 33%, compared to liming alone. They made it more readily for Cd2+ to be precipitated into CdS/CdS2 or co-precipitate with newly formed FeS/FeS2/iron oxides. The higher pH balancing capability of K2SO4 as well as liming kept the newly formed sulfide or iron containing minerals negatively charged to be more prone to adsorb Cd2+, that kept the porewater Cd2+ the lowest among all the treatments. Individual K2SO4 showed significant promoting effect on soil Cd solubility due to SO42- chelation effect. Furthermore, K2SO4 had much weaker inhibiting effect on Cd translocation from root to grain, it showed no significant attenuating effect on brown rice Cd. S0 containing treatments displayed weaker or no attenuating effect on brown rice Cd due to its strong soil acidification effect. On the basis of liming, organic carbon induced sulfur (K2SO4) mediation showed great application potential for safe production on large areas of acid paddy soil contaminated by Cd.The release of reactive nitrogen (Nr) from food production and consumption constitute the primary source of nitrogen pollution. However, nitrogen flows and the driving factors of food chain of Shanghai, China have not been previously studied. Here, we used a substance flow analysis model to analyze the changes in Nr inputs and outputs in agricultural production, livestock and poultry farming, and food consumption related to the Shanghai food chain between 2000 and 2018. The driving forces of Nr inputs, Nr use efficiency, and Nr surpluses/deficits in the food production and consumption system were also investigated. The results indicated that the main sources of Nr input in the food production and consumption system were nitrogen fertilizers, livestock and poultry feed from external sources, and plant-based foods, which accounted for 36.28-59.45% of Nr input in agricultural production, 37.32-76.57% of Nr input in livestock and poultry farming, and 35.38-59.37% of Nr input in food consumption, respectively. The main forms of Nr outputs were surplus nitrogen in the soil, excretal nitrogen from livestock and poultry animals, and excretal nitrogen from humans, which accounted for 38.2-48.89% of Nr output in agricultural production, 36.78-55.18% of Nr output in livestock and poultry farming, and 85.36% of Nr output in food consumption, respectively. From 2000 to 2018, the Nr inputs per unit area from agricultural production decreased at a rate of 20.42% before 2012, and then increased at a rate of 5.72%. Moreover, the Nr use efficiency of agricultural production component of Shanghai was at a low level, only 18.43-27.6%. Cultivation area of crops was the main driving forces of the Nr input to food production and consumption system. These results provide essential data for controlling nitrogen pollution caused by Shanghai food production and consumption, which can serve as a reference for administrative agencies in formulating policies.Gymnodimine A has been found in mollusks obtained along the whole northern coast of Spain from April 2017 to December 2019. This is the first time that this toxin is detected in mollusks from the Atlantic coast of Europe. The prevalence of the toxin was, in general, low, being detected on average in approximately 6% of the obtained samples (122 out of 1900). The concentrations recorded were also, in general, low, with a median of 1.3 μg kg-1, and a maximum value of 23.93 μg kg-1. The maxima of prevalence and concentration were not geographically coincident, taking place the first at the easternmost part of the sampled area and the second at the westernmost part. In most cases (>94%), gymnodimine A and 13-desmethyl spirolide C were concurrently detected, suggesting that Alexandrium ostenfeldii could be the responsible producer species. The existence of cases in which gymnodimine A was detected alone suggests also that a Karenia species could also be involved. The geographical heterogeneity of the distribution suggests that blooms of the producer species are mostly local.