One reason human beings wear stockings is to warm their legs. Ordinary textile materials are thermally insulative, which prevents body's heat from dissipating. In contrary to this common sense, it was discovered that some knitted stockings made up of them permanently promote heat release and cool body. This non-intuitive phenomenon emerges when micro-size yarns are knitted to form wide spacing between neighboring yarns. However, the reason why they cool body was unclear because conventional principles of cooling garments cannot account for it. Here, in the basis of fluid-solid conjugate heat transfer analysis of natural convection, we have clarified the cooling mechanism originates from relative relationship between their geometric structure, a periodic alignment of minuscule ribs, and thermal boundary layer. Our novel finding revealed that sufficiently small ribs on the surface are exposed to steep temperature gradient within thermal boundary layer. Thereby, thermal conduction via ribs is enhanced complementarily as they are separated to guide cooler flow onto the surface. Our study provides a general insight into understanding permanent cooling mechanism on micro-size ribbed surfaces in contrast to conventional theory for heat sink, which is applicable not only to other clothes, but also to artificial devices or natural structures.Understanding complex biological systems requires the system-wide characterization of cellular and molecular features. Recent advances in optical imaging technologies and chemical tissue clearing have facilitated the acquisition of whole-organ imaging datasets, but automated tools for their quantitative analysis and visualization are still lacking. We have here developed a visualization technique capable of providing whole-organ tensor imaging representations of local regional descriptors based on fluorescence data acquisition. This method enables rapid, multiscale, analysis and virtualization of large-volume, high-resolution complex biological data while generating 3D tractographic representations. Using the murine heart as a model, our method allowed us to analyze and interrogate the cardiac microvasculature and the tissue resident macrophage distribution and better infer and delineate the underlying structural network in unprecedented detail.Based on the hourly gauge-satellite merged precipitation data with the spatial resolution of 0.1° × 0.1° during 2008-2016, the characteristics of extreme precipitation (EP) diurnal cycle along the Yangtze River Basin (YRB) and their regional and sub-seasonal differences during warm season have been indicated and revealed in this study. Results show that the EP amount (EPA) over most lower reaches of YRB exhibits two diurnal peaks with one in late afternoon and the other in morning, while the EPA over most eastern Tibetan Plateau (the Sichuan Basin and the northern Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau) generally peaks during late afternoon to midnight (midnight to early morning). The afternoon (morning) EPA diurnal peaks over the areas east to 110°E is mainly resulted from the short (long) duration EP events. However, both the short and long duration EP events lead to the nocturnal diurnal peaks and eastward propagating features of EPA over the regions west to110°E. The EP events over the Sichuan Basin generally begin at mi.Bowel cleansing is essential for a successful colonoscopy, but the ideal clearing agent and the volume have yet to be determined. A small-volume cleanser is important for patient compliance. This study aimed to compare the bowel cleansing efficacy, safety, tolerability, and acceptability of a 300-mL small-volume sodium picosulfate/magnesium citrate (PSMC) preparation-Bowklean with one 2-L polyethylene glycol (PEG)/bisacodyl-Klean-Prep/Dulcolax preparation under identical dietary recommendations. This multicenter, randomized, parallel-group, pre-specified noninferiority study enrolled 631 outpatients scheduled to undergo colonoscopy (Bowklean = 316 and Klean-Prep/Dulcolax = 315). After bowel preparation, an independent evaluator blinded to the subject's treatment allocation rated the quality of the colon cleansing. Efficacy was evaluated using the Aronchick Scale and Ottawa Bowel Preparation Scale (OPBS). Safety was assessed by monitoring adverse events. Tolerability and acceptability were measured via a patient questionnaire. Bowklean was non-interior to Klean-Prep/Dulcolax in overall colon cleansing but was associated with significantly better preparation quality. Notably, Bowklean was associated with significantly greater tolerability and acceptability of bowel preparations than Klean-Prep/Dulcolax. Safety profiles did not differ significantly between the groups. Our data indicate that Bowklean is a more effective and better-tolerated bowel cleansing preparation before colonoscopy than Klean-Prep/Dulcolax. Bowklean may therefore increase positive attitudes toward colonoscopies and participation rates.This study presents the frequency analysis of a size-dependent laminated polymer composite microtube using a nonlocal strain-stress gradient (NSG) model. By applying energy methods (known as Hamilton's principle), the motion equations of the laminated micro tube composites are developed. The thermodynamic equations of the laminated microtube are based on first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT), and a generalized differential quadrature method (GDQM) is employed to find the model for the natural frequencies. The results show that by considering C-F boundary conditions (BCs) and every even layers' number in lower value of length scale parameter, the frequency of the structure drops by soaring this parameter. However, this matter is inverse in its higher value. Eventually, the ply angle's influences, nonlocality as well as length scale element on the vibration of the laminated composite microstructure are investigated.The world is in the midst of an antimicrobial resistance crisis, driving a need to discover novel antibiotic substances. Using chemical cues as inducers to unveil a microorganism's full metabolic potential is considered a successful strategy. To this end, we investigated an inducible antagonistic behavior in multiple isolates of the order Bacillales, where large inhibition zones were produced against Ralstonia solanacearum only when grown in the presence of the indicator triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC). This bioactivity was produced in a TTC-dose dependent manner. Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus sp. isolates were also inhibited by Bacillus sp. strains in TTC presence, to a lesser extent. Knockout mutants and transcriptomic analysis of B. subtilis NCIB 3610 cells revealed that genes from the L-histidine biosynthetic pathway, the purine, pyrimidine de novo synthesis and salvage and interconversion routes, were significantly upregulated. Chemical space studied through metabolomic analysis, showed increased presence of nitrogenous compounds in extracts from induced bacteria.