The four evaluation measures, that is, Mean Absolute Relative Error (MARE), Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD), Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) and Mean Square Error (MSE), are used to observe the prediction performance. The results demonstrated that the proposed model outperforms significantly with minimum MARE, MAD, NSE, and MSE for two case studies having significant joint dependance. Therefore, it is concluded that the prediction can be improved by appropriately modeling the dependance structure of the multi-site river inflow data.Color polymorphism defies evolutionary expectations as striking phenotypic variation is maintained within a single species. Color and other traits mediate social interactions, and stable polymorphism within a population is hypothesized to be related to correlational selection of other phenotypic traits among color morphs. Here, we report on a previously unknown throat color polymorphism in the Aegean Wall Lizard (Podarcis erhardii) and examine morph-correlated differences in traits important to social behavior and communication maximum bite force capacity and chemical signal profile. We find that both sexes of P. erhardii have three color morphs orange, yellow, and white. Moreover, orange males are significantly larger and tend to bite harder than yellow and white males. Although the established color polymorphism only partially matches the observed intraspecific variation in chemical signal signatures, the chemical profile of the secretions of orange males is significantly divergent from that of white males. Our findings suggest that morph colors are related to differences in traits that are crucial for social interactions and competitive ability, illustrating the need to look beyond color when studying polymorphism evolution. In order to regulate water flow, hydraulic structures such as weirs or checks, frequently equipped with gates, are used. Water can flow below or ove