Rapid point-of-care tests are needed to control antimicrobial consumption, as recognized by the Longitude Prize. However, in addition to bacterial pathogen identification, clinicians need more information, such as which antimicrobial will be effective and how severe the infection really is. This technology is beginning to emerge, but both economic and technological challenges remain before it can be delivered, especially in low- and middle-income countries. This article outlines these challenges and how we might overcome them. Do embryos from sibling oocytes assigned to distinct single-step media culture systems demonstrate differences in early embryo development, morphokinectics or aneuploidy rates? Embryo quality, morphokinetic parameters and aneuploidy rates from trophectoderm biopsy were similar between sibling embryos cultured in distinct media systems from the time of gamete isolation. Studies on the effect of commercially available embryo culture media systems have demonstrated inconsistent impact on human embryonic development, morphokinetics, aneuploidy rates and clinical outcomes. In addition, these studies have been primarily randomized at the level of the embryo or the patient to culture media. Prospective sibling oocyte cohort derived from 200 subjects undergoing IVF at a tertiary academic medical center between February 2018 and November 2019. Sibling oocytes were allocated to GlobalĀ® or SAGEĀ® media system based upon laterality of ovary from which they were retrieved. All embryos were cultured in a time-lapsand stimulation-related factors are held constant. There was no external funding for this study. C.H. is owner of a consultancy company, IVF Professionals, Chief Scientific Officer at Apricity, Executive Director at TMRW and co-owner and shareholder of Aria Fertility. She has received speaker fees, consulting fees and travel support from Cooper Surgical and Vitrolife. J.B. is an employee and shareho