Expression of the p210 BCR/ABL1 fusion protein has been described in virtually all patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). Previous studies have identified a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (RhoGEF) domain within BCR that is retained in p210 BCR/ABL1. Missense mutations at residues T654 (T654K) and F547 (F547L) within this domain have been reported in a CML patient in blast crisis (BC). In this study, we have evaluated p210 BCR/ABL1 constructs that contain these substitutions in a murine bone marrow transplantation (BMT) model of CML. The mutants exhibit normal expression and tyrosine kinase activity but altered signaling. When examined in the BMT assay, mice that express the mutants exhibit earlier onset of disease but have significantly extended lifespans relative to mice that express unmodified p210 BCR/ABL1. While mice that express p210 BCR/ABL1 exhibit neutrophilia that progresses to a less differentiated phenotype at death, disease in the mutant mice is characterized by eosinophilia with no maturation arrest. This observation was confirmed in vitro using myeloid cells and was associated with enhanced p53 phosphorylation and G1/S arrest. These results suggest that residues within the RhoGEF domain of p210 BCR/ABL1 can influence disease progression.Despite the development of targeted therapy, drug resistance remains a primary hindrance to curative treatment of various cancers. Among several novel approaches to overcome drug resistance, modulating N6-methyladenosine (m6A) RNA modification was found to be an important strategy in various types of cancer cells. Considered as one of the most common epigenetic RNA modifications, m6A regulates multiple biological processes including cellular proliferation, metabolism, and metastasis through modulation of RNA splicing, degradation, and translation, leading to anticancer drug resistance. This regulatory network is orchestrated mainly by several m6A regulators, including "writers", "readers", and "erasers". It is encouraging that several small molecules targeting m6A regulators have shown great potential in overcoming drug resistance in different cancer cell types, two of which entacapone and meclofenamate, are currently undergoing evaluation. However, the m6A modification participates in complex biological procnces in therapeutic strategies targeting the m6A modification with the aim to surmount chemoresistance. The comprehensive understanding of the role of the m6A modification integrated with combined therapeutic strategies, should facilitate the development of future therapeutic strategies to circumvent or surmount drug resistance, thus enhancing therapeutic efficacy.The relationship between body image and exercise in early motherhood is an important yet understudied determinant of mother and infant wellbeing. To address this, we report on a qualitative study of early mothers' lived experiences of the relationship between body image and exercise in the first five years post-birth. Twenty-one mothers (0-5 years postpartum) completed individual, semi-structured online/phone interviews (M interview time =47.25 min), to elicit narratives about peripartum body image and its relationship with exercise. Thematic analysis was conducted according to the Braun and Clarke framework. Three key themes, and several subthemes, were identified 1.body image in early motherhood is diverse, dynamic and individual, 2.postpartum exercise forms part of early motherhood adjustment, and 3.body image and exercise form an important, intricate relationship in early motherhood. Women's narratives indicated three body image/exercise patterns, each characterised by different behaviours and motivations. Mothers who reported exercising, or avoiding exercising, for reasons related to body dissatisfaction appeared at greatest risk of negative outcomes from body-related distress and maladaptive exercise patterns. Conversely, mothers reporting higher body appreciation described more adaptive exercise behaviours. This research provides important information for the development of interventions to support positive body image and healthful exercise in early motherhood. The preinduction checklist, part of the three-phase surgical safety checklist, is performed before induction of anesthesia. Our previous research demonstrated higher checklist adherence by perioperative staff when parents were engaged in the preinduction checklist. We hypothesized that use of a parent-centered script (PCS) during the preinduction checklist would increase parent engagement and checklist adherence. A single-center, prospective, observational study was conducted in which parents of children (<18y) undergoing nonemergent surgeries (June 2018-July 2019) were observed before and after PCS implementation. The PCS, developed by the health care team, engaged parents by directly asking them to contribute information relevant to parent knowledge. Parent engagement was rated using a five-point Likert scale, and adherence was scored for each relevant checkpoint completed. Of 270 checklists, 154 (57%) occurred before and 116 (43%) after PCS implementation. Groups were similar by primary language, patient age, and type of surgery, but more postimplementation children had a prior surgery. The overall parent engagement score did not improve with the PCS (P=0.8); however, there was an improvement in eye contact by parents. After introduction of the PCS, checklist adherence decreased from a median score of 6 (interquartile range 5-6) to 4 (interquartile range 4-5) (P<0.001). Use of a PCS did not improve parent engagement during the preinduction checklist and an unexpected decline in checklist adherence was observed. Further research, with parent and staff input, is necessary to determine how best to engage parents while ensuring high checklist adherence. Use of a PCS did not improve parent engagement during the preinduction checklist and an unexpected decline in checklist adherence was observed. Further research, with parent and staff input, is necessary to determine how best to engage parents while ensuring high checklist adherence.