When excited at sufficiently high acoustic pressures, a wall-attached bubble may exhibit asymmetric nonspherical modes. These vibration modes can be decomposed over the set of spherical harmonics Y_nm(θ,ϕ) for a degree n and order m. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/purmorphamine.html We experimentally capture the time-resolved dynamics of asymmetric bubble oscillations in a top-view configuration. A spatiotemporal modal analysis is performed and allowed recovering the set of zonal (m=0), tesseral (0 less then m less then n), and sectoral (m=n) spherical harmonics that develop at the bubble interface. The analysis of the surface instability thresholds reveals that the frequencies of asymmetric modes differ from the standard Lamb spectrum. In addition, the nondegeneracy of asymmetric modes for a given degree n is evidenced by noncompletely overlapping resonance bands. Finally, the coexistence between zonal and sectoral modes is analyzed through their modal interaction, amplitude interplay and relation of phase, as well as their geometric compatibility.We introduce an image-based algorithm to find the probability density function (PDF) of particle displacements from a sequence of images. Conventionally methods based on cross correlation (CC) of image ensembles estimate the standard deviation of an assumed Gaussian PDF from the width of the CC peak. These methods are subject to limiting assumptions that the particle intensity profile and distribution of particle displacements are both Gaussian. Here, we introduce an approach to image-based probability estimation of displacement (iPED) without making any assumptions about the shape of particles' intensity profile or the PDF of the displacements. In addition, we provide a statistical convergence criterion for iPED to achieve an accurate estimate of the underlying PDF. We compare iPED's performance with the previous CC method for both Gaussian and non-Gaussian particle intensity profiles undergoing Gaussian or non-Gaussian processes. We validate iPED using synthetic images and show that it accurately resolves the PDF of particle displacements with no underlying assumptions. Finally, we demonstrate the application of iPED to real experimental data sets and evaluate its performance. In conclusion, this work presents a method for the estimation of the probability density function of random displacements from images. This method is generalized and independent of any assumptions about the underlying process and is applicable to any moving objects of any arbitrary shape.The quantum localization is one of the remarkable phenomena in the studies of quantum chaos and plays an important role in various contexts. Thus, an understanding of the properties of quantum localization is essential. In spite of much effort dedicated to investigating the manifestations of localization in the time-dependent systems, the features of localization in time-independent systems are still less explored, particularly in quantum systems which correspond to the classical systems with smooth Hamiltonian. In this work, we present such a study for a quantum many-body system, namely, the Dicke model. The classical counterpart of the Dicke model is given by a smooth Hamiltonian with two degrees of freedom. We examine the signatures of localization in its chaotic eigenstates. We show that the entropy localization measure, which is defined in terms of the information entropy of Husimi distribution, behaves linearly with the participation number, a measure of the degree of localization of a quantum state. We further demonstrate that the localization measure probability distribution is well described by the β distribution. We also find that the averaged localization measure is linearly related to the level repulsion exponent, a widely used quantity to characterize the localization in chaotic eigenstates. Our findings extend the previous results in billiards to the quantum many-body system with classical counterpart described by a smooth Hamiltonian, and they indicate that the properties of localized chaotic eigenstates are universal.The correlated projection superoperator techniques provide a better understanding about how correlations lead to strong non-Markovian effects in open quantum systems. Their superoperators are independent of initial state, which may not be suitable for some cases. To improve this, we develop another approach, that is extending the composite system before use the correlated projection superoperator techniques. Such an approach allows the choice of different superoperators for different initial states. We apply these techniques to a simple model to illustrate the general approach. The numerical simulations of the full Schrödinger equation of the model reveal the power and efficiency of the method.The evaporation of the liquid droplet on a structured surface is numerically investigated using the lattice Boltzmann method. Simulations are carried out for different contact angles and pillar widths. From the simulation for the Cassie state, it is found that the evaporation starts in a pinned contact line mode. Then, when the droplet reaches the receding state, the contact line jumps to the neighboring pillar. Also, the depinning force decreases with increasing the contact angle or the pillar width. In the Wenzel state, the droplet contact line remains on the initial pillar for all of its lifetime.We study the motility-induced aggregation of active Brownian particles (ABPs) on a porous, circular wall. We observe that the morphology of aggregated dense-phase on a static wall depends on the wall porosity, particle motility, and the radius of the circular wall. Our analysis reveals two morphologically distinct, dense aggregates; a connected dense cluster that spreads uniformly on the circular wall and a localized cluster that breaks the rotational symmetry of the system. These distinct morphological states are similar to the macroscopic structures observed in aggregates on planar, porous walls. We systematically analyze the parameter regimes where the different morphological states are observed. We further extend our analysis to motile circular rings. We show that the motile ring propels almost ballistically due to the force applied by the active particles when they form a localized cluster, whereas it moves diffusively when the active particles form a continuous cluster. This property demonstrates the possibility of extracting useful work from a system of ABPs, even without artificially breaking the rotational symmetry.