relevance for individualised patient management.In this study, a twisted macrocycle was synthesized via ring closure of a double-helical aromatic oligoamide foldamer with two disulfide bridges. Single-crystal X-ray structure and NMR spectroscopy demonstrate the twisted conformation of macrocycle both in the solid state and in solution. As a result of the rearrangement of hydrogen bonding preference, the twisted conformation could be transformed to boxlike through protonation of the pyridine segments of macrocycle. In addition, the NMR titration experiments revealed that flat aromatic guests (e. g., coronene and perylene) could bind to the boxlike macrocycle with a 1  1 binding stoichiometry. The addition of base to the host-guest complexes resulted in conformational reversal of the macrocycle from boxlike to twisted as well as the release of guest.The self-sufficient cytochrome P450 RhF and its homologues belonging to the CYP116B subfamily have attracted considerable attention due to the potential for biotechnological applications based in their ability to catalyse an array of challenging oxidative reactions without requiring additional protein partners. In this work, we showed for the first time that a CYP116B self-sufficient cytochrome P450 encoded by the ohpA gene harboured by Cupriavidus pinatubonensis JMP134, a β-proteobacterium model for biodegradative pathways, catalyses the conversion of 2-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (2-HPA) into homogentisate. Mutational analysis and HPLC metabolite detection in strain JMP134 showed that 2-HPA is degraded through the well-known homogentisate pathway requiring a 2-HPA 5-hydroxylase activity provided by OhpA, which was additionally supported by heterologous expression and enzyme assays. The ohpA gene belongs to an operon including also ohpT, coding for a substrate-binding subunit of a putative transporter, whose expression is driven by an inducible promoter responsive to 2-HPA in presence of a predicted OhpR transcriptional regulator. OhpA homologues can be found in several genera belonging to Actinobacteria and α-, β- and γ-proteobacteria lineages indicating a widespread distribution of 2-HPA catabolism via homogentisate route. These results provide first time evidence for the natural function of members of the CYP116B self-sufficient oxygenases and represent a significant input to support novel kinetic and structural studies to develop cytochrome P450-based biocatalytic processes.Autologous photoreceptor cell replacement is one of the most promising approaches currently under development for the treatment of inherited retinal degenerative blindness. Unlike endogenous stem cell populations, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) can be differentiated into both rod and cone photoreceptors in high numbers, making them ideal for this application. That said, in addition to photoreceptor cells, state of the art retinal differentiation protocols give rise to all of the different cell types of the normal retina, the majority of which are not required and may in fact hinder successful photoreceptor cell replacement. As such, following differentiation photoreceptor cell enrichment will likely be required. In addition, to prevent the newly generated photoreceptor cells from suffering the same fate as the patient's original cells, correction of the patient's disease-causing genetic mutations will be necessary. In this review we discuss literature pertaining to the use of different cell sorting and transfection approaches with a focus on the development and use of novel next generation microfluidic devices. We will discuss how gold standard strategies have been used, the advantages and disadvantages of each, and how novel microfluidic platforms can be incorporated into the clinical manufacturing pipeline to reduce the complexity, cost and regulatory burden associated with clinical grade production of photoreceptor cells for autologous cell replacement. Currarino syndrome (CS) is a rare genetic condition characterized by the association of three major clinical signs anorectal malformation (ARM), sacro-coccygeal bone defects, and presacral mass. Different kinds of ARM can be present such as anteriorly placed anus, imperforate anus, anorectal stenosis, rectal duplication, and fistulae. The presacral mass can be a benign teratoma, a dermoid or neurenteric cyst, anterior meningocele or hamartoma. Females are more frequently affected and usually present with associated gynecologic and urinary tract problems. CS is considered an autosomal dominant trait, with reduced penetrance and variable expressivity. CS is associated with mutations in the MNX1 gene (motor neuron and pancreas homeobox-1, previously known as HLXB9) mapped to chromosome 7q36. Heterozygous loss-of-function mutations in the coding sequence of MNX1 gene have been reported in nearly all familial CS cases and in approximately 30% of CS sporadic patients. Here, we present the case of a woman with features of CS carrying a mosaic mutation in the coding region of MNX1 gene. This is the only reported case of a CS diagnosis in which the mutation is present in less than 50% of cells. The lower detection rate of MNX1 mutations in sporadic cases could similarly be explained by somatic mosaicism, mutations occurring outside the coding regions, or genetic heterogeneity. The lower detection rate of MNX1 mutations in sporadic cases could similarly be explained by somatic mosaicism, mutations occurring outside the coding regions, or genetic heterogeneity.There is an urgent need for interventions that improve healing time, prevent amputations and recurrent ulceration in patients with diabetes-related foot wounds. In this randomised, open-label trial, participants were randomised to receive an application of non-cultured autologous skin cells ("spray-on" skin; ReCell) or standard care interventions for large (>6 cm2 ), adequately vascularised wounds. The primary outcome was complete healing at 6 months, determined by assessors blinded to the intervention. Forty-nine eligible foot wounds in 45 participants were randomised. An evaluable primary outcome was available for all wounds. The median (interquartile range) wound area at baseline was 11.4 (8.8-17.6) cm2 . A total of 32 (65.3%) index wounds were completely healed at 6 months, including 16 of 24 (66.7%) in the spray-on skin group and 16 of 25 (64.0%) in the standard care group (unadjusted OR [95% CI] 1.13 (0.35-3.65), P = .845). Lower body mass index (P = .002) and non-plantar wounds (P = .009) were the only patient- or wound-related factors associated with complete healing at 6 months.