@ NMMNG Says: June 26, 2010 at 8:11 PM Actually, NMMNG you can research this. The way media and entertainment is set up is not random. It’s meant to solicit results. Those films ARE trigger films, but most films, even fluffy ones, embed triggers in them. Why would anyone want to show a movie of a brutal rape scene with peeing on the victim to TEENAGERS IN SCHOOL? That is ridiculous. There would have been kids in that class who were in fact abused in the past and they would indeed be triggered. Tax payers dollars should not go to that shit. However, crimes and how to prevent them are certainly something that must be discussed in a non-flamboyant or voyeuristic way as well as how to deal with abuse or recognize signs of abuse. Media is suspect. Nicole on LR Says: June 26, 2010 at 8:20 PM Here’s Nicole’s latest about you over at Smooth Black Stone’s blog; I’m a bit late to this. I link to Jamila and LR because they offer a different perspective. I don’t always agree with them…okay, I seldom do, but it’s a different angle, and it’s nice to see where others are coming from. IMO, Raine’s problem is that she doesn’t know if she wants to be the victim or the perp. She thinks all men deserve to pay for the perceived wrongs of a relative minority in the past. Any wrong done to men in the current generation is okay to her, so long as some women profit from it…at least in the short term. She has no idea of the long term costs of alienating an entire gender.