2 and non-structural genes of EBHSV GII.1, a recombination between different genogroups that has not been described before. These findings lead to the assumption that also a recombination of the non-structural genes of RHDV Gl.2 with the structural genes of EBHSV Gll.1 might be possible and therefore increase the potential genetic variability of lagoviruses immensely. Our findings underline the importance of whole genome analysis with next-generation sequencing technology as one of new tools now available for in-depth studies that allow in depth molecular epidemiology with continuous monitoring of the genetic variability of viruses that would otherwise likely stay undetected if only routine diagnostic assays are used.From 2013 onwards, the spread of novel H5N6 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses in China has posed great threats to not only poultry industry but also human health. Since late-2016 in particular, frequent outbreaks of clade H5N6 HPAI viruses among wild birds have promoted viral dissemination in South Korea, Japan, and European countries. In response to those trends, we conducted molecular genetic analysis of global clade H5N6 viruses in order to characterize spatio-temporal patterns of viral diffusion and genetic diversity among wild birds and poultry. The clade H5N6 viruses were classified into three groups (Group B, C, and D). During the cocirculation of Group C/D H5N6 viruses from 2013 to 2017, viral movements occurred between close or adjacent regions of China, Vietnam, South Korea, and Japan. In addition, viral migration rates from Guangdong and Hunan to multiple adjacent provinces seemed to have been highly supported by transmission routes (Bayes factors >100), suggether, our study provides insights to examine time of origin, evolutionary rate, diversification patterns, and phylogeographical approach of global clade H5N6 HPAI viruses for assessing their evolutionary process and dissemination pathways.Mutualistic plant-associated fungi are recognized as important drivers in plant evolution, diversity, and health. The discovery that mycoviruses can take part and play important roles in symbiotic tripartite interactions has prompted us to study the viromes associated with a collection of ericoid and orchid mycorrhizal (ERM and ORM, respectively) fungi. Our study, based on high-throughput sequencing of transcriptomes (RNAseq) from fungal isolates grown in axenic cultures, revealed in both ERM and ORM fungi the presence of new mycoviruses closely related to already classified virus taxa, but also new viruses that expand the boundaries of characterized RNA virus diversity to previously undescribed evolutionary trajectories. In ERM fungi, we provide first evidence of a bipartite virus, distantly related to narnaviruses, that splits the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) palm domain into two distinct proteins, encoded by each of the two segments. Furthermore, in one isolate of the ORM fungus Tulasnella spp. we detected a 12 kb genomic fragment coding for an RdRP with features of bunyavirus-like RdRPs. However, this 12 kb genomic RNA has the unique features, for Bunyavirales members, of being tri-cistronic and carrying ORFs for the putative RdRP and putative nucleocapsid in ambisense orientation on the same genomic RNA. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/PP242.html Finally, a number of ORM fungal isolates harbored a group of ambisense bicistronic viruses with a genomic size of around 5 kb, where we could identify a putative RdRP palm domain that has some features of plus strand RNA viruses; these new viruses may represent a new lineage in the Riboviria, as they could not be reliably assigned to any of the branches in the recently derived monophyletic tree that includes most viruses with an RNA genome.The obligatory biotrophic oomycetes Plasmopara viticola is the causal agent of downy mildew, a destructive disease of grapevine worldwide. So far, chemical fungicides are widely employed to limit this pathogen, but their adverse effects are stimulating the quest for environmentally friendly alternative approaches. Here, we report on the search for mycoviruses that might be later developed as biocontrol agents for this pathogen. Symptomatic leaves were collected from various regions in Spain and Italy and mycelia associated to leaf lesions was harvested. Total RNA extractions were depleted of rRNA and metatranscriptomes were generated using a high-throughput sequencing approach. The virome associated to leaf lesions was then characterized through a bioinformatic pipeline relying on blast searches against current viral databases. Here, we present an inventory of 283 new RNA viruses 222 positive strand RNA viruses, 29 negative strand RNA viruses, 27 double-stranded RNA viruses and 5 ORFan virus RdRP segments, wh Goujanvirales orders, which so far include only viruses infecting invertebrates. Possible new oomycetes-specific virus clades are also described in the phylum Duplornaviricota. These data greatly expand the evolutionary history of mycoviruses adding new layers of diversity to the realm Riboviria.Potato virus Y (PVY) is a destructive plant pathogen that causes considerable losses to global potato and tobacco production. Although the molecular structure of PVY is well characterized, the evolutionary and global transmission dynamics of this virus remain poorly understood. We investigated the phylodynamics of the virus by analysing 253 nucleotide sequences of the genes encoding the third protein (P3), cylindrical inclusion protein (CI), and the nuclear inclusion protein (NIb). Our Bayesian phylogenetic analyses showed that the mean substitution rates of different regions of the genome ranged from 8.50 × 10-5 to 1.34 × 10-4 substitutions/site/year, whereas the time to the most recent common ancestor of PVY varied with the length of the genomic regions and with the number of viral isolates being analysed. Our phylogeographic analysis showed that the PVY population originated in South America and was introduced into Europe in the 19th century, from where it spread around the globe. The migration pathways of PVY correlate well with the trade routes of potato tubers, suggesting that the global spread of PVY is associated with human activities.